Super Study God

Chapter 2268: Not arrogant, but confident!

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Su Hang chuckled and shook his head, "It doesn't matter to me whether you say it or not, even if you don't say it, do you think his Lin family can't find it? Since I dare to kill him, I'm not afraid of his Lin family Investigate, as for you? Although you are rich in Cangyue City, there is nothing I can admire."

Ye Wuji heard the words, and his face was even more frightened. "Here is only a hundred miles from Cangyue City. Even if there is magical power to isolate the space, but there is such a big movement, my father can't notice it..."

"That's right, I solved it all together." Su Hang directly interrupted him. "Is there any problem?"

Ye Wuji was terrified. He regretted that he was going to die. He knew that he shouldn't come here and wander around. Who would have thought that following a super master like Lin Er's master, he could still shake off his life?

The young city owner, who is the first city in the heavens, died in such a small place in the backcountry. How much wealth and power have not been enjoyed?

"Huh, a big tone."

At this time, slammed and burst from the air.


Ye Wuji heard the sound, suddenly ecstatic, turned his head to look, and saw a middle-aged man ripped through the void, and instantly came to stand in front of him.

Wearing a blue robe, wearing a tall hair crown, a bazaar, and a goatee, he looked forty or fifty years old, with a sharp face and a majestic look. At first glance, he was the kind of person who stayed in high places all the year round.

Yin Wushang's face suddenly changed when he saw this person.

Ye Tiannan, the master of Cangyue City, controls the first city in the world. The entire quiet day can be counted as this person's sphere of influence. Its status is definitely not under the super elders of Daozong.

Really alarmed him, this time...

Yin Wushang and others were all trembling in their hearts. Su Hang killed the second Lin family and was smashed by Ye Tiannan. Su Hang never had a good life, and things were completely beyond control.

"You are Ye Tiannan?" Su Hang looked up and down at the middle-aged man in front of him.

A scan of the Xueshen system naturally made this person's identity clear.

Ye Tiannan heard the words, and the expression on his face was black, "Young people, you are too presumptuous."

Su Hang heard that the corner of his mouth was slightly bent. "The man named Lin Hai just said so, but unfortunately, he is dead."

"You killed Lin Hai?" Ye Tiannan's face was very dignified.

He and the second prince of the Lin family are also old acquaintances. Naturally, their strength is quite clear. Although the old man of Lin Hai only has eight avenues in the avenue, but relying on the secret law of the Lin family, saying that the strength of the nine princes is not exaggerated, even if it is changed It was Ye Ye who wanted to kill Lin Hai, but he was afraid that it would take some effort, and this young man could actually kill him?

You should know that the strong players in Dadao Realm are almost indestructible. Unless they are crushed by absolute strength, it is very difficult to kill the other party cleanly.

Ye Tiannan had noticed that when he arrived here, there was no longer Lin Hai's breath. The man was dead and left no mark.

Su Hang heard the words and smiled softly, "He should be damn, so I killed him, and the same **** is your son. There are thousands of lives in Taiping Town, but they cannot be blamed on them in vain."


Ye Wuji patted his **** and stood up, as if he had found his dependence. "He is Su Hang, the Su Hang that Elder Sanxu is looking for."

Ye Tiannan heard the words, frowned slightly, and looked at Su Hang. He seemed a little surprised. For a long time, he said, "I can't think of you growing so fast. It really has some skill. You are now killing Lin Hai. Daoyou, who has forged a hatred with the Lin family, Su Hang, I am afraid that the Yin family can’t guarantee it, and they dare not protect you..."

Su Hang shook his head. "Did you not understand me? I said, I will kill your son. If you have no opinion, then I will start."

"Daddy..." Ye Wuji was shocked and stunned, hiding behind Ye Tiannan.

"Useless things." Ye Tiannan scolded Ye Wuji, as if Ye Wuji had scolded the yellow-black tiger.

"Su Hang." Ye Tiannan looked at Su Hang calmly. "If you want to kill, you can do it without worrying about me."


Everyone was stunned.

Su Hang also froze for a moment and couldn't help laughing, "Are you such a dad? Someone is going to kill your son, do you even say anything?"

Ye Tiannan said, "He should have taken responsibility for himself if he committed a crime, and he should have been killed.

Ruthless, this man is cruel.

"Don't think this trick will work for me. I won't eat yours." Su Hang shook his head and looked at Ye Wuji. "It seems that you have to die."

"No, dad!"

Ye Wuji exclaimed. He didn't know whether his dad really didn't save him or not. He was very panic at this moment. If his dad didn't shoot, he could be sure that he had only one way to die.

Su Hang gently lifted the big fairy stick, struggling to fight.

Ye Wuji is already pale.

At this time, Ye Tiannan said, "If you think clearly, if you hit this stick, you will not only offend a Lin family, but also my Cangyue City, the super elders in Chuangjie Mountain, there will be very legitimate reasons, Before the Wanjie Conference, you will kill you, even if you can hide, don’t even want to participate in the Wanjie Conference of Chuangjie Mountain..."

After a pause, Ye Tiannan glanced at the people behind Su Hang. "Not only will you lose your qualifications, but others will also lose your qualifications."

Yin Wuxing looked at each other face-to-face. Ye Tiannan's remarks undoubtedly reminded them that today's events are beyond control. If someone makes a fuss about this, they may really lose their qualifications.


However, Su Hang laughed when he heard this.

"What are you laughing at?" Ye Tiannan frowned.

Su Hang finally caught up with laughter, "I just think it's ridiculous, people kill me, it has nothing to do with other people, and I want to participate in this World Congress, I don't want to participate if I don't want to participate, only I refuse it, it refuses me without it Reason."

Ye Tiannan heard the words, with a black expression on his face, "Young people, you are too arrogant..."

The corner of Su Hang's mouth slightly curved, "It's not arrogance, it's self-confidence. I can tell you clearly now, who dare not let me participate in the World Assembly, I will kill him with a stick!"


As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked. Ye Tiannan also shrank his pupils. This kid was no longer simply arrogant. This kind of words could be said, and it was almost arrogant.

Do you treat everyone in the world as air? If you want to participate, you can participate. Whoever dares to stop you will kill you?

(=one second to remember)

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