Super Study God

Chapter 2277: Even more enjoyable!

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Niu Fujiu was shocked and inexplicable, he could feel that this man was very strong, but he did not expect that he was so powerful and so powerful that he was banned. He didn’t even have the strength to struggle at all. He only grasped Suhang with his hands. The wrist like a vise, I want to break it apart, but to no avail, the hand seems to be to unscrew his neck!

Who is this guy, and why is it so terrifying, but he is a master of the big nine realm, how can he be as vulnerable as a chicken in his hand?

"Dare to repeat those words you just said?" Su Hang just put Niu Fu's fat body in the air, and the voice was very cold!

"Forgive, forgive..." Niu Fuji's body almost collapsed, almost exhausting all his energy before shouting, "I, I'm just kidding..."

"Joke?" Su Hang smiled, a glint of light flashed in his eyes, "Then am I kidding you?"

"Forgiveness, forgiveness!" Niu Fujiu was terrified. At this moment, there was no such arrogance as before, and the only thing was to pray for forgiveness!


Su Hang snorted, just like throwing a dead dog, and threw the cow directly on the ground.

"Cough cough..."

In an instant, it seemed to be liberated. From a young age to the first time, I felt once what was on the verge of death. It was terrifying!

The power returned to the body, Niu Fuji coughed for a long time while covering his neck, where is it like a strong man in the big nine realm!

No matter how strong the master is, in the face of absolute power, that is just a joke, let alone abuse!

For a long time, Niu Buer regained his breath and looked up at Su Hang in front of him, clenching his teeth, "You, how dare you... do you know who I"

"It seems that the second old man of the Niu family is not a leisurely person. Having a grandson like you is so indulgent and indulgent, so empty..." Su Hang blacked his face.

"You know my identity, and dare to do it to me, are you not afraid that my grandparents will trouble you?" Niu Buer's fat face showed a bit of ruthlessness. Obviously, the background identity gave him a lot of confidence. Since the memoirs, he has never seen anyone who doesn’t give his grandparents a face.

Su Hang heard the words and smiled, "Originally, I planned to pinch you to death now, but, after listening to this sentence, I changed my mind..."

"Haha..." Niu Fuji suddenly smiled, "Afraid, boy, offended me, you should wait for death. Of course, if you kneel down now and apologize to me, I can consider forgiving you!"

"Oh!" Su Hang also smiled, "I'm not afraid, but I suddenly felt that it might be more enjoyable to kill you in the face of your grandparents!"

"Ah?" Niu Fujiu said, the expression on his face froze a bit, and the original smile turned to be cruel. "A good boy who doesn't know the heights and heights, you wait for me. I hope you won't kneel by then. Please beg me on the ground!"

"Then you have to move faster, my waiting is limited, don't make me wait, otherwise, I will go to Niulan Mountain to take your own life!" Su Hang said lightly.

Niu Buer was furious, but he didn't dare to start with Su Hang. He could only point at Su Hang's stern remarks, "You wait for me, you look good!"

After finishing the talk, Su Hangdao said, "Isn't it too easy to leave like this? In case you don't return, I have to go to Niulan Mountain in person, it's too much trouble, or leave something! "


Niu Fujiu was shocked, his hair covered with cold hair, his heart was beating wildly, and as soon as he turned around, he saw a sword light crossed, and his head was cold, and the pain suddenly struck.


Blood screamed, Niu Fuji screamed, his hands covering his head, the severe pain almost made him dizzy.

The two long beards on his head had been cut off by Su Hang and caught in his hands.

Yin Wushang and others were also accidents. Originally, he thought that Naozi was just a decoration on his crown, but he didn't want to slash blood even when he cut it!


Stopping the blood, the pain was still severe, Niu Fuji looked up at Su Hang, his eyes blurred, almost dizzy.

"Oh, when is the beetle also a cow?" Su Hang looked at the two nearly two-meter-long whiskers in his hand, and laughed a little ridiculously, "Go away, the next second is you. 'S head!"

Niu Fujiu was terrified. The body was an emperor beetle. The two beards on his head were part of his body, and it was a very important part. Many of his natal miracles were in this beard Above, it was actually cut off by Su Hang.

There is no doubt that this person saw through his body at a glance and through his weaknesses. In front of this person, he was no different from a ants.

This place, such a terrifying existence, he didn't want to stay for a second. There was only one idea in his heart. He quickly fled back to Niulan Mountain and asked his grandparents to take his place!

Enduring severe pain, without saying a word, he turned and fled, and stumbled out of the inn.

"Big Brother, this time, you have to offend Niulanshan Elder!"

Yin Wuxing could not find anything to say at this moment. Su Hang was clearly offending people.

In the situation just now, he also wished to kill the Niu Fuer, but he knew that Niu Er's identity was not simple, and the Niu's elders couldn't be bothered. Su Hang let him go. He was originally relieved, after all, if Su Hang killed him on the spot, that is the deadlock, Niulanshan will never end!

Su Hang let him go, at least there is a solution in this game, but Yin Wu hurt never thought that the reason for Su Hang to leave is to let him go back to find the second elder Niu, in front of the second elder Niu Pack this up.


Yin Wuxing doesn't know what to He knows that Su Hang is now making great strides and is very strong, but is it really good to offend people everywhere and make enemies everywhere? Can it really handle it?

Today, his sister was molested, and he was also very angry. However, there is always a proper solution to this kind of thing. It is not the result that Yin Wucheng wants to see.

"You idiot, without that ability, what else can you succeed?" Yin Huan'er's voice came beside him.

Looking back, Gu Danfeng was lying in the corner, vomiting blood in his mouth, and he could not understand clearly. He had just received the Niu Fuyi, but it was not so good.

The palm of the Da Jiu realm, even if it has converged, is definitely not able to bear the so-called Gu Danfeng sophomore realm. The amulet hidden in the chest has been broken. That is the amulet given to him by his grandfather Guten. Able to fight against the big nine realm.

However, being able to resist is being able to resist, and how much is able to resist is a matter of harmony. Although the resistance to the cow is not enough, it has also suffered a lot of injuries.

Yin Huan'er supported him with one hand. Although his mouth was falling, his voice was crying, and there were tears in his mouth.

(=one second to remember)

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