Super Study God

Chapter 2273: The Lord's show!

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"Old shopkeeper, have something to say!" Yin Wuxing waved his hand to stop the old man. "We are not able to live, we just don't want to be the wronghead, a thousand cents a month, which is really too ridiculous. , You are driving up prices like this, is there no one in the city to control?"

"Oh!" The old man chuckled, still looking like you can't live with it. "It's not afraid to scare you out. This spring inn is the industry of Shaocheng's master Ye Wuji. Who dares to control it?" Even if ten thousand a day, no one dares to say anything!"

Hey, it's still the Ye family's industry. No wonder it's so arrogant!

"Brother Su, I think we should look elsewhere!" Xiao Yang said.

Su Hang nodded slightly, a thousand Cangyue coins, for him, he was a bull, but he was not a silly man!

"Old guy, it is reasonable for you to open a black shop, but I don't like your attitude. Don't let me meet you in the future. You must kill you!" Gu Danfeng threatened fiercely.

"Slow walking without delivery!"

The old man was not angry or scared, but only responded lightly. He was too lazy to look at everyone.

"Stay back!"

As soon as Su Hang and other talents turned around, they saw a 50- to 60-year-old man walking in from the door of the inn and called them!

This old man is dressed in luxurious style, heaven and earth and eight grades of realm, old and majestic. At first glance, it is the kind of powerful authority with identity.

"Ye Butler?"

When the old shopkeeper saw this person, he was shocked, and quickly came out from behind the counter, and greeted him with a flattering face, "How come you come, why don't you let me know in advance!"


The old man heard the word without saying a word, and slaps it straight out, pumping it on the old shopkeeper's face, pulling the old shopkeeper around for several times.

The old man was blinded instantly, a slap mark on his face, hot pain, looked up at the old man's black face, suddenly scared out of his body, fell to his knees with a puff.

"Ye Guanjia, what did the younger do wrong?" The old shopkeeper looked awkward. Why did he start playing as soon as he came up?

"Humph!" The old man sullen his face, frowned, and scolded, "Treasure Master Wu, can you be guilty?"

The old shopkeeper's face was pale, and he swallowed hard. "I don't know, please show me Master Ye Guanjia!"

"Huh!" The old man snorted again, "How did the young master command? Before and after, the small and medium-sized inns in the city, all the young master industries, are open to the participating monks free of charge. This old product turned out to be disrespectful and sat up on the floor, full of money..."

"Ye Guanjia, this...I..." The old shopkeeper was even more blinded. The pair didn't know what the old man was saying. He wanted to say something, but because of his fear, he couldn't say anything.

"Shut up!" the old man yelled, "I'm not going to get up, and arrange for these guests to go to the room!"

"Ah? Is that true, small conviction, small conviction!" The old shopkeeper froze for a moment, looked up at Su Hang and others, even if he had no eyesight, he still understood something at the moment, and quickly Get up and tremble to go behind the counter!

In this scene, even Su Hang and others looked dazed!

At this time, the old man came to Su Hang and others, arched his hand, and said, "Foreign guests, forgive me, the city's main palace has already ordered it. The Spring Inn is open to the monks participating in the Wanjie Conference free of charge, showing me 33 days. The demeanor of the first city, why these people do not have long eyes, arbitrarily priced, fooled and concealed, full of private money, disturbed everyone, I am sorry, they will be dealt with seriously later!"

"Oh!" At this time, Gu Danfeng chuckled. "It's time to deal with it. It's no wonder what kind of quality of your shopkeeper can attract guests. Don't spoil the reputation of the first city in the world!"

"Yes, the guests said yes!" The old man arched his hand. "Old Ye Tianding, the housekeeper of the foreign affairs of the city's main palace, you came from afar. Check to see if there is something similar, take a step first and say goodbye!"

After talking, the old man turned away without saying anything!

Until the old man went away, since they were still ignorant, Su Hang looked at each other and shook their heads.

"This city's palace is really painstaking!" Yin Wuxin smiled bitterly.

"Today I waited, but I was exposed to Brother Su's light!" Xiao Yang said.

Su Hang shook his head without saying a word, but Gu Danfeng had already ran to the counter and negotiated with the old shopkeeper again.

This time, the old shopkeeper completely changed his previous attitude. In the face of Gu Danfeng's ridicule and scolding, only Wei Nuo Nuo, with a smile on his face, was very attentive to arrange six rooms for Su Hang and others.

Let Xiao Er take the four people upstairs. The old shopkeeper wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and his hands were trembling slightly, as if he had just walked in front of the ghost gate!

"The shopkeeper, what's the reason for these people?" A small second, leaning in front of the old shopkeeper, asked curiously and cautiously.

The old shopkeeper let out a long sigh of relief, and touched his aching face. "Who knows, you didn't look at Ye Guan's face just now, I wish I could kill him, this is definitely something I can't offend..."

Xiao Er said, "Does it really make them live in vain? Do others live in vain?"

"Slap!" The old shopkeeper gave the second two a slap in the backhand. "You didn't hear what Ye Guanjia just said? Not only do these people live in vain, but those who come later must live in vain..."

Xiao Er covered her face, with an innocent expression, so I asked casually, what do you beat me for? You were beaten by the housekeeper, just beat me to find a balance?


In the room ~ ~ Yin Wudao said, "This Cangyue City Lord is really painstaking to please you!"

"Please me?" Su Hang shook his head. "Not necessarily, in his capacity, he doesn't need to please me, he just doesn't want to offend!"

"This method is brilliant!" Yin Wusheng said next to him, "Not only did he show you the good, but he didn't need to offend Chuangjie Mountain and the Lin family, if he investigates it, he can also say that this is the same for all contestants, and It’s not just for you, it’s the owner of the first city in thirty-three days. It’s such a trivial thing to play!

Gu Danfeng said, "Why don't we say that we can eat white and live in this Cangyue City? After so long, we haven't received such treatment!"

Yin Wuxin smiled bitterly, shook his head, and to be honest, he had never received such treatment, or strength determined everything. If it was not the strong strength shown by Su Hang before, could the city's main palace play like this?

At this time, the door was pushed open, and Xiao Yang walked in, holding a red post in his hand, "The invitation was sent by the main palace of the city, and let me go to the main palace to have a banquet, saying that the three of them can go together?"

(=one second to remember)

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