Super Study God

Chapter 1625: who am I?

Hong Jun actually had this identity, and it really subverted Su Hang's worldview. The person who said his big brother would be a big winner. Where can Su Hang calm down?

"It's time for me to ask you!" Chen Yunna looked at Su Hang, "Where is the Sect Master?"

The eyes are so deep that Su Hang can't avoid it. The deep meaning in his eyes is something that everyone can see. I have told the truth I know. You can't beat me sloppy now?

Su Hang has not calmed down from Hong Jun's identity. Hearing Chen Yuna's question, it took a long time for him to recover.

Suddenly, Suhangdao said, "Not long ago, the Shenshan Mountain was broken, and the time and space barriers were broken into a hole. Along the hole, I accidentally went to heaven, and then met him. I think he should be the one you are looking for..."

Su Hang also told the truth that he knew everything he knew and did not miss anything.

After all, he knows very little, and even if all is said, there is no information available.

It's just that if you let that person know that Su Hang sold him so simply, I really don't know how she would feel.

"That's all?" After listening to Su Hang, Chen Yuna was obviously not very satisfied. She asked where the suzerain was, and Su Hang didn't give her an answer.

However, what she saw was that Su Hang did not retain it, so this question was regarded as Su Hang's pass, and Su Hang was given a look, indicating that he could continue to ask.

Su Hang thought for a while and said, "I want to know, who is this Xuanhuang Realm Master Lin Xuan?"


Chen Yunna heard the words, but smiled. In this world, who gave the courage to talk about the supreme realm of the world?

However, Chen Yuna obviously did not have any evasion, and directly said, "The realm is the realm, and the strongest existence in this realm. In other words, this mysterious realm can be regarded as his private property. Who do you say he is? ?"

"I don't want to ask this, but I want to know his specific information!" Su Hangdao.

Chen Yunna paused, "This little son, who has a very distinguished family background, so tell you, his mother, like me, has the surname Chen, but I am the surname given by the sovereign, and she is The eldest daughter of the patriarch, a unique name and a word!"

Su Hang heard the words, and his heart felt cool for a while, "That is to say, Lin Xuan is the grandson of Dao Patriarch Sect!"

Su Hang couldn't help but think of the man he had seen in the Heaven Realm, the man suspected to be the patriarch of the Dadao, if he was Lin Xuan's grandfather, why should he help himself?

Or is he not helping himself at all? Su Hang is a little scared, and a Lin Xuan alone can play around in circles. If the family joins together to play with oneself, how can one possibly play it?

A feeling of powerlessness fills Suhang’s heart. This is simply the game between ordinary players and paying players. Regardless of how strong the plug-in is in your hand, can you compare to the tyrant gameplay of paying players?

"The little guy Lin Xuan, smart and talented, was brought up by the master in his childhood, and he soon rose up among his juniors. Although he was young, his strength was quite strong. Sometimes, even our old guys had to serve More than ten billion years ago, at the Wanjie Conference, this kid stood out from the dozens of newly-promoted Dadao Realm masters. The patriarch, his old man, was very happy. When even the Xuanhuang Realm was awarded to him, he became Daozong Zong, even the youngest lord in the entire history of the heavens, and the seal is in charge of the Xuanhuang Realm, one of the five major worlds!" Chen Yuna said.

After listening to Chen Yunna's words, Su Hang finally had a roughly clear understanding of his opponent. How could he get such an inexplicable existence?

Was he too naughty, and the Xueshen system helped himself. Lin Xuan, who is the realm of the realm, was only on his own in order to eliminate the plug-in?

With such a thought, it seems that you have become the losing party?

But did he obviously do nothing harming his interests? Su Hang always feels that this matter is not so simple.


"Okay, I should ask again!" Chen Nuo interrupted Su Hang's thoughts.

Su Hang looked up and looked at Chen Yunna. She told her everything she knew. What else did she want to know?

Chen Kunna stared at Su Hang for a while, and slowly spit out a few words in her mouth, "Who are you?"

Su Hang heard this, and he was instantly dumbfounded, asking who I was? Who can I be?

"Ma'am, what do you mean?" Su Hang said in surprise.

"I'm asking you, not you asking me!" Chen Yuna emphasized, saying, "I'm only now, you have not only the patriarch's breath, but also the smell of some old acquaintances, little brother, what the **** are you? origin?"

The smell of old acquaintances? The whole of Su Hang is totally It's not at all clear what Chen Yunna is talking about.

Old acquaintance? Among those you know, how many people can be called old friends with this cosmic world master?

Huang Tian? Styx?

Su Hang can only think of these two people, but Chen Yunna asks who she is, what does that mean?

"Forget it, look at your appearance, I'm afraid I don't know anything, just let me ask!" Just as Su Hang thought about life, Chen Nuina waved her hand and took back the question she just asked!

How could it be recovered like this, Su Hang has been successfully attracted by Chen Yuna's question, wherever it can be.

Immediately, Su Hang asked his third question, "Who am I?"

As soon as Chen Yunna heard it, she immediately smiled and couldn't help but smile. She never thought that Su Hang would ask her this, "Do you not even know who you are? Why did you ask me?"

Su Hangdao, "Isn't that what Mrs. Yin asked me just now, I also want to know something I don't know!"

Su Hang was a bit urgent. At this time, he was the first time in his life that he doubted himself. Chen Yuna's words made him start to doubt his life.

Unexpectedly, Chen Yuna shook her head gently, "I refuse to answer this question!"

"Reject? Why?" Su Hang frowned gently.

Chen Nuina smiled, "Because I have nothing to ask you!"

Khan, equivalent exchange, Chen Yuna asked Suhang two questions in total. Strictly speaking, it was only one. The remaining one was half-sold and half-delivered. Su Hang still asks the third question now. value!

"Please ask my wife to solve my doubts!" ​​Su Hang can't exchange anything regardless of exchange. If he has doubts in his heart, he can't hold back in his heart. .1

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