Super Study God

Chapter 2014: No morals!

Huang Fei didn't dare to resist at all. He was kicked by Shuaiyu, climbed back quickly, and humbly lay on the ground, waiting for Shuaiyu to vent.

For him, as long as he can get the forgiveness of the existence, even if he is killed by this fat man, it is worth it, so that at least it will not involve the Huang family and become the sinner of the entire family.

"Aren't you flying in a flying way? Are you flying for me?" Shuai Yu scolded, and then kicked Huang Fei to the ground with a foot, and then the whole person pressed it up. Fists and kicks, like a shrew.

Everyone around me couldn't help but twitched and felt pain, but no one dared to stand up and stop, including Deng Wentao, who could only watch, compared to his life, but was beaten, which was already unfortunate for Huang Fei. Fortunately.

Letting Shuai Yu kick and kick, Huang Fei did not dare to fight back at all, and could only take the initiative to move forward to let Shuai Yu vent.

"What's your special, get up and fight me again!" After a long fight, Shuai Yu seemed tired, and began to yell and prepare to rest for a while before continuing to fight.

The onlookers in the hall really thought about their insights. This is the power and status. The other party didn't do anything. It was like the Huang family and four young people. It was like this.

This legendary source of energy technology is the helm, said to have a deep background, and now it seems that it is not false.

A pair of eyes looked at Su Hang, they couldn't help but be full of awe!

Huang Fei has a swollen nose and a swollen face, and Shuai Yu doesn't want to let him go like this. This product is very vengeful, and there is a strong force in his bones.

After the rest was enough, Shuaiyu stopped scolding and rushed to Huang Fei's body again, wrestling for a while.


At this time, Huang Fei seemed to be beaten, a little unbearable, quickly stopped breathlessly and raised his right hand high.

Shuaiyu froze for a moment, then spit out, "What's so special, dare to resist?"

"Five million!" Huang Fei raised his right hand, separated his fingers, and shouted quickly.

"What?" Shuaiyu stared at Huang Fei's five fingers, stunned for a while.

Huang Fei snotted and burst into tears, gasping vigorously, "Brother, don't fight, I was wrong, I pleaded guilty, I am willing to compensate you, five million, is it enough?"

Hearing Huang Fei's words, Shuai Yu's face completely changed, "Five million?"

Huang Fei nodded again and again, "If you are too little, then 10 million, as long as you speak, I can do it, I will help you do it!"

When Shuai Yu heard this, the whole person was stunned!

The people around were not nervous and wanted to laugh. Was this Huangjia Sishao really being stupid? Although 10 million is not a small amount, but know that this person who has been beaten by him, but the representative of Yuanneng Technology, the friend of China Airlines, the richest person in Suhang, will be 10 million different from you?

Isn't this money hitting people's faces? They can almost imagine that Huang Fei's behavior will definitely be angered by Shuaiyu.

However, when Su Hang saw Shuai Yu's weird eyes, he shook his head secretly in his heart, and if nothing unexpected happened, the mercy of the goods was almost gone.

Ten million, ten million!

Shuai Yu's heart was up and down for a long time, and in the attention of everyone, he actually grabbed Huang Fei's hand and pulled Huang Fei from the ground.

Everyone stunned, what is the situation? Why is it not the same as imagined? Shouldn't Shuai Yu feel that he was insulted and continue to beat Huang Fei?

Huang Fei looked at Shuai Yu timidly, a young wife who had just been beaten, and was afraid that Shuai Yu would suddenly attack him.

Although Huang Fei has the realm of a ninth-level martial artist, his flesh is stronger than ordinary people, but Shuai Yu wants to fight him. He dare not use the Qi Qi bodyguard. He is completely letting him fight hard. After experiencing a beating, he is really It is unbearable.

If money can prevent disasters, he can give everything he has, and he just doesn't know what attitude Shuai Yu will be.

Shuai Yu reached out and touched Huang Fei's face, "Look, it's not playing like an adult. Wouldn't it be nice if you had done this earlier?"

Ouch! It seems that someone fell to the ground!

This Nima is too ridiculous, is this fat man too unruly? Just now, Qiu is deep like a sea.

Huang Fei looked at Shuaiyu timidly, and seemed to be afraid that Shuaiyu would hid his sword in his smile, and suddenly gave him that moment.

"Let's not be unfamiliar, let's go, let's find a place to have two drinks and talk about compensation by the way!" Saying, Shuai Yu looked at him and walked to the corner next to Huang Fei.

"Ah! My brother is really, too shameful!" Qin Shiyu sighed, she was a little bit self-confident, Shuai Yu's behavior is too bad!

Su Hang smiled, "Don't laugh at him, your brother is so good!"

Su Rong said next to him, "Yeah, 10 million, but not a decimal. If you let Da Mi know, you must be willing to let Huang Fei beat again!"

"I don't need to use big microphones. Shuai Yu now hates Huang Fei to beat him too lightly!" Xue Xuan said.

Su Hang shook his head and exchanged 10 million for a meal. Presumably, 9 out of 10 people would be very happy. Shuai Yu is naturally inevitable.

"Lao Deng, let's find a place to talk too?" Su Hang was too lazy to take Li Shuaiyu's companion and turned to Deng Wentao.

Deng Wentao nodded. He knew that he was in the identity of Su Hang. Since he said that he had uncovered it, he must have uncovered this page. He wouldn’t be in trouble with the Huang family anymore. Put a yellow house in your eyes.

But I still have to remind the Huang family. Although the Su Airline may not be held accountable, the Huang family must not assume that this thing has not That Huang Fei, the Huang family must deal with it.

At this time, a figure was blocked in front of Su Hang, blocking the way of the two.

Su Hang looked at it, but it was Yan Kai.

Yan Kai looked at Su Hang and raised his brow gently. "So you are Su Hang?"

Su Hang smiled, "What advice?"

Yan Kaidao said, "When I was in the United States, I had heard of your name long ago, and I thought it was a great character. See you today, but this is actually the case!"

"Disappointing you, I am very sorry!" Su Hang smiled!

Yan Kai didn't seem to hear the antithesis in Su Hang's words, sneered a bit, and said condescendingly, "Ming people don't tell secret words, I admire you very much, I represent the American Jinding Group, and want to talk to you about cooperation..."

"Sorry, I'm not interested in cooperating with anyone!" Su Hang directly interrupted him and pointed to the lobby. "There are so many people here, you may be able to find them..."

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