Super Study God

Chapter 1354: He Fang Gaoren!

The small courtyard has three or five rooms, all made of ice and snow, which is very beautiful, and on the roof of the middle room, there is a chimney smoking out.

This is really a hideaway!

Just looking at Suhang, I felt that this little igloo appeared strange. First of all, there was no one in a hundred miles. How could an igloo appear so abruptly here?

Secondly, someone fires in the igloo? Can this fire be born? Not afraid of the igloo melting?

Then there is a fire in the igloo, what is it burning? But no tree can be seen here, except for snow.

Such a good scene, in the view of Su Hang, is a little weird, and instinctively does not want to be close.

When Suhang was still hesitating whether to go in, Hongyun had already screamed in surprise, and then ran directly to the igloo.

This woman's heart is really big enough.

"Master, this place is a little weird!" Ju Mang reminded.

Su Hang shook his head, lifted his legs and walked in. Isn't it too late to say this?

Soon, came to the entrance of the small courtyard, the ice-cast gate was closed, and a wall around it.

"Hello, anyone?"

Hongyun reached out and knocked on the ice door. She didn’t know whether she used too much force or the ice door was too bad. The ice door was suddenly covered with cracks, and only a loud noise was heard. It exploded!

Rumble collapsed a bunch!


Hongyun apparently did not expect the ice gate to be so fragile. Compared with the gate of Taihuang Mountain, it is not in the same order of magnitude.

Looking up, there was an ice table in the yard. A man was sitting at the table, facing the gate, and a jug of wine was on the table.

When he saw that the ice gate was destroyed, the man was also somewhat stunned, and the wine glass in his hand stopped in the air.

The air seemed to freeze at this moment, only the snow in the sky kept falling, and it was getting bigger and bigger, but the snowflake was like a person's recognition, and no one fell on the man.

Obviously, this is not an ordinary person.

The eyes pierced the space, but he was facing Suhang. Suhang stood outside the door and made eye contact with the man. The whole person instantly seemed to be caught in a weird mood, and the skills in the body were a little tempting. .

At this time, a young guy who looked like fifteen or sixteen years old, dressed in a thick white fur, with a black pot ashes on his face, poked his head out of the igloo in the middle.

"Oh, you, you, where did you come from, how did you break my door, you, you, you pay me!"

When the guy saw the door was broken, like a cat stepped on the tail, he rushed out.

Hongyun paused, a little embarrassed, "Sorry, I don't know this door is so strong!"

"The apology is over? Do you know how much effort I have spent to build this igloo? You pay, you pay me!" This guy, with no demeanor, went straight to the red cloud.

"Boy, you won't find a girlfriend like this!" Su Hang said beside him!

"What? What are you talking about?" The guy turned his head to look at Su Hang, his face full of doubts. The big face, which fell in Su Hang's eyes, was really funny.

Su Hang ignored him, looked up thoughtfully at the chosen man, and turned to Hongyun Road, "Forget Hongyun, we seem to have encountered porcelain, let's go!"

After talking, he turned to go.

"Tong'er stepped back and must not be rude to the guests!" At this time, the voice of the man in the courtyard finally came.

The guy looked back and said, "Master, they broke our house door!"

The man replied, "I told you a long time ago that your door is not strong enough, you don't believe it, now it's time to believe it!"

The guy buried his head and pouted, quite a bit unconvinced. "The old man is very clever, clever, and handsome. He says everything is right!"


Su Hang was listening next to it. Why did he feel that the pair of masters and servants were a little strange?

The man smiled shamelessly, "Hugh wants to talk nonsense, yet not welcome your guests?"

Helpless, the guy turned his face and threw out his tongue at Su Hang, expressing his inner dissatisfaction, which brought the three Su Hang into the house.

Su Hang walked slowly to the table. Although his eyes were looking around, his attention never left the person in front of him.

It certainly looks less than thirty years old, and his face is very clean. He doesn’t even have half a stubble. In the words of the guy just now, this person is really handsome, especially those eyes, which are very attractive. It was a white robe, draped over this person, but the temperament was very dusty.

The appearance alone, in addition to being handsome, does not seem to have any characteristics, but it seems to be different from the rest.

Su Hang pulled out the Xueshen system and scanned it. Sure enough, there was no information at all.

When Su Hang used the system to scan, the man raised his eyes and glanced at Su Hang. He seemed to be aware, but it was more like an illusion.

"In the wilderness and wilderness, Guling Snow Valley, Your Excellency is really good." Su Hang was quiet, with a slight smile on his face, it was a greeting to the man, and he started.

There was also a smile on the man's face, and a gesture to the side signaled Su Hang to sit down and talk.

Su Hang sat down naturally, and said humanely, "I don't like anything else, just like snow. Look at the sky of snowflakes. How beautiful?"

After that, the man looked at Su Hang with a smile on his face. "Don't you think you are?"

Su Hang was sweating, mother, he was still a literary youth.

I looked up and saw the snow all over the sky, like the goose feathers. This atmosphere really made people feel a little sad.

"I can't talk about it." Su Hang shook his head. "I prefer rainy days, because rainy days do not have to go out and can sleep in the bed."

"Oh? Really?" The man looked at as if he had a deep meaning in his eyes.

Su Hang shook his head, regardless of whether he was serious or not, he only arched his hand to him, "Which master is your master, I don't know how to call it?"

The man smiled indifferently, picked up the jug on the table, and filled the glass in front of Su Hang with a glass of water and wine. "The heroes don't ask where they come from, they are all together, I don't ask who you are, why should you ask me? Who? It's already a fate to meet here, a glass of wine is enough!"

Beside, Hongyun and Jumang were both standing, staring blankly at the scene in front of them. They didn’t know at all what dumb mystery this man and Su Hang were playing. It looked so deep. How could this person be so pretentious?

At this time, Hongyun looked at the glasses on the table, "We can have three people, plus you have a total of four, but you only prepared three wine glasses, which is not allowed to drink?"

At this time, Su Hang only noticed that there were three wine glasses on the table.

The one in front of the man, the one in front of Su Hang, and the one on the left hand side of Su Hang were all filled with wine. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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