Super Study God

Chapter 1856: Please sorrow!

Su Hang smiled bitterly, "Since the lady is waiting for me to come here, why should she let the door stop in every way?"

Nüwa shook her head without much explanation.

After all, if she wants to reincarnate, she has to pass the avenue Linxuan first. Although she has a plan in her heart, she dare not confide to others. Before Yin Wu hurt her reincarnation, she failed to succeed. Be careful.

The disciples under the door didn't know what grandpa Nuwa thought, and it was justifiable to prevent Su Hang from approaching.

"What did Niang Niang tell you to do with Su Mou, let's just say, Su must do everything he can!" Su Hang said directly.

He and Nuwa also have some friendship, and the granddaughter Wa has great gratitude to Ao Xue, but there is a demand, Su Hang naturally wants to be fully satisfied.

Nu Wa just smiled, "You don't need to do anything, just stay in Penglai."

"Oh?" Su Hang froze for a moment, and didn't need to do anything? Just stay in Penglai?

Nu Wa said this, which really surprised Su Hang. He thought that Nu Wa would make some earth-shattering demands, but he didn't expect that there was no demand at all.

How easy it is to stay in Penglai.

Suddenly, Su Sudao said, "There is an order from Su Niang, Su Mou is free to obey. It's just that Su Mou can stay for a short time, and it can't be stopped by non-human resources. I hope Wang Niang forgive me. In addition, I want to take Xueer away, Also please the lady..."

"You can't take her away!" Su Hang was interrupted by Nu Wa before she finished.

Su Hang heard that, frowning slightly, "Does the lady want to stop Su?"

"You don't have to misunderstand, I said that you can't take her, but the rules are restricted, and I can't be reincarnated. If you take her away forcibly, the one who will show up and entangle with you!" Nu Wa explained. A word, I heard Su Hang foggy.

The meaning in Nu Wa's words seems to be that he can't take Ao Xue back to future generations? If you take her forcibly, the Avenue will show up to stop?

As if he could not take Xue Qi with them, the rules restrict that although he can take certain existences back, but for some existences, he is powerless, and it is so wonderful.

Some people have left a mark in history, you can’t take him away, and like the jealous two brothers and sisters that day before, Su Hang took them directly in the storage space and took them away, because they From outside the world, in this world, there is no mark left, and it can be regarded as an insignificant person. Take away and take away, the rules cannot be restricted.

And Ao Xuexue, they have already become a part of history, and the current power of Suhang Air seems to be unable to change the point of history.

At this time, Ao Xue shook the hand of Su Hang tightly and gave Su Hang a soothing look.

Su Hang tugged her tightly, "No matter what, I have to try it, nothing can stop our family from being reunited."

If you don't try it, how do you know that it is not possible, Suhang is not the kind of person who easily admits his life!

"Well, after you try, you will see the difference!" Nu Wa didn't say much, just said, "You just need to remember that it's just to stay in Penglai for a few days!"

Immediately, Su Hang felt a flash of light in front of her eyes, Shen Nian quickly withdrew from Ao Xue's consciousness sea, opened her eyes, and it was Ao Xue's white and jade face that was printed in her eyes.

"The old grandmother is right, Brother Su, I can see you again, I'm already satisfied, don't have to force it!" Ao Xuedao said.

Su Hang shook his head, "Not only me, but also Jin'er, Jin'er is waiting for you to go back!"

"Jin'er?" Ao Xue listened to this and paused for a moment, his face showed strong love and guilt, "I'm sorry for him, I'm afraid I will see him again without a face!"

After talking, his face was filled with tears again.

Su Hang gently wiped the tears from Ao Xue's face with his hands, "I'm sorry you two girls are right, everything is my fault, Jin'er never resented you, he has been trying to find you, He is the Dragon Emperor of the Dragon Clan, and he has more opportunities than me!"

Ao Xue broke into tears and smiled, and buried his head in Su Hang's chest again.



Now that she has agreed to Nvwa, she will stay in Penglai Mountain for a few days without leaving. Suhang will naturally keep her promise this time, and he also has a lot to say to Ao Xue, even if Nvwa now holds him with a big stick. , He will not leave.


Very rich, after the misunderstanding, they all know the identity of this man. The ancestors of Pangu's ancestors are definitely regarded as dignitaries in Nuwa's ancestors. Naturally, it is necessary to entertain the old ancestors.

"Unexpectedly, Aunt Xue turned out to be Uncle Wife's wife!" In Wa Palace, Hong Yungang just took Xue Qi back and followed Yin Yu'er with Penglai.

After learning the whole story, Hongyun couldn't help but sigh, she stayed on the mountain for a long time, but she never thought that the mysterious Snow Aunt in Zongmen was actually his wife, Master Niu's brother!

At this time, Xue Qi, who was standing next to, also smiled bitterly, "I can't think of it more than you can't think of!"

In these words, with a strong sour taste, in fact, in his heart, he always regarded Su Hang as his brother-in-law and brother, and he also thought that Su Hang and his sister Xue Xuan were a real natural pair, but now this situation looks like A bit of a shock!

Hongyun poked Xue Qi and gestured to him. Xue Qi looked at Hongyun's eyes and saw Yin Yuer sitting next to him, looking at Su Hang and Ao Xue from time to time. It seemed a little cramped.

Xue Qi walked over and said to Yin Yu'er a little embarrassedly, "Miss Yin, I can understand your mood, but please be sad!"

Yin Yu'er followed Su Hang all the way, could Xue Qi not see the door? Imagine looking at someone you like and getting tired of talking with another person. Can you feel refreshed? Surely it's a taste?

However, Xue Qi's kindness resulted in Yin Yu'er's big eyes.

Yin Yu'er stood up straight and walked to Suhang. Xue Qi didn't have time to stop her.

"Su Hang!"

Su Hang and Ao Xue were sitting together, talking to the third lady of Nuwa, a voice suddenly burst into her ears.

Everyone looked at it soundly, and Yin Yuer stood beside him, looking at Su Hang, looking angry.

Ao Xue was puzzled.

Su Hangdao, "Xue'er, let me introduce you, this Yin girl..."

"Okay, introduce a fart!" Yin Yuer seemed to have a great deal of anger. He interrupted Su Hang directly and pointed at Su Hang. "Did you forget your purpose of coming to Nuwa? Didn't you come?" Are you looking for the Nuwa clan to take advantage of it? Have you forgotten your apprentices and the life and death of the human race?"

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