Super Study God

Chapter 1663: Domain Beast's mission!

"Boy, don't you listen to this beast!" Huang Tian was afraid that Su Hang would be persuaded by the beast, and he said right now, "This beast violates the Lord's forgotten righteousness. How can you believe it? It will take the girl to come here It hurts, do you forget how the girl's family died?"


   It's really fair to say the truth, so the truth about Su's wife made Suhang feel a little ignorant!


However, there is one thing, Su Hang still has a very clear understanding, even if this domain beast's words are not credible, that leaf is definitely more credible than these two old monsters, really believe the evil of these two old monsters, to I don’t know how to die in the end. I already knew that I wasn’t pitted by these two old guys once or twice!


   "I really want to help you, but unfortunately, the two of you are too dangerous. If I help you, wouldn't it be death?"


   Su Hangpi said with a smile, not taking a smile, and immediately took out the sharp gun, pointing at the Styx and a shot collapsed!




   Stygian horror, although he has been prepared for, but how is he hiding from the situation at this time?


  'S shot directly penetrated his chest and flew him out instantly.


The battle balance between the three was broken in an instant. Where is Huang Tian alone trapped by the domain beast carp leopard, the domain beast snarled fiercely, and turned into millions of space rules, like countless blades of space, toward Huang Tian Chop off.


   The space was distorted, broken like a mirror, and Su Hang was able to retreat as soon as he hit it, and quickly escaped.


  Although he was physically strong enough, he did not dare to take the domain beast's attack. God knows how powerful this domain beast is.


The blades of countless rules were cut on Huang Tian, ​​and Huang Tian also flew out instantly. The broken space blocked the line of sight. Su Hang only vaguely saw that Huang Tian’s body flickered towards the chemical beads, and it seemed as if Has been seriously injured.


  Followed by another light and shadow flying towards the making beads, Su Hang looked at it, but it was Stygian. This guy was also dead. He was shot by himself, and he was still not dead.


   In this situation, how can they be allowed to escape without hitting the water dog?


   Su Hang immediately pointed to the mid-air bead. Although the bead was precious, if the two old monsters could be buried, Su Hang would not hesitate to destroy it.


The huge Qi Jin turned into an Qi sword, and shot directly at the chemical beads. However, the surrounding space had been broken like a mirror. That Qi Jin was refracted and refracted on the pieces of space debris. On a hill not far away, the hill was directly wiped out.


   After all, Suhang’s state is insufficient, and it is impossible to find the correct ruled route from the broken space. Under the broken rules, what you think is straight is not straight, and the song you think is not a song.


   Su Hang could only watch the two lights and shadows fly into the chemical beads, and then the chemical beads fell for a while, traversed an arc in the air, and got into a piece of space debris, and quickly went away.


   "Where to go."


   Su Hang roared loudly and immediately chased away. How could such a good opportunity to kill these two people be let go?


   "Don't chase, they have to escape, they can't catch up." At this time, a voice sounded from behind Su Hang, but it was the domain beast carp.


Space is shattered, just like being in the void of the universe, with countless mirror-like space debris floating around, Su Hang doesn’t even know where the chemical debris got into that space debris, and where should he chase himself? When listening to the beasts and leopards in that area, they had to do it.


   Countless space debris quickly recovered and gathered, just like a jigsaw puzzle, but in a flash, those debris returned to their respective positions, and the surrounding broken space quickly healed and returned to its original state.


   is still the valley, but the valley is empty, and there is no trace of the two Huang Tian.


   Leopard stood behind him, a pair of eyes flashing golden light, staring at Su Hang, Su Hang did not know whether it was a scrutiny or hostility.


The domain beast carp leopard, the existence of the main level of the world, the natural majesty, in the face of such a creature, the lower level is only afraid of urinating pants, even if it is Su Hang, it seems that an ordinary person is being chained The Tibetan Mastiff stared the same.


   That kind of feeling is really a little chilling, let people feel people from the bones.


   "Young people, why are you looking at me like this?" For a long time, the Leopard spoke, and his voice was unusually calm.


   Su Hang frowned lightly, and then said, "You just had the ability to leave them, why let them escape?"


Just now, Su Hang has seriously injured Stygian River, and Huang Tian was also seriously injured by Leopard. At that time, the space was broken, and Su Hang could not be pursued, but this domain beast Leopard definitely has that ability. If it has the heart, it can definitely kill The two stayed.


   can only say that it was deliberately letting the two escape, which made Suhang puzzled. Whether the leopard is good or evil, if it is evil, then it must be another vicious battle.


   At this time, the Leopard took two steps towards Suhang, "You know those two? Can you know me?"


   "Domain Beast Leopard, the mount of Xuantian Realm Lord at that time, nothing more." Su Hangdao.


Leopard turned around Su Hang, "You are right, I did have a relationship with Xuan Tian, ​​but with Xuan Tian's death, everything became the past, now I , I have already recovered my freedom, and I let them go, just to remember some of the friendship that year."


   "Hehe." Su Hang smiled lightly. "He doesn't seem to mean friendship with you."


   Leopard shook his head, "It doesn't matter, I just ask for peace of mind. Moreover, with the ability of the two, even if I can take advantage of them, I'm afraid I'll have to eat a pot."


  The second half of the sentence may be the truth. At the end of the crossbow, the mortal counterattack, the soul of the two Dadao Realms, is not to say that it can be killed.


   "What about people?"


   Su Hang didn't pursue this topic If you can't keep them yourself, you won't have the qualification to blame others, it is a very incompetent performance.


   Let the two escape this time. I am afraid that I don’t know how many disasters there will be, but Su Hang has been unable to save him. He can only slowly plot him later. Now, he is concerned about the mother and daughter of the Ye family.


   Leopard looked back, "in the cave, but I won't give them to you."


   Su Hang frowned slightly, "Why?"


   "She is by my side, the safest, safer than anywhere." Leopard Road.


   "Oh, joke." Su Hang smiled.


   Leopard said, "I have been waiting here for more than 200 million years."


   "Wait? Wait for her?" Su Hang was stunned. This Leopard, was he kidding him.


   Leopard nodded, "Yes, I was ordered by the Sovereign of the Heavens, I am waiting here, waiting for my new owner.")!!

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