Super Study God

Chapter 1531: Bloodline branding!

After entering the hall, Su Hang looked at the Stygian Hall, but it was not empty. There were still many Shura men and Raksha girls.


Although the blood sea seems to be in poor condition, the Shura Tao is one of the six Dao, and the Dei belongs to the upper three of the six Dao. It is the blessed land of the monks of the Shura Tao. Luo Xiu is the king of Shura. How can he dominate the blood sea today? Like ascetic monks, how many servants serve?


   "You said you were a disciple of Hou Tu, how can you prove it?" Su Hang asked King Shura above the main hall.


   Luo Xiu was sitting next to him, his face languid, and he tore the clothes off his chest to reveal a strong and strong chest.


   An earthy yellow pattern slowly appeared, snake-like, with dragon horns on the head and double wings on the back.


  Teng Snake!


   Su Hang frowned lightly, he knew very well that this was the blood totem of Houstu.


Soon, the totem faded again and disappeared. Luo Xiu closed his clothes and looked up at the Su Hangdao. "This is a totem of Pangu's back soil. When the master personally branded it, the master should be able to recognize the truth. Fake?"


Su Hang took a deep breath and could do anything. The brand hidden in the bloodline and soul could never be faked. That is to say, this Luo Xiu was indeed from the Hou Tu, and the bloodline was very pure .


   disciple grandson!


   Su Hang smiled bitterly in his heart, but he could not see a student in such a place. How many years have passed since he became so strong that he became the master of this Styx.


   It's just that this grandson doesn't seem to have a cold for himself!


   "How about your master?" Su Hang asked.


Luo Xiu took a deep breath and closed his eyes, as if remembering the past, after a long time he opened his eyes and said, "In those days, the Lich had a war, the Master turned into a reincarnation, and opened the humanity of the Six Dao, for the human race. Seeking life, before she told her disciples to enter the Shurajie to guard, I am here, I don't know how many years!"


   "Battle of Lich?" Su Hang frowned.


Luo Xiu looked up at Su Hang, and Su Hang could clearly feel that he had a lot of resentment in his eyes. "At that time, Shizu achieved reincarnation and never returned. Soon afterwards, news came from Taihuang Mountain that reincarnation had already occurred. At that time, the Pangu clan was happy up and down, thinking that the six-way reincarnation would be a success for the human race, but the fact was the opposite. Since then, the human race has become thinner, but the demon race has prospered rapidly, and the power has grown larger... "


Luo Xiu said here, Su Hang's heart tightened, and his thoughts returned to that year. When six reincarnations were achieved, six of them only passed through Shura. He wanted to get through with humanity, but Lin Xuan suddenly appeared and broke his plan.


   At that time, Lin Xuan opened the animal path, Su Hang knew that there were endless troubles, and endless souls entered the animal path, and the demon race must be thriving, but when he was about to open humanity, he was forcibly pulled back into the world by the system of learning and gods.


   At that time, humanity just opened a small mouth, and it was impossible to compare with the animal life. The demon clan prospered and the human clan declined. That was inevitable.


   It's just that after returning to the present world, Su Hang knows the future of the human race, and the demon race will always withdraw from the historical stage. Only the human race is the protagonist now, so I didn't worry too much in my heart.


  However, when I heard Luo Xiu's words, Su Hang felt trembling in his heart. The mistakes of that year left such a big hidden danger to the human race. I really don't know how the human race survived.


   "What's the battle of the lich you just said?" Su Hang asked again, when he left, the demon and human races had concluded a covenant, declared a repair, and fought again.


  Suhang is also quite helpless. The covenants of the countries can be changed and torn up at any time, not to mention the two natural races that have opposites?


  At that time, Yuan Xiaotian and several of them were there, and they had their new apprentice demon prince Jun. It was indeed a vow that the two tribes would not commit crimes against each other, but how many years old were they?


Luo Xiudao, "The War of the Lich, is a human race headed by the Pangu clan. After a battle with the demon clan, after six reincarnation achievements, the demon clan has grown rapidly beyond the human clan. Forty-three thousand and twenty-two years, the human race is unbearable, and the war broke out. That war has spread to almost every corner of the ancient continent. The two demons are dead and injured!"


   "Even, there were several uncles of the master who fell in that war, and the master respected the inheritance of the Baoren race, and had to choose to evolve the cycle again and open humanity..."


   Speaking of this, Luo Xiu looked up at Su Hang, as if he was resenting Su Hang. If it were you, if it were you, what six reincarnations did you accomplish in that year, why would the tribe fall into such a field? How can my master die?


   "Where is it later? What was the result of the battle between the two communities?" Su Hang asked.


   Luo Xiudao, "What is the result, is it meaningful?"


After finishing, Luo Xiu glanced at Su Hang again, "After the Master's evolutionary reincarnation, I came to the **** sea to suppress it, to prevent the rebellious reincarnation of these formidable generations of Shura Dao. At that time, the Lich War was not over. I don’t know what the result is, so you have to let the ancestors down!"


  At this moment, Su Hang felt very heavy and paused for a moment before he said, "For so many years, there are so many monks who have entered the reincarnation of Luo Dao, so you haven't learned anything from them?"


Luo Xiu bitterly Shizu is afraid of forgetfulness. This reincarnation of the six Dao is made by you, Shizu, do you not know that after the soul enters the reincarnation channel, it will be reincarnate in the channel Do you wash away the soul memory? Even if I have the ability to do everything, I can't get anything from these white paper-like souls, right? "


   Su Hang heard a pause, seems to be the same reason, can not refute!


   "What about Shitian?" Su Hang asked again, "Isn't he also reincarnation here? How can there be memories of previous lives? Previously in Shushan, I tried to cause the sky to die, but you?"


Luo Xiu was silent for a while, and said, "Shi Tian, ​​he just came here by accident. Since I entered the Shura realm, because of practicing a Shura practice, it is integrated with the blood sea, and is bound by the blood sea. 300 million. For many years, it has been unrelieved and unable to leave this space."


"So, after achieving Heavenly Dao Realm, I often break this space and create space cracks, hoping to extradite some souls to come in and look up the information of the outside world. Shi Tian is one of the lucky ones who passed through the crack without reincarnation. Entering the Shura realm, at that time, he was just a weak real spirit. I gave him life and soul. He sold his body to me and became my servant for me to drive!") Download free reader !!

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