Super Study God

Chapter 1522: Go to the Sea of ​​Blood!

"whispering sound!"

Huang Tian smiled, "Boy, it's not that I look down on you. You just want to go to Chuangjie Mountain because of your current skills? Come on, you, you want to die, don't take our lives!"

"Still that sentence, you can choose not to go, but please get out of my body!" At this time, Su Hang said coldly.

"Boy, I don't know how to respect the old and love the young!" Huang Tiandao said.

Styx, "You are old, I am not young!"

After a pause, Styx continued, "Boy, Chuangjie Mountain is not the place you can go now. Listen to me, let's just wait and see!"

"This kid is very good, Su Xiaozi, the master of Chuangjie Mountain is like a cloud, if the old man is at his peak, he can still accompany you on the road, but now, you still bear with it, don't you just one sister? Go home and let your parents give you another one?" Huang Tiandao said.

The black lines on Su Hang's face!

"Yellow surname, your mouth, it smells!" Sing He grinned.

Huang Tiandao said, "The old man just wanted to say, Mr. Su, there is no need to take risks now. Who is that surnamed Lin? Would anyone embarrass a weak girl? And, the old man saw in Taihuang Mountain a few days ago, surnamed Lin Na Boy, it seems quite sentimental to the little girl, maybe you want to be your brother-in-law!"

"Shut up!" Su Hang snorted coldly.

"Boy, if it is not the old man, I think you are pitiful, according to your attitude, the old man has let you die without a burial place!" Huang Tiandao said.

Su Hang didn't care about him at all. This old stranger likes to say hi. After being injured by the killing gun last time, he still doesn't know how many layers of skill are left.

"Have you seen my sister?" Su Hang asked in a deep voice.

Huang Tiandao, "If it weren't Lin's kid, your younger sister who didn't know the sky and earth was thick, I was afraid I would have been killed!"

"Hey, boy, old Huang hurt your sister, this hatred is not reported, non-man, give him a shot!" At this time, Styx.

"Little boy, you are dead!" Huang Tian snorted coldly.

"Shut up for me!" Su Hang snorted angrily.

The two were instantly miserable. Huang Tiangan laughed and said, "Boy, you want to go to Chuangjie Mountain to find death. I won't stop you, but don't expect me to show you the way!"

"Yes, if you want to go, find your own way, we can't accompany you to find death." Styx also said.

The black lines on Su Hang's face were heavy, and there was a real urge to shoot these two old monsters directly.

"Boy, don't say that you can't find Chuangjie Mountain, even if you go there, it doesn't make any sense. With his strength, you can kill you at any time." Huang Tian said a little bit more and focused, "Instead of doing these useless works It’s better to calm down and improve your strength. One day, our grandfather will kill Chuangjie Mountain together and set foot on the road."

"Who is special with your grandfather?" Styx sipped directly, obviously dissatisfied with Huang Tian's words.

Are these two old monsters trustworthy? Obviously not worth it! Su Hang couldn't believe them.

"Although the boy with the surname Lin is strong, it is only the moment. When the old man was at his peak, he didn't even equip me with shoes." Huang Tian's tone was full of arrogance and arrogance, "It won't take long for me to point you. , Will definitely be able to step on that kid."

"Why do you help me?" Su Hang said indifferently.

Huang Tiandao, "Not why, just because he is the grandson of that man."

"That man?" Su Hang paused. "You mean, Sect Master?"

Huang Tian listened and said nothing. At this time, Styx Road said, "Boy, your enemy is the boy named Lin. If you want to fight him, you will anger the entire Daozong, that is, from now on, we The three are the grasshoppers on the same line. They have the same enemy. They deserve the same boat. The two of us help you. The boy with the surname Lin is easy to handle. We will go back to Chuangjie Mountain sooner or later, but at that time, we must have enough Strength flattens it."

Su Hang smiled, with a bit of sarcasm in his smile, "I don't even know how to say the two of you. What is the existence of the Dao Patriarch, just relying on the three of us, and trying to level the world?"

"That man is indeed tough, but the old man is not vegetarian." Huang Tian snorted coldly, as if his self-esteem was trampled. "The old man has an old friend. If we can find him and help him rebirth, we are all four souls, even if that People who are close to each other can also have the power to fight.

"Old friend?" Su Hang frowned.

Huang Tiandao, "His name is Xuan Tian. This Xuan Huang Realm was originally Xuan Huang Second Realm. I am the Huang Realm Realm Master. He is the Xuan Realm Realm Master. He was robbed together more than 20 billion years ago. I can feel He hasn't dissipated by then, but the situation shouldn't be any better than me, boy, if you can help me find him, with my joint efforts, I will help you rule the world."

In the words, with boundless temptation, Huang Tian's words can already be regarded as confusing Su Hang. Su Hang is not a fool, and he cannot easily be fooled by him.

"I don't care if you are the Yellow Realm Master or the Profound Realm Master. If I believe you, then that is the real stupidity." Su Hang said lightly.

Originally, one body and three souls had already tortured him. Now I still want to find another trouble and share my body together. Isn't this a fool?

Su Hang does not believe that Huang Tian will have any kindness, nor can he absolutely have good intentions.

"Old Huang, you still give up, this kid can't get in the oil and salt." Sing He sarcastically said, "At that time, did you and Xuantian both hold a round in front of my deity? So many years have passed. , The strength of this deity no longer knows where to go to improve, and you, even if you Xuanhuang duo return to the top, can you win?"

"You don't speak, no one treats you as dumb." Huang Tian coldly snorted, as if dignity was trampled again.

At this time Styx Road, "Boy, listen to me the most truthful, since your sister's affairs are temporarily intact, it is better to shelve it first, let's go to the sea of ​​blood first..."

"Why do you go to the Blood Sea?" Su Hang asked with a frown.

Styx, "I left some good things in the blood sea, and if you can take it, it will definitely help you a lot."

"What is it?" Su Hang asked directly, Blood Sea is the old nest of Stygian River, this old monster still has secrets in the blood sea?

"You will know by then." Styx replied mysteriously.

"Go and see, at least better than going to Chuangjie Mountain to die."

"Blood Sea now has a master." Su Hang said directly.

As far as Suhang knows, Xuehai now has a master, that is, the person who broke Tang Ao's practice and took away Tang Ao's true spirit.

"If you have a Lord, let him change the Lord. Are you still afraid?" Sing He laughed.

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