Super Study God

Chapter 1928: Yin Huan'er!

"I hate to see that woman, so I had to mix up with the position of chaos inspector in Daozongzong. I swayed in this chaos all day long. I wanted to hide from her, and she couldn't find me, so I couldn't see it..." Nagging, spitting it out is almost gone.

Indeed, some words have been held in my heart for a long time, and it will really hold back the disease. He really needs to talk.

However, the first time I heard about these Su Hang, the whole person was still dumbfounded. Gu Danfeng seemed to be really traumatized by Yin Tianfeng. A good young man kept walking away and hid in this chaos to do it. The patrol inspector can imagine how sad it was.

If put in the past, Su Hang might not be able to laugh anymore, but at this moment, he really can't laugh. The so-called arranged marriage kills people, maybe many people will envy the birth of Gu Danfeng, but who can appreciate this What kind of misery in the hearts of the three generations?

Some people have the life you envy, but what you envy is just what you say you see, and where you can’t see, how much bitterness there is can only be known by the person concerned.

As he said, Gu Danfeng had already shed tears. "I just hope there is a relationship that I can choose for myself. Is this wrong? Why should I be treated like this, why should I be given such a woman?"

Su Hang made him feel a little unhappy by him, immediately reached out and patted Gu Danfeng's shoulder, simply comforting, "First of all, I sympathize with your brother Gu's experience, but life is like this, sour and bitter Spicy, every family has a hard-to-read sutra. What use is it for you to escape with all your heart?"

"Huh?" Gu Danfeng looked at Su Hang, but didn't want this guy to talk to himself about life.

Su Hangdao, "Evasion is a coward's act. If I were you, I would definitely bravely tell everyone what I thought. Like is like, dislike is not like, whichever other person's opinion..."

Gu Danfeng paused and shook his head. "I'm not you. I have the two mountains of Gu and Yin on my head. They won't allow me to violate my will. In the eyes of the elders of the family, the descendants exist. The meaning is just the interest of the family. For the benefit of the family, nothing can not be sacrificed."

Su Hangdao, "Although that's the case, Brother Gu, have you ever thought about it? You are hiding like this, your wife is gone, you don't know how many brothers you have found..."

"You, you, stop talking..." Gu Danfeng couldn't hear it at all.

"I don’t want to make any comment on Gu’s family affairs. There are no hardships in life. Let’s go back and see, maybe we can find a better solution!" Su Hang persuaded patiently, "Where is there no grass on the horizon, Since you don’t have a cold for the six daughters of the Yin Yin family, among the heavens and the world, are there fewer women that fit your heart? You know, you are the young master of the ancient family, just because of this identity, you don’t know how many women will rush you. !"

"Oh!" Gu Danfeng shook his head again and again, "Where I don't have a cold for her, obviously I hate her, that **** woman, I will dirty my eyes when I see her!"

"Ancient surname, who do you say is cheap?" Just as Su Hang was about to say something more, a beautiful voice suddenly jumped out of the depths of chaos.

Gu Danfeng heard this sound, and suddenly shuddered, as if the mouse listened to the cat's meow, obviously his hair was all standing up, no matter what the three seven twenty-one, he got up and ran away.

Su Hang stunned.

"Tianxinteng, Tianxinteng!" Jie Mo shouted anxiously. The Tianxinteng he had not yet got, how could he make Gu Danfeng run away.

At the moment, Su Hang caught up with a flash, and immediately stopped in front of Gu Danfeng, "Gu Xiong, haven't finished speaking, why should I run?"

"Hum, run? Continue running? Aunt Granny looked for you, but it was really strenuous!" Just then, the beautiful voice sounded from behind Gu Danfeng again.

Gu Danfeng jumped anxiously, crying, "Su Hang, you killed me too!"

Su Hang looked up and slowly walked out of the figure from the chaos behind Gu Danfeng.

A white dress and white dress, fluttering like a fairy, a high hair bun, and the dust of the past, this woman looks like only twenty waters, light makeup, elegant face, good looks, very pure, just like a painting. Fairy coming out.

Between Meiyu and Yin Yuer, they are somewhat similar, but looking at Gu Danfeng's performance, Su Hang seems to have somehow guessed the woman's identity.

Seeing this woman, Gu Danfeng seemed to become a quail, hiding behind Su Hang, as if the oncoming woman was a cannibal demon.

When the woman arrived, she first glanced at Su Hang. "So Brother Su is also here? But I want you to read the joke!"

Su Hang heard that she was a little bit stunned. Does the woman know herself? Immediately, he was relieved, presumably an old man of Taikoo.

"Yin Huan'er?" Su Hang asked. Although I haven't seen it, if there is no wrong guess, this woman should be Gu Danfeng's wife Yin Huan'er.

It is not uncommon for Yin's daughter, Yin Yu'er's six sisters, to have seen themselves at Taikoo.

There was a smile on the woman's face, "After so many years, it is rare that Brother Su still remembers Huan'er, Huan'er is really happy!"

When Gu Danfeng saw it, he couldn't help but be furious, "You slut, dare to hook up men in front of me!"

Su Hang heard the words, sweating instantly, what is this Nima and what, this guy is a gun battle, what is the point?

Listening to the tone, I clearly thought of myself as Yin Huan'er's But to say hello, let's not forget this pot.

Look at that Yin Huan'er again, a face has instantly cooled down, and his eyes are directed at Gu Danfeng, "What do you say? I allow you to say it again!"


Gu Danfeng swallowed hard, the throat knot rolled, apparently shocked by Yin Huan'er's expression like frost, and dare not return his mouth!

Seeing that this posture was about to suffer, Su Hang hurried out of the round and said, "Brother Gu just battled with me just now, and his mind is a little sober, and his speech is undressed. Madam Gu should not blame.

At this time, Gu Danfeng said, "Brother Su, don't be fooled by her appearance. This woman is just..."

Speaking of which, Gu Danfeng is completely difficult to tell!

Su Hang looked at Yin Huan'er. The woman's appearance was innocent. It was impossible to match her with the kind of woman in Gu Danfeng's mouth. However, Su Hang knew very well that the sixth sister Xiao Jiu was indeed of poor reputation. There are many monsters in the world, all of which have the blood of this woman, one can imagine what kind of woman this is.

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