Super Study God

Chapter 2093: Enrolled heaven!

"Master Yin, please advise!" Su Hang said directly, with a courteous look, but he took note of this matter in his heart, and he would have the opportunity to see this fellow in the future. .

"Humph!" Yin Wushang chuckled, and said, "The Daozong Sect is the most powerful force in the heavenly realm. The Sect Master Daotian is a real person, but the master of the Celestial Realm, my father's master, and my grandfather..."

Looking at the look of Yin Wushang's blunder, Su Hang's expression on his face was black, and he quickly interrupted, saying, "Master Yin, can we tell something practical?"

"Humph!" Yin Wu hurt snorted again, "I said this, not to tell you, how awesome I am, just to let you know that offended me, I can let you..."

"Young Master Yin, focus, your dad didn't let you say this!" Su Hang interrupted again, and Yin Tianfeng next to him was also black-faced at this time, apparently feeling that his son had embarrassed him!

Yin Wushang heard the words, his face slightly twitched, and apparently felt a bit pretended to fail, busy and said, "The Heaven Realm is mastered by the Daozong Sect. Daozong Zong has written rules, no matter which one has The birth of the powerful Dadao Realm, including the monks of the lower realm breaking the road, must go to Chuangjie Mountain to report and register as a natural world, in order to be recognized by the realm..."

Having said that for a long time, finally when it came to the point, Suhang felt tired, and talking to this guy was really too much effort!

"It's okay to admit it or not? It's okay to be those Dadao realm monks who haven't entered Tianjie. Can Dadao Zong directly erase him?" Su Hang asked directly.

Special code I use my ability to break the road, why must I get your Daozong's recognition?

Yin Wu hurt and proudly threw his chin up, "You are right, the Daojiao monk who didn't have the Tianjie citizenship is for the black household, Zong Men will notify him several times, if he is not naturalized, he will receive the Zong Although the compulsory treatment of the door can not be said to be directly obliterated, it is always necessary to educate them first. If you do not listen to it repeatedly, it will not necessarily be obliterated!"

Su Hang listened, his face blackened, "It's too domineering too!"

At this time, Yin Tianfeng said, "The so-called irregularity does not make a circle. If these powerful existences are not well regulated and chaos arises, who will be responsible? The emperor Wa’s breaking the road has already alarmed the upper realm, and the emperor Wa’s late Reluctant to go to Chuangjie Mountain to become a natural world, some people in Zongmen are already talking about it. Fortunately, I happened to be in Zongmen today. By the way, I took the errand. Otherwise, I changed to other people. I am afraid that I have not spoken so well!"

Nüwa listened and said, "Nuwa, how can He De, be able to disturb the upper realm, can the envoy go back and say to Zongmen that it would be nice if Nüwa does not exist?"

Yin Tianfeng heard the words and frowned lightly. Obviously this feeling of rejection was not good.

Yin Tianfeng, but the realm of heaven, turned out to be only for the purpose of attracting Nu Wa, and also called the Emperor Wa, Su Hang could not help but look at Nu Wa a bit.

However, this person, Yin Tianfeng, could not be annoyed. Nu Wa didn't know his identity, and thought that it existed similar to those of the two guardians. There was already some offense between the words, which caused Yin Tianfeng to be uncomfortable. Su Hangke This fire cannot be reduced.

At the moment, Su Hang quickly opened the topic and asked, "Isn't it a good idea to be a Celestial Member?"

Yin Tianfeng glanced at Su Hang and didn’t want to say more. Yin didn’t hurt. “That’s a lot of benefits. If you’re a celestial, you’re under the control of the Daozong sect. Not only does Zongmen help you to see the original sin, but also Salou gives you. Resources can also be used by you. More importantly, with the permission of the sect, you can open up a world in the chaotic wasteland, create a new world, and become the master of a world. Anyway, there are many thieves and Daozong. So far, there is no strong man in the Dadao realm who is unwilling to become a naturalized citizen."

"If my girl Nuwa goes to heaven with you for naturalization, can you guarantee the safety of my girl Nuwa?" Su Hang looked at Yin Tianfeng.

Yin Tianfeng heard this, but smiled, "Boy, you still have to worry about your own safety, you can't protect yourself, and you care about others!"

Obviously, Yin Tianfeng of this era already knew Su Hang, and when he reached this level, he knew the past and the future, and it was not difficult.

Su Hang did not answer, but wanted to take Nu Wa away, it must be guaranteed her safety. If a new person came today, Su Hang would not let Nu Wa go to heaven if he tried hard.

But Yin Tianfeng was different. At first, Su Hang did nothing. Secondly, the Yin family and his Su Hang were interested. If Yin Tianfeng could nod his head, he could safely let Nu Wa go.

Yin Tianfeng paused and said, "Well, I will answer you. With me in, no one in heaven can hurt her!"

Su Hang heard that when she looked at Nu Wa, Yin Wuxing had previously dismissed the smallpox of the benefits of naturalization in Tianjie, which made Su Hang feel a little moved. Now Yin Tianfeng said that it would guarantee Nuwa’s safety, but this kind of thing, Obviously, Nvwa still wanted to come up with her own idea.

Everyone's eyes focused on Nu Wa. Nu Wa hesitated and said, "If I go, can I come back?"

This is really a problem for Nu Wa. After all, she still has an older brother in Xuanhuang Realm. If she can't come back, wouldn't she be separated from her brother from now on? This is unacceptable to her.

Fu Xi also looked at Yin Tianfeng dumbfounded. Should this group of people get her sister away, wouldn't she be allowed to come back again?

At this Yin Tianfeng said, "He who entered the Celestial Realm is the Celestial Monk. The Xuanhuang Realm is the world of the Xuanhuang Realm. The Celestial Realm and other monks in various realms, of course, without permission, of course It is impossible to break into without authorization, and once found, it will be severely punished, which is the same in other circles!"

"Then I won't go!" Before Yin Tianfeng had finished speaking, Nu Wa had given a word!

Yin Tianfeng listened, and the expression on his face was not very good-looking, "Are you finally detached, what are you doing in this world? Leaving the Xuanhuang Realm and creating a world in the chaotic wilderness, nobody can press you anymore, nobody What's wrong with being able to trap you again? Does it make sense to fight against the heavens with your own strength?"

Nu Wa heard the words and looked at Fu Xi, "Brother is still here!"

Yin Tianfeng glanced at Fu Xi, his face full of helplessness, and even a little crying and laughing, "You care about this? Fu Xi has been delisted on the Xuanhuang Boundary Stele. Now he is a stateless man. After you create a realm and become a Realm Master, You take him to your world, wouldn't it be good to enter your country?"

"Huh?" Su Hang froze for a moment, looking at Yin Tianfeng, can there be such an operation?

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