Super Study God

Chapter 2260: 1 move, win!

It seems that I have to react to my dad, otherwise let this guy continue to play tricks, maybe something will happen, if the reputation of the infinite city is damaged, it is definitely worth the loss!


At this moment, the surrounding stands suddenly boiled, and then there was a burst of exclamation.

"Oh, Xiao Yang in Tianyin Realm didn't know what technique he used, but he saw his notes circling, and there was a burst of background music. Wow, this music is really bloody!"

"He made a move, Xiao Yang turned into a giant palm with notes, and shot directly towards Qin Lan Young Master..."

"Qin Lan's lips shook gently, as if somewhat disdainful. In the battle three days ago, Qin Lan exerted the strength of the seventh realm. It seemed that Xiao Yang's attack was not in his eyes! "

"Look, Qin Lan made a move. He even used a fleshy palm to fight. Hey, a good Qin Lan. It seems that he is really very confident!"

"Look, look, the two met, Qin Lan Shaoxia, Qin Lan Shaoxia, he was shot into the soil!"

"Oh, young man Qin Lan seems to be in poor condition, the referee is checking the situation..."

"Okay, in the seventh venue, the winners and losers have been divided, and Xiao Yangsheng won the top five!

Yin Wu hurt recovered, and only heard the old seniors who were commenting on the two courts on the sidelines.

Looking into that scene, the expression on his face froze instantly.

I saw that in the venue No. 7, Xiao Yang stood proudly, with a flute on his back, and opposite him, Qin Lan was lying on the ground and was picked up by two referees. Flattened, blood covered his face.

The whole person was half confused, and everyone around was also a moment of stunnedness. This competition was just beginning. They had expected Xiao Yangneng and Qin Lan to fight, but they didn’t want to finish it in one move. Not even hands-on yet!

Spike, Qin Lan was killed by Spike!

In this scene, I don't know how many people are stimulated. Those who bought Qin Lan to win, I'm afraid I have to think about going to the rooftop now!

"Xiao Yang, Xiao Yang..."

After a moment of shock, thunderstorms shouted around them, and the female monks were almost crazy!

Not only is the person handsome, temperamental, and martial arts high, but he is also so chic, how can there be such a perfect person in the world? Some female fans cried when they were excited, and they all dared to rush up and plunge into Xiao Yang's arms!

However, Xiao Yang was indifferent, as if everything around him could not shake his mind, he only arched his hand at the injured Qin Lan, said sorry, and turned straight away.

"Send, what happened?"

At this time, Gu Danfeng was stupid, and he had not been able to recover for a long time.

Yin Huan'er withdrew her hot eyes and looked back at Gu Danfeng, a little bit more disgusted, "Don't you say that he can beat Qin Lan to qualify for a match with you? Now they have won!"

Gu Danfeng heard the words, his skin twitched slightly, but was speechless.

"Humph, it's stupid to lift a stone and hit my feet!" Yin Huan'er scolded Gu Danfeng and turned away.

"Why woman, where are you going?" Gu Danfeng quickly scolded when he saw Yin Huan'er leaving.

"Want you to control me? Take care of yourself, bitch!" Yin Huan'er said unkindly and responded.

"Made, you must find that little white face, you stop me!" Just looking at Yin Huan's hot expression, Gu Danfeng knew what she was thinking, and she must have been guilty of an old illness, and wanted to find Xiao Yang to hook up, Gu Dan How can Feng endure?

However, where Yin Huan'er would serve Gu Danfeng's discipline, there were more men she had seen. Which one was not better than Gu Danfeng?

Gu Danfeng was anxious and quickly chased out!

"Ah!" Watching the two leave, Yin Yuer and Yin Wucheng shook their heads, very helpless, this pair of sister-in-law, really a headache, but this is after all a family affair of the two, they are not easy to interfere.

"This Xiao Yang, it's really unusual!" Yin Wu said for a long time.

Yin Yu'er nodded slightly, "Qin Lan now has the seventh realm, he can kill it in a single blow, and he obviously has the spare power. This Xiao Yang is afraid to be at least in the eighth realm!"

"If this is put before, who can believe in this world, and this young master?" Yin Wuxin smiled bitterly.

Once, Lin Xuan was only a senior realm, and he was already known as the top genius in the realm, but he didn't want to. Now, when the seventh realm is put into the sea election field, it is only eliminated.

The major forces, for this event, really have their own unique skills. Various strengths have soared. I don’t know how many pervert masters have been created in a short time.

"I think this man's tactics are really weird. I have never seen anyone fight with music like this. Didn't Big Brother have friends with this person? Can you understand this person?" Yin Yuer asked.

Yin Wuzhen shook his head, "Although there are friends, this person has kept a tight mouth on the identity of the origin, and refused to disclose half of the points. I asked my father, but I was warned by his old man, so I dare not ask again, I think, this People should be related to a big man in heaven!"

"It can make our father dread, then the person behind him is really good!" Yin Yu'er said.

"Otherwise, how can we train such a powerful younger generation!" Yin Wuxin smiled and shook his head. "My skills are far worse than him. I'm afraid that only the elder brother can fight him!" "

After seeing the battle just now, it seems that only Wu Hang can think of it that is comparable to Xiao Yang. As for the weaker one, as for the weaker one, Yin Wucheng would not dare to judge.

It is also a master of the seventh realm of the battle, and it is also a spike, but this Xiao Yang seems to be more chic than when the Soviet airlines played Zhang Tianling that day.

"Su Hang?" Yin Yu'er paused. "He should have arrived in heaven? Where is he now? I asked my father, but he didn't tell me!"

"This..." Yin Wuzheng was stagnant!

Yin Yuer saw that Yin Wu's face was different, and he was amazed for a moment, and then he felt tight in his heart, "Brother, but what is hiding from me? Where is Brother Su now? You must know right?"

Yin Wushang was a little embarrassed. He knew why his dad wanted to hide the whereabouts of Su Hang. After all, the dirty world was not a good place to let Yin Yuer know, maybe he would make a noise with him.

After being asked by Yin Yu'er, Yin Wu hurt was a bit troubled. Hesitated for a long time, and said the truth, "Dad and Gu Teng Lao Xian, let the elder brother go to the Wuji Prosperity Realm!"

"Wujiji Realm? Where is that?" Yin Yu'er was a little stunned and obviously hadn't heard of it!

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