Super Study God

Chapter 1702: Sad reminder Huang Tian!


Su Hang heard that, frowning, the voice, the tone, so familiar.

After a pause, Su Hang's face went black, "It turns out to be you!"

This voice, this tone, reminded Su Hang of a person, who, Huang Tian!

Immediately, Su Hang raised his hand and signaled Ba Jie and the two to retreat.

The face of "Chen San" was darker, and he glared at Su Hang, "Boy, why are you here?"

Hearing this, Su Hang has basically determined that it is Huang Tian who now occupies Chen San flesh.

On that day, Huang Tian, ​​Styx was seriously injured by Su Hang and Leopard, and finally escaped through the air, but did not want to, but fled here.

Su Hang didn't even think about it. He took Chen San's flesh, but it was him.

Su Hang stared at him, "I'm also surprised, how can I meet you everywhere!"

At the moment, Su Hang clenched his fists tightly and was ready to fight, trying to pull it into the battle space, which is an extremely dangerous character.

"Chen San" glanced at Su Hang bitterly, "You don't have to be so nervous, my soul has been hit hard, and now I am bound by this body of Zhiyang, no threat to you..."

"Huh?" Su Hang looked at him in surprise.

Huang Tiandao, "believe it or not, if the old man has half of the skill, can he still be at the mercy of these two beasts?"

"Oh!" Sun Wukong scolded, and the stick in his hand pointed to Huang Tian, ​​"Boy, who are you scolding?"

Looking at that posture, it was totally a greet with a stick. After seeing Suhang, he quickly stopped, and Sun Wukong was constricted.

It's really a tiger falling into Pingyang. From Huang Tian's eyes, Su Hang saw great helplessness.

For Su Hang, this is a narrow path, so that you can run into it, this luck is already out of luck.

Su Hang pondered for a while, and then he calmed down. "How did you get here? Why do you have human flesh?"

"Are you interrogating me?" Huang Tian's face is quite bad, no matter how he is Huang Tian, ​​when was someone asked so? I just pretended to be Chen San and flattered Suhang, which had already touched his bottom line.

"Yes!" Su Hang nodded, of course. "It's better to tell me the truth, otherwise, I can let you have ten thousand ways to die!"

Huang Tian's face shivered, and I have to say that it was also a pair of skin bladders, and changed the soul of the master. This temperament was completely different.

It is a pity that there is a saying that people have to bow their heads under the eaves. Thirty years Hedong and thirty years Hexi. Although Huang Tian is very resentful, at this moment, the way to him seems to be tolerant.

"That day, I broke into the sky with Styx and escaped, and the servant counted on me, seized the chemical beads, and went away on my own. I found this world in desperation, accidentally showing this body, I was seriously injured. , In order to avoid the dissipation of the soul, he accounted for him!" Huang Tiandi said in dismay.

"Oh, it's quite easy to say!" Su Hang sneered. "It's almost a loss of conscience to take someone's body at will like you. If you meet me again today, you should be out of luck."

Last time I let this old guy run away, and this time I met again, and this old goods still occupy the flesh, Su Hang has no plans to let him go!

"Wait a moment!" Huang Tian was wrong, he hurriedly stopped, "What does it mean to take the body? What do you mean? The old man did not take the house this time. When the old man entered this body, the owner of this body was already dead. By the way, how can the old man count as waste utilization?"

"What?" Su Hang frowned. "When you took this body, he was already dead?"

"The old man dare to dare to admit, never swear words, can't you deceive you?" Huang Tian made a tone, looked very angry, as if he was really wronged by Su Hang.

Su Hang stayed for a while and thought about it carefully. The last battle with Huang Tian Singhe was just a few days ago, and Chen San, listening to what he said, had been dead for ten days. It is true that Chen San died before Huang Tian came to earth.

In this way, there are others who harm Chen San's life? Biancheng Wang said that someone changed Chen San’s life and did it when Chen San was young, that is to say, this old product was indeed wronged.

"The old man was really unlucky, and he got such a body. Although the body of the sun is hard to come by forever, the old man did not expect it. The residual memory of this body actually has your existence..." Huang Tian He even complained with Su Hang, and it became more and more popular.

Su Hangdao, "This body shouldn't be yours, get out quickly!"

Huang Tian's face twitched and said angrily, "I also figured it out, but the Yang Yang body sucked my soul. The old man's soul was seriously injured and could not break free, and, in recent days, this body has assimilated my Soul, boy, either you do me a favor and help me out!"

"Huh?" Su Hang heard that, frowning, not only crying, "Speaking of Are you still a victim?"

Huang Tiandi said, "I can't talk about the victim, but I was really pitted by this flesh. Now, I am constrained by this flesh, so weak, I still let go of this flesh and feel at ease!"

What a silly old boy, Su Hang listened to Huang Tian's remarks, but at this moment, he felt that this fellow was a little pitiful.

How glorious it used to be, now it has fallen into such a situation, it is really awful!

"What did you just wander outside of the community?" Suddenly, Su Hang changed the subject. About Chen San, I will temporarily postpone and check later.

This old guy's motives, however, made Su Hang worried. You know, this old guy has been looking for Xuan Tian's whereabouts.

Huang Tian heard the words and smiled bitterly, "Why do you ask me since you all know?"

After a pause, Huang Tiandao said, "However, don't get me wrong, I don't have any inconsistencies, I just want to look at him. You look at me now, even if you have the heart and the ability, he was with me back then In the case of robbery, it was also me who killed him..."

Huang Tianyu brought the vicissitudes, as if he repented after the disaster, but Su Hang was not stupefied, and was not so easily deceived by this guy. If the old guy was so repentant, he was the main avenue When you die, you should repent, and how can you wait until now?

"He is more reasonable than you. This matter is the last life of his reincarnation. I can't let you break his practice..." Su Hangdao.

"What, do you want to kill me?" Huang Tian heard his words, his eyes widened.

Su Hang shook his head, "I don't want to kill you, but I always want to kill you. You are a dangerous person. It's really difficult to be relieved except you, so you can't blame me. You can only blame yourself. !"

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