Super Study God

Chapter 2037: 1 group of scum!

The eyes of Tyrannosaurus Rex shrank suddenly, and it was clear that the black snake's words made him angry.

The Black Snake didn’t care about him, and said directly, “You’re right. Perhaps, the master of this era is your dreadful beast family. With good luck, you can despise everything, but you want to single out us Boss, I’m just afraid that you are shaking the tree, and the helper that the old turtle alone invited, I’m afraid you’re no match.”


Su Hang heard this, and the whole person was messed up in the wind. I'm standing here completely motionless, who provokes anyone? Why do you draw fire to me?

At this moment, Su Hang really had the urge to pin this black snake to death.

The words of the black snake soon came into play, and the eyes of the T. rex monster quickly fell on Fuxi Nuwa next to the old turtle.

"Why? You two brothers and sisters must also fight against me?" Tyrannosaurus roared with a deep voice.

The majestic voice, like thunder, shook people's hearts.

The two brothers and sisters were fixed, and they pointed to the left, and it was Su Hang that stood on their left.

Damn, Su Hang's forehead is covered with black lines, and these two brothers and sisters are too guilty, this is to deliberately find things for themselves.

Everyone around was speechless and looked at this scene with a smile on their faces. They were very happy to see such a scene. The strength of the Dragon Demon is not the strongest among them, but this fellow has a lot of luck. .

After all, this era is the world of the demon clan, and to be precise, he is the master of the dread beast family. The dragon demon is the ancestor of the dread beast family. The same existence, with the atmosphere transported in it.

Really want to fight, not necessarily no one can beat him, but the price paid can be great, maybe he will bear the upper body of great karma, so all the demon ancestors present on the scene must be afraid of the dragon demon.

But at this time, if someone can stand up and solve this trouble, then they are all very happy.

And, for the strange "demon" Suhang, they can't see the depth. Since the old turtle said that he is very strong, then just let the dragon demon come to try his depth.

This is exactly a double benefit, all the monsters on the mountain are faintly looking forward at the moment.

Following the direction of Fuxi Nuwa's fingers, the Dragon Demon King finally noticed Su Hang. The tiny body, in the eyes of the Dragon Demon King, was just a grain of dust.

"Oh, weird guys aren't enough to stuff my teeth, oh, yuck!"

The Dragon Demon looked at Su Hang with contempt, and even felt uneasy, he spit at Su Hang with a spit.

The spit, like a storm, fell from the sky, and covered the entire open space on the top of the mountain.

The demon was startled, and did not expect the Dragon Demon to be so low. He quickly scolded and flew up, including Nuwa and Fuxi, all scattered and escaped.

It was saliva, sputum, no matter who it was, it was uncomfortable to get on it.


The dragon demon laughed with joy, all tyrants on this mountain, and wanted to grab treasure with himself, even he could not resist a slobber, don't you think it's ridiculous?

What a scum!

The dragon demon smiled wildly. He liked this feeling very much. The dread beast family is the master of this world. As the ancestor of the dread beast family, he should be the king of this world. The guys in front of him are all Should surrender to his feet...


Halfway through the laugh, the laughter came to an abrupt end, and the Dragon Demon's eyes became cold again, because he found that all the old demon had escaped, but there was one guy who did not.

It was the strange-looking guy that Montenegro just said.

Su Hang still stood in the same place, but the overwhelming spit rain did not touch him.

But at this time, the expression on Su Hang's face was quite cold, "Dude, spitting everywhere, there is no sense of virtue, hasn't your mother taught you?"

The Dragon Demon King heard his words, frowning, "Bold, what are you, dare to talk to this King like this."

Su Hang looked up and looked coldly at the arrogant beast in front of him, "Give you a chance to take back what you just said and apologize to me."


The demon watching nearby were a little surprised when they heard Su Hang’s words, and asked the Dragon Demon to apologize to him. Isn’t this a fantasy?

What kind of temper the dragon demon king is, the demon are very clear, can not help but arrogant, and conceited, simply look down on any other demon clan, he has only been bullying other demon class, never heard of the dragon demon apology to any existence.

There is no doubt that all the demon believe that Su Hang's words are fueling the fire. When he said this, he never thought he would get an apology from the other party. He just wanted to use the question to play and find an excuse to teach the other party.

One person and one animal confronted each other across the sky, and the atmosphere was tense to the limit. Nu Wa and Fu Xi were watching from afar. At this time, their hearts were also quite nervous, but there was some expectation in the tension.

They didn't know Su Hang very soon, they didn't know the details of Su Hang, and they didn't even know that Su Hang was an enemy or a friend, but after all, it was all the way, but they didn't know if he could beat the Dragon Demon King. Should people help each other?

"Humph, to death!"

The atmosphere solidified to the peak and finally broke out. The dragon demon snorted coldly, his short front claws were raised directly high, and he smashed to Suhang with a loud bang.


This claw shot was strong and the ground was shocked. The whole Zhongshan was shot down by nearly half. The trees fell into slag. The unknown monsters in the forest didn't know how many lurking monsters, and they turned into ashes in an instant.

Heaven's palm, what kind of power is that, when the dragon demon withdrew his claws and was nearly half the top of Zhongshan Mountain, there was only a huge paw print, and the entire mountaintop was directly flattened~www.wuxiaspot .com~ The huge power has caused the ground at the foot of Zhongshan to be implicated, tearing out countless cracks, like a cobweb, spreading in all directions, and I don’t know where the crack is going.

"Humph, ants." The Dragon Demon looked at the top of the mountain flattened by himself and sneered disdainfully.

He did not see Su Hang avoiding it, nor did he believe that Su Hang could escape under his own claws.

"Dirty animal, is it fun?"

However, just as the dragon demon was smug, a voice came from above his head.

The Dragon Demon was shocked and suddenly looked up, but there was no one above the head, no one was there.

"Xiaolong Zizi, on your head." A reminder came from a distance, but it was Montenegro.


The Dragon Demon King heard the words, and his heart twitched. At this moment, a figure stood above his head. It was Su Hang.

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