Super Study God

Chapter 2241: Acting Wu Tower!

Yin has no discoloration.

"Okay, Yin Tianfeng, I remember." Zhang Tianling gritted his teeth and glared at Yin Tianfeng, let out a cruel remark, turned and walked away.

"Stop, let you go?"

At this time, a voice came from behind, Zhang Tianling stopped and looked back, but saw Su Hang looking at him coldly.

He thought Yin Tianfeng called him, but he didn't want to be Su Hang. Zhang Tianling didn't understand it at all. You should feel fortunate to see me leave. You dare to stop me, and still have such a tone, right? crazy?

Yin Wufeng and Zhang Wufeng were also surprised, and even Yin Tianfeng was surprised.

Zhang Tianling's momentum suddenly bloomed, and the momentum of Dapinqi Qipin instantly pressed against Suhang.

"Boy, are you looking for death?" Zhang Tianling gritted his teeth, and today he came to ask about sin. He didn't ask about sin. After eating a stomach, he was so scorned by a younger boy at the end.

Faced with Zhang Tianling's terrifying momentum, Su Hang didn't change his face and said, "What's the reason that you have just torn the credentials?"

What makes sense? Lai account chant? Is this still a question?

Zhang Tianling's face was so dark that he was going to drip ink. "Boy, who allows you to talk to me in this tone?"

Su Hang said lightly, "I ask you, why did you tear up the documents?"

Zhang Tianling glared at Su Hang imposingly, "Then tell me why?"

When he said this, Zhang Tianling shook his fist, and his eyes shot out with infinite killing intent. It seemed that he wanted to kill the boy who dared offend him.

Su Hangdao, "Since ancient times, debts have been repaid, it is justified that you are so blatantly lazy, are you afraid of being ridiculed?"

"Ridiculous!" Zhang Tianling sneered. "What are you, dare to blame the deity? Believe it or not, the deity destroyed you!"

"Oh!" Su Hang smiled. "I don't know where you came from. I don't want to hand over the Wushen Altar today. It's a bad thing!"

"Oh, ha ha, ha ha ha..." Su Hang's voice fell, Zhang Tianling froze for three seconds, then just like hearing the world's most laughable joke, suddenly ha ha laughed.

After a while, it stopped, Zhang Tianling said, "It seems that Zongmen said you are a rebel, not for no reason, boy, do you want the Temple of War, if you can take my three axe, Temple of War What about giving you!"

This was really arrogant, and he didn’t even take Suhang in his eyes at all. Although he could see the realm of Suhang, the sixth grade of Dadao Realm, but compared with the realm of his seventh grade, it was completely in the sky. , One on the ground.

The gap of one grade is enough for him to crush him. Zhang Tianling doesn't doubt at all, this kid can't stand his axe.

Originally, Zhang Tianling thought that Suhang would be frightened by himself, but he didn't want to. This kid didn't mean to be afraid at all.

"But you said it yourself. Everyone can testify. If you deny it afterwards, how will you deal with it?" Su Hang asked.

"Is the deity a kind of unbelievable person?" Zhang Tianling snorted coldly, but this remark made people feel ashamed. You can just tear up the data just now, and say that you are not a person without words and unbelief.

"Yin Tianfeng, a younger brother, is present to testify today. The deity said that he could do it. As long as you can take my three axe, the martial arts altar will lend you, but if you can't take it, don't blame the deity!" Zhang Tianling's face appeared A sneer, a glimmer of cold eyes, "Just killing you, and find some elders by the way!"

Just in case, Zhang Tianling did not fill up the words, but said, borrowed, and did not say send!

Su Hang looked back at Yin Tianfeng, "Senior, can this letter be believed?"

Yin Tianfeng frowned lightly, "He has the realm of Dadao Realm Seven Grades. Among the ranks of Dadao Realm Seven Grades, the combat power is considered to be upstream. Are you sure you can take his three axes?"

"Unable to connect, only know after trying!" Su Hang said directly.

Yin Tianfeng paused, "Well, I am here, I am not afraid of his words!"

Speaking of this, Yin Tianfeng looked at Zhang Tianling, "Brother Zhang, if he takes your three axe, please also honor your promise, otherwise, Yin Mou will not let you out of my gate!"

"Humph!" Zhang Tianling just responded with a cold hum, Yin Tianfeng's tone made him uncomfortable.

Su Hang suddenly collided with Zhang Tianling, and Yin Tianfeng did not expect it, but he also just wanted to test the strength of Su Hang and explore the bottom of Su Hang.

There is almost no doubt that there will be a strongman of Seven Grades in Dadao Realm at the Wanjie Conference. If Su Hang is at this time, even Zhang Tianling’s three axes can’t be picked up, then even if he helps improve his skills, he wants to be promoted at the conference. Raise, also dangling!

It's best to get it, but it won't. If he is here, Zhang Tianling will not kill Su Hang.

"Perform the Wu Tower!" Yin Tianfeng said directly, then got up and left the hall with everyone.



Yanwu Tower is a landmark of Wuliang City. Standing behind Wuliang Palace, the octagonal giant tower has a total of ninety-nine floors and towers into the sky.

The tower itself is a superb Tao weapon, but this weapon has no other use, it is a venue for practicing martial arts.

However, this venue can accommodate more and stronger presence in any of them.

From the bottom of the tower to the top of the tower, there are a total of ninety-nine floors, from Wusheng Yipin to Dadao Realm Nine Pins. There are eleven big realms and ninety-nine small realms, all of which have a place in this tower.

At the moment, among the two Su Hang and Zhang Tianling who are going to fight, Zhang Tianling has a higher realm, and there are seven avenues in Dadao Realm, so the battlefield is on the 97th floor!

Here, it is enough to accommodate the battle of the seventh-grade realm of Dadao As for the upper two floors, only Yin Tianfeng and his wife Chen Wenna will use it when practicing.

In this tower, the space above the 81st floor is already very large. The more you go up, the bigger the space is. It is like a small world. Only in this way can you accommodate stronger strongmen.

The ground is made of a stone that does not know what material it is, and can withstand the attack of the avenue, even if it is damaged, it can repair itself.

The entirety-seventh floor is empty, I don’t know how vast it is. There is only a rest area next to it, which has some tables and chairs. Yin Tianfeng and others casually found a seat in the rest area and sat down. A little fruit.

It was like a good show, and two barrels of popcorn were missing.

"What are you waiting for, let's start!" Yin Tianfeng shouted to Su Hang and Zhang Tianling, who were opposite each other in the venue.

Su Hang looked up and looked at Zhang Tianling, "Zhen Zhenren, let's go, see if I can hold your three axe."

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