Super Study God

Chapter 2271: Cangyue City!

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Both Yin Wushang and Gu Danfeng twitched slightly. It seems that Su Hang has been complaining to Yin Tianfeng for a long time.

But I want to come too. This time, the Soviet Union went into the dirty world to practice. In the final analysis, Yin Tianfeng was still somewhat attentive. He just wanted the Soviet Air to win the World Assembly and the suzerainship. What will happen to the Soviet Air afterwards? Whether he will be filthy and not a horror, he has not thought about it, or said it, but he does not care.

Su Tian cannot see through this person, but one thing is certain. None of these long-established old guys is simple and easy. As long as they are humans, they have selfishness. Su Hang does not believe that Yin Tianfeng has the right to the suzerain. There will be no idea at all.

After all, Yin Tianfeng had been acting as suzerain for a while, but he was beaten down by others, and he would definitely be unwilling in his heart.

This is why Yin Tianfeng and Elder Sanxu stood on opposite sides and turned to support Su Hang instead of Lin Xuan. At the World Realm Conference, if Su Hang can win the title and the right of the suzerain will be defeated, the Sanxu will be defeated. .

At that time, Wuliang City, as the biggest supporter of Su Hang, will rise with no suspense. Afterwards, Su Hang will be ridden with filth and abandoned by destiny, and it will naturally be his turn to shine brightly!

Yin Tianfeng has never revealed such a thing, but anyone with a clear eye can know it, including Yin Wu hurt, and it can not be felt by Su Hang without a little awareness.

Yin Tianfeng is very good at self-protection, cherishes his wings very much, is good at judging the situation, knows when to take the initiative to attack, and when to converge. Once he feels that something is impossible, he will choose to give up the plot immediately and choose one instead. The best option for yourself.

This person was too complicated, and because Su Hang knew this, he violently abused him when he was compared with Yin Tianfeng last night. At that time, in front of many people, he didn't save his face.

On the one hand, he relieved his bad breath, on the other hand, it was also a reminder to let him retreat from difficulties and give up some unrealistic ideas.

Of course, Yin Tianfeng will retreat without difficulty. Su Hang is not clear. Perhaps he still hopes that Su Hang will be filthy, and he must not be relieved at that moment.

Su Hang didn't care too much. The filth was ridiculous and did not exist. For him, filth was just a pile of energy, and he was too little!

In the final analysis, they now have the same goal and the same enemy. At least before removing the old guys from Chuangjie Mountain, Yin Tianfeng will not tear his face with Su Hang, and after removing the old guys, Su Hang Don't think he has the courage to tear his face with himself!

An opponent like Yin Tianfeng is actually the easiest to deal with. As long as you show enough strength to crush him, he will no longer choose to be an enemy to you, and will even pretend to be friends with you!



Cangyue City, the main palace!

As the main palace of the first city of heaven, it is absolutely magnificent, magnificent, and carved beams. It is magnificent, and it is not comparable to other cities!

Originally, after being instructed by Chuangjie Mountain and the Lin family, Ye Tiannan chose to stand on the side of the Lin without hesitation. Now all the heroes are gathered in Cangyue City, and the sea election finals are about to open. The list of all top experts in 33 days , Has long been presented to his hand.

According to the instructions of Chuangjie Mountain, what he has to do is to clear the obstacles for Master Lin to the greatest extent. Today he ordered all the young masters on the list to be invited to the main palace. The purpose is very simple. It stands to reason that if it doesn't work, it can be lured if it can be lured, and it can be intimidated if it can't be lured.

In order to be foolproof, the Lin family even sent the second lord Lin, and never allowed the existence of detachment to enter the Chuangjie Mountain finals, threatening Master Lin.

There can only be one first, and the position of the suzerain can only belong to one person. The person chosen by them is Lin Xuan, the most outstanding descendant of the Lin family!

Originally there was almost no suspense in this matter, but I never imagined that I actually killed a Su Hang out and killed the second Lin family directly.

Even he himself was considered to have had a battle with the Soviet Air Force, but it was over before the war started. The Soviet Air Force was too strong to be controlled by him.

Therefore, when the plan of Chuangjie Mountain was carried out, Ye Tiannan wandered. The strength shown by Su Hang exceeded his imagination, which made him wonder whether the station he chose was correct.

If Su Hang climbs to Chuangjie Mountain, does Chuangjie Mountain still have the strength to suppress it? Master Lin Shao still has the confidence to win him.

What's more, there are so many young masters in this conference. What level can Master Lin reach after he has practiced in the illusory world?

When he went in, the Sixth Avenue of Dajing Realm, even if it was used for 100 billion a year, could it be repaired to any level?

Big eight, big nine?

With Lin Xuan's talents, the big eight is basically not a big problem. After all, it is not difficult to rush into the realm of two products in one hundred billion years, but the impact of the big nine will hang, even if it hits the big nine, but the big Nine realms also have this distinction.

Some veteran masters of Da Jiu, like Yang Mei's real life, although not in the realm of the realm of the realm, but also not far from the realm of the realm of the realm, do not know how long to live, the depth of skill is beyond imagination, the ordinary realm of the big nine, In front of this type of existence, it is quite unsightly.

After Lin Xuan came out of the Unreal Can he ride in the realm of Da Jiu? As far as now, Ye Tiannan has been able to guarantee that there will be other big nine masters in the decisive battle. In such a torrent, can Lin Xuan stand still?

Ye Tiannan dare not guarantee that, from the various actions of the Lin family in Chuangjie Mountain, it just shows that they have insufficient energy, and if they have enough energy, it is impossible to find ways to do things in the sea!

Before that, he had always determined that Lin Xuan would definitely be the first. However, after meeting Su Hang today, Ye Tiannan was very suspicious of his choice and even admired Yin Tianfeng's vision.

Now, he has almost given up this trip of muddy water. For him, the most important thing is that the suzerain's meaning is uncertain.

The Sect Master Cangtian has been missing for so many years, and no one knows where he went. There have been rumors in the workshop. Before the Sect Master left, he had explained some things to the super elders in Chuangjie Mountain. This Su Hang seems to be chosen by Sect Master Cangtian One of the seeds, as to why the Soviet Union was chosen, no one can know, anyway, there are all kinds of rumors!

One thing is for sure, now that this seed is growing up, to participate in the competition of the suzerain, the attitude of the suzerain is very important!

(=one second to remember)

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