Super Study God

Chapter 1953: The dust settled!

"Thank you God."

Miaoshan quickly took the brothers of the teachers and knocked their heads, and then immediately looked up at Su Hang with eyes, "Sovereign, my master respects her..."

Su Hang was a little helpless and waved his hand, saying, "Relax, your master is very good, wait for your own care..."

"The teacher didn't know what crimes were committed, and I asked God to show clearly that I could wait and tell the disciples to avoid regenerating today's changes." Miao Shan said.

Su Hang shook his head and said, "Your Master's business is not sin or innocence. There is a reason for it, but I won't tell you, I don't need to know it, as long as you know it is not what you think it is. I haven’t thought about suppressing you to be a good Daoist, as long as you can restrain the door, don’t be a criminal, and fall into the devil’s path. I will never control Er etc..."

In these words, Su Hang already felt that they had talked enough. Can they listen? Su Hang did not care any more. They just hope that they will not be entangled in this matter again. Such chaos, he can only say sorry.

In fact, thinking from their perspective, Su Hang can understand them too. His father and mother were caught for no reason, can they not come to the door? There can be no grievances, no anger can't be spread, if they are really indifferent, then Su Hang has to doubt whether this perfect Dao Sect is right.

Miao Shan said, "Sovereign God, can you wait for me to see Master again? Just one side."

Su Hang's eyes swept and looked at this group of men and women with a lot of helplessness. With a big sleeve and a halo flickering, he saw a person appear beside Su Hang.


At the sight of the woman, the Daoist Sect was pleasantly surprised.

"Thank you, Dao friends." Upon seeing Su Hang, the Virgin bowed in a hurry and thanked her.

Su Hang sighed in his heart. Sure enough, he was still soft-hearted. So many people used the power of the Virgin Mary, and she would still be infected, but in any case, let the Virgin meet them again, so as not to entangle them in the future.

"Let's talk about it and let them disperse the people under the mountain. I'm in the palace, don't think about running away." Su Hang said, turned directly and took everyone into the palace.

I don't worry at all that the Virgin will run away, because Su Hang knows the Virgin and she is not afraid of her escape.



There was a cry outside the Dragon Palace, and the appearance of the Virgin Mary ignited the emotions of the Dao Sect of Taoism and the believers under the mountain. The scene was really smelling sad, and weeping.

"Holy Venerable, if this matter is spread today, I'm afraid it's not good for our Dragon Palace."

In the hall of the Dragon Palace, listening to the crying outside, all the old officials in the palace were a little uncomfortable, and Ao Qingyun twitched to the Suhang Road.

He is also a personal experience of the genius, and the power of the deity. He has witnessed it with his own eyes, and he is even awesome to the dragon emperor's father.

This can be said of other people's hearts, including Su Jin, and there are some worries in their hearts.

Zhishen Daozong led millions of believers to petition the mountain, which is definitely a big news in the Dixian Continent. It will be spread throughout the continent after today, and all major forces will come to comment.

All kinds of voices will definitely come out at that time, which will definitely have a great impact on the credibility of the Dragon Palace.

"Father?" Su Jin also looked at Su Hang, wanting Su Hang to give some instructions.

Since retrieving this dad, Su Jin found that he began to rely on this dad gradually in many things. This has never happened before.

Su Hangdao, "Pass it, pass it on, what do people say, can you still control others' mouths?"

It is undeniable that this Virgin Mary did cause him a lot of trouble. It was easy to kill and it was difficult to criticize the heart. The image of this Virgin Mary was too noble and enveloped too many people. To clean her up, Su Hang was really difficult to find for a while. A suitable excuse.

Looking at everyone, only Liu Ruxu was indifferent. This woman has always been a heart of iron and stone. She is a world-destroying demon, and would you care about her image in the life of ants.

"The young master does not have to worry, as long as the master is here, Tiandu Mountain represents absolute authority. What happened today is just a wake-up call to the people of the world. The dignity of Tiandu Mountain is not something anyone can provoke." Liu Rusu said.

Su Jin's words were stagnant, and Liu Ruxu's words did have some truth. Although the Palace of the Gods is no longer there, and many people no longer know what the God Emperor is, but the God Emperor still represents absolute authority. Just imagined.

Even if those people have opinions about Tiandu Mountain and fight against the Daoist Sect, I am afraid to talk about it in private. Who would dare to go to Tiandu Mountain to blame them face to face?

Some things, the heat of three minutes, although the next period of time may cause great attention and a lot of discordant sounds, but time can kill everything. When this time passes, the heat dissipates and people gradually Forget it, all that remains is the awe of Tiandu Mountain, and it is more awe than before.

This is the heart!

"Okay, what has happened so far today should not have happened. Afterwards, you will send someone to help the evacuees of Yamashita evacuate, so as to avoid any trouble." Su Hang ordered Su Jin.

The evacuation of millions of people is not a simple matter. If something happens under the Tiandu Mountain and there is a bloodshed, I am afraid that it will really affect the image of Tiandu Mountain.

Su Hang believes in the character of the Virgin Mary, but not her disciples. Even the most magnificent martial will have one or two disciples. If something happens again, it is not Good ending.

"Yes, the baby obeyed."

Su Jin responded and immediately retreated.

Su Hang rubbed his head, too many things troubled himself, but today this thing is considered Su shipping anger, originally he was still thinking where to find Bu Yaoshan, but did not want this Bilian real person to come to the door Die.

If all of them are like this Bilian real person, then it is perfect, then it is necessary to toss about everywhere?

"Master, do you want to go to the Western Regions next?" Liu Rusu asked Suhang, because before he heard Su Hang and Bilian real people talk about the Western Starland Mindless Kingdom, so I asked.

Su Hang shook his head, "For the time being, don't worry, wait until the dust of the Tiandu Mountain is settled, and don't go too late."

The believers under the Tiandu Mountain have not retreated, and the matter is not resolved satisfactorily. Su Hang still has to stay and watch, so as not to regenerate the accident. Secondly, he only knows an unintentional country in the Western Region. With specific information about corruption, he has to be good. Just question the brazen man.

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