Super Study God

Chapter 1304: The bottom line of the universe!

Ask others, the old face has no place to rest, after all, you are in a high position, everyone treats you as a **** venerable, but you in turn ask how to break through the realm of heaven, this person, the higher you stand, the more important your face is. .

Everyone said shamelessly and asked, but if you really want to do it, then it will be difficult. Su Hang has the current reputation. Most of them are due to coincidences, and they are blown up. Almost everyone thinks he is deep, even Liu Rusu. He can't figure out his realm. Many times he sees the energy fluctuations of His Venerable Realm, only when he deliberately suppresses his skill.

Therefore, the strength of Su Hang is very mysterious in front of outsiders. After all, in the eyes of others, this is a god, but it can talk and laugh side by side with Taoist ancestors.

Looking for someone for advice will inevitably expose his true realm, but Liu Ruxu is different. Heavenly realm, experienced experience, and a slave to Su Hang. Su Hang can trust her and is not afraid of her outgoing, nor is she afraid of not trying her best.

Liu Rusu listened to Su Hang's words and was surprised. He paused for a moment before recovering. "Master, you mean, when you broke through the realm, did you encounter a bottleneck?"

Su Hang recovered his look, shook his head, and said, "It's not a bottleneck. It should be said that it is difficult. It stands to reason that the water in my bottle is too full to be filled, but I just can't break through the bottle. , As if pinched by an invisible pair of hands, it made me feel helpless."

This thing really annoyed Su Hang. He even wondered if, like some online games, the characters had reached a higher level, they wanted to upgrade their level, and the experience value was not useful. They had to make a breakthrough level. task.

Think about it, this seems to be somewhat similar to your own situation. It can be said that in the past few days, Su Hang thought about breaking through Tianzun Realm, and he was a bit enchanted.

After all, there was no experience, no one gave him advice, and no one dared to give him advice. It would be beneficial to find someone to ask.

"Master is not anxious." At this time, Liu Ruxu said, "Master can try a breakthrough now, the slave-servant is watching next to him, maybe you can see some clues."

There is no second word for Su Hang. Liu Ruxu is his slave.

So, without thinking, Su Hang immediately sat cross-legged on the bed and closed his eyes and settled.

But it is only a matter of entering into cultivation, and practicing to return to cultivation, after Su Hang entered into the exercise, he has no way to do it. The exercises have already become great, and the whole body is surging. The realm has also condensed to the peak. The meridian and the purple house are all unobstructed. ?

In desperation, Su Hang can only use its skill to move Zhou Tian.

After a long time, Su Hang woke up from entering the Dingding and looked at Liu Ruxu, only to see Liu Ruxu's brow furrowed, as if thinking about something.

"How? Did you see the clue?" Su Hang asked.

Liu Ruxu took a deep breath, "Master, your skill, state, is far beyond the ordinary Tianzun Jingfeng monk, and the power of the road is more condensed in the body. According to common sense, it should not be stuck here. Breaking through Tianzun Realm should be a matter of course."

"But it is the card owner." Su Hang smiled bitterly. "Did you ever encounter such a situation when you broke through Tianzun Realm?"

Liu Ruxu shook his head, "Tianzun Realm is indeed a great hurdle on the way to practice, saying that it is a hurdle, not only because breaking through the Heavenly Realm will attract the test of Heavenly Tribulation, but also because it will touch the bottom line of the entire universe. ."

"Rules?" Su Hang blurted out.

In fact, he knew this. He hadn’t eaten pork. At least he had seen pigs run. He had been in contact with this rule very early.

Liu Ruxu was not surprised. He just nodded and continued, "The master said it well. The bottom line of the universe is the rules. When the avenue opened up this world, it created the rules. Everything in the universe has to be. Walking in accordance with the rules that are invisible, intangible, and actually exist. Heavenly Realm can already touch the rules. If I were the creator of this world, I would certainly not tolerate anyone to touch it, but, At a certain point, the monk will always touch it, so the creator of the rules will set up a lot of obstacles."

"You mean, someone is messing with me?" Su Hang seemed to understand Liu Ruxu's meaning, and before that, he actually thought the same way.

Regarding this point, Liu Ruxu was unconvinced, and then said, "Slavery means that breaking through the heavenly realm will be more difficult than breaking through other realms, but this difficulty is also limited..."

"Then tell me, what did you realize when you broke through Tianzun Realm?" Su Hang asked.

Liu Rusu said, "Master, the slave-maid has just said that breaking through the heavenly realm is to touch the bottom line of the rule-maker. To break through the heavenly realm, you must snoop on the rules and figure out what the so-called rules are, otherwise, Everything is in vain."

"Clarify what the rules are?" Su Hang frowned. Almost from the beginning, he had already begun to touch the rules, such as the millennium kill, such as counterattack skills, these are all rules.

However, for Su Hang, he just knows that these things are rules, but ask him what are the rules. Why would he win a chrysanthemum when he pointed it out? Why can he counterattack an existence higher than his own level when he stepped out, he could not say why.

Previously, during the cultivation breakthrough ~ ~ he was also trying to spy on the so-called rules, but it was always futile, as if someone blindfolded his eyes and prevented him from spying.

After listening to Liu Ruxu's remarks, Su Hang was more convinced of his guess. "It seems that I was really calculated."

When it comes to this, Su Hang clenched his fists hard, and with his ability, it should be easy to break through the Tianzun realm, but now he has tried all kinds of things, and he believes that this must be calculated. However, some people didn't want him to break through the heavenly realm, so he made a stalk from it, blinded him to hide all the rules, and kept him from snooping.

Su Hang is convinced that this is the case.

At this time, Liu Ruxu said, "The rule, although it sounds mysterious, but it is just that. It's just that ordinary monks can't spy on the rules, understand the rules, and can't advance to the heavenly realm. The rules are the fundamental way to conserve all beings However, under the world, there are countless monks who cultivate to the peak of the Venerable Realm, and there will be more and more monks who can touch the rules. The creator of the rules cannot stop the monk’s prying eyes and the monk who wants to become stronger. Heart, therefore, when the monk reaches a certain level, the rules will automatically appear, let the monk to understand, as soon as the rules appear, at this time, the monk will be regarded as the heavenly realm. "Search for this site, please search" or enter the URL:

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