Super Study God

Chapter 1571: Kunlun Yuan!

Su Hang nodded slightly, "I'm optimistic about you here Щщш..lā."


   finished, Su Hang got out of the room.


  Outside the house, stood a pair of young men and women, both of which are extraordinary in temperament, such as two statues standing, I don’t know how long they have been standing here.


   "Nuwa has seen Panhuang."


   "Liuyun meets his senior."




   When they saw Su Hang coming out, they both bowed slightly, which was regarded as a ceremony.


These two are not bystanders, the man is the Lord of Kunlun, the Emperor of Flowing Cloud, the boy of that year, but now it has been two million years later, this flow of cloud, I am afraid that there is also a realm of heaven and earth, after all, it is innocent People, two million years will not become a heavenly realm.


   Another person, Su Hang recognized this face, and claimed to Nuwa that he was the only lord of Zhonghuang Mountain, and Su Hang had a fate.


   "It turned out to be two."


   Su Hang also arched his hand, which was regarded as a salute. With a wave of his right hand, a set of tables and chairs was taken out of the storage ring, and then there were tea utensils, which were all properly placed.


  Indicated that the two were seated, Su Hang looked at the two in front of him, "How did the two find here? Could it be that they happened to pass by?"


After a lapse of two million years, Liuyun is no longer the stunned boy of that year. He is the spirit of the King of God, and he is full of style, and his temperament is quite extraordinary. Not to mention the Nuwa clan. Overriding the temperament of all beings.


   These two people can find themselves, Su Hang is not surprised, the existence of the heavenly realm, want to gain insight into some things, with the heart, it is not difficult to work out some cause and effect.


   Not to mention, in the identity of these two people, there are some extraordinary means, which is not unusual.


  Liuyun accosted, "Senior laughed, both of me came for the senior, but just happened to meet halfway, they came together..."


   "Oh? How do you know that I am here?" Su Hang slowly put a few cups of tea and asked lightly.


Liu Yun took the tea and said, "All are the instructions of the ancestors. Three thousand years ago, the ancestor suppressed a foreign animal under the Canglang Mountain. It was said that three thousand years later, the senior Panhuang will appear here, the day the foreign animal broke the seal, This is when Senior Panhuang appeared."


   "Oh? Hongjun?" Su Hang paused and shook his head, "He is now a ancestor?"


Beside, Nuwa’s Tao, “Millions of years ago, after the Lich War, Hou Tu entered the cycle of reincarnation, and broke the human path with his own body. No matter the god, the demon, and the demon are under the control of Daozu."


Hearing the reincarnation of Hou Tu, Su Hang's eyebrows wrinkled all at once, and the whole person felt bad. The Lich War a million years ago, that is, after his short appearance, Houtu went to reincarnation?


  Six reincarnations have made Hongjun, but they have damaged one of his disciples.


  Although it had long been expected that this would be the result, Su Hang was still very distressed after hearing the news.


  Among many disciples, Su Hang really can't see much of it. Hou Tu is regarded as one of Su Hang's favorite.


  Not only because she is a woman, but also because she is indisputable, unlike other brothers and sisters who do not fight for fame and gain, there is no such thing as a city, there are no such insidious tactics, and some are only kindness and love.


  Can do this. Among the disciples, only Hou Tu and Di Jiang, but Di Jiang disappointed Su Hang, he should fight, but not fight.


In this world of great struggle, as the leader of the human race, the fight is not to fight, but to let the people under his head fight to break the blood. At this point, Dijiang really failed, which is also Su Hang Have to consider re-cultivating heirs.


   At that time, he also hoped that he and Dijiang could grow above the emperor's mind, but the fact is that the character is established and it is too difficult to change. Two million years ago, it still is so. Suhang has no hope.


The matter of Houtu really made Suhang feel sorry for him. At that time, he set up six reincarnations. A large part of the reason was to prevent Houtu and Xuanming from being calculated. But as a result, he still could not calculate it, and Houtu was still in trouble. .


   "Ah, it's my incompetence as a master." Su Hang shook his head and closed his eyes to calm down his emotions. Even his own apprentices could not bless him. What a competent master?


"The Huntu Niangniang lays down for the human race. If it weren't for the virtuosity of the maiden, why would the ancestral prosperity of this million years later, the seniors do not need to be sad about this, the Houtu Niangniang just did what she thought she should do." Liuyun Road.


   Su Hang shook his head, leaving these things behind his head, and said, "You two came here to find me, but I don't know what happened?"


   said that for a long time, they didn't get to the point. Su Hang was quite curious about the two people's intentions. He didn't think that these two people came far away, just to talk about these two sentences with themselves.


   said that it is narrative, but the relationship between Su Hang and them is not as old as this, not to mention that the two come together, there must be something important, and I am afraid it is not an ordinary thing.


   Suhang looked at Liuyun, waiting for Liuyun's answer.


   Liuyun hesitated for a while, and said, "The juniors come here, in addition to visiting the seniors, there is actually a little thing for the seniors to help."


Sure enough, the expression on Su Hang’s face didn’t It was just indifferent, "It can be called a trifle by Divine Cloud Emperor. You don’t have to say it anymore. I’m clean and sloppy, but I can’t pull out a few.”


"Senior said laughed." Liu Yun smiled, and said, "The junior was ordered by the ancestor. When the ancestor suppressed the strange beast, the junior was also present. The ancestor said that the beast was related to my Kunlun. Now the beast is broken. , The juniors came here, they wanted to lead this beast back to Kunlun, and asked the seniors to do it for their convenience."


Ok? Su Hang heard that, frowning gently, thinking to Hongjun, what kind of plane is he doing?


   Liu Yun looked at Su Hang with a scorching gaze, deep in his eyes, with a bit of anticipation and worry.


   At this time, Su Hangdao said, "I am afraid that you will be disappointed. The beast has just been smelted by me, and now it has been melted into my mortal soul."




  Liuyun was a little stunned, with a bit of consternation on his face. Perhaps, this was not what he expected.


  It's just a beast, which can make the emperor Liuyun so calm, and so many miles to ask for it, Su Hang felt a little puzzled.


   "This beast is only a heterogeneous species. Although it is rare, it is not difficult to find. You said that he is related to Kunlun. I don't know what it is?" Su Hang asked.


   Liuyun listened and said, "It's true, the ancestors have left a proverb. In the future, I will have a catastrophe in Kunlun. If there is this beast, maybe Kunlun can still keep alive.")!!

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