Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 211: patriarch

Yu Guihai walked into the small building alone. The building was a small and elegant hall with simple decoration and simple style.

There is no one in the small hall, only a staircase on the left leads to the upper floor.

The stairs are made of a kind of hard wood, and the red paint on it has been slightly dull.

Yu Guihai looked at it for a while and found that there was only one way to go upstairs, so he walked up the stairs slowly.

The sound of clack-clack footsteps was particularly clear in the empty room.

After walking over a dozen steps, it is a turn, and after going up a dozen steps, you come to the second floor.

This is an impressive ancestral hall, with an offering table in the middle, on which is enshrined a pitch-black tablet.

In the middle is written: "The throne of Yu's ancestors!"

There are couplets on both sides.

Respect our ancestors for thousands of years,

Bless your descendants for generations to come.

Horizontal criticism: Jude Liufang!

In front of the tablet, there is a black pottery pot on the offering table, I don't know what it is for.

In front of the offering table, stood a thin old man with gray beard.

The old man has an ordinary appearance, like a teacher in an ordinary country.

At this time, he looked kindly and smiled at him.

"You are Yu Guihai? You really are a talent!"

Seeing Yu Guihai coming, the old man looked up and down and said with a satisfied expression on his face.

"Meet the patriarch!" Yu Guihai bowed politely.

"Haha! It's me, you should call me second brother in terms of seniority." The patriarch laughed.

"Second, second brother?"

When Yu Guihai heard the words, his face was stunned. Judging from the age difference between the patriarch and the seventh elder, I thought it should be called grandpa, but I didn't expect it to be the second brother!

"Yes! Don't be surprised. After all, each branch of the general branch is the descendant of ancestors, and it is recorded in the family tree, so there will be no confusion of generations because of status. I can't force people to call them grandpa just because I am the patriarch!" He seemed to have expected his reaction, and explained it very indifferently.

When Yu Guihai heard the words, the corners of his mouth twitched. This is too direct!

"My name is Yu Guitian, you can call me the second brother Guitian, no, just call me the second brother or the patriarch!" The patriarch continued.

"Gui, Second Brother Guitian?!!" Yu Guihai's surprise just now hadn't subsided, and when he heard the name, he was speechless!

However, his expression was very calm, and Gujing had no waves.

After all, it's just a weird name. He had seen a lot in his previous life, like Shi Zhenxiang, Qin Shousheng, Bao Luolu sisters, and so on, all of them were more funny than this one.

Of course, there is no such name!

Yu Guitian, with this name, how much this parent hates this child!

"Aren't you surprised?" The patriarch was surprised to see that Yu Guihai was indifferent.

"What's strange?" Yu Guihai asked indifferently.

"My name! Don't you think it's very bad?" The patriarch pointed it out without giving up.

"..." Yu Guihai fell silent. He was afraid that when he was a child, he was laughed at because he had too many names, which caused the psychological shadow to be too large.

So he didn't dare to answer casually, he organized the language before saying: "The name is just a title, there is nothing good or bad."

"Well said! It's just a title. Don't worry about it." Yu Guitian praised loudly.

Then, he said, "I'm very optimistic about you, and I hope you can pass the next test smoothly."

"What test?" Yu Guihai said in amazement that he thought he was here just to meet the patriarch, but he didn't expect to do another test.

"Joining the general branch of the Yu Family is a very important thing, and it should not be taken lightly. The most important thing is to leave a bloodline imprint on the strongest member of the newly added branch." Yu Guitian explained slowly.

"Bloodline Mark?" Yu Guihai wondered.

"Yes. The bloodline mark will remain on the Zuen stone of the ancestral hall. It is said that it will not disappear for a thousand years. It will only disappear when the owner of the mark dies. As long as the owner of the mark does not die, the bloodline mark will not disappear. Of course, this has not been verified, because No ancestor in the clan has lived for a thousand years." Yu Guitian explained.

"So it is!" Yu Guihai suddenly realized. This thing he has read a lot from novels. Didn't expect it to exist here.

"Then do I just want to leave a bloodline imprint here?" Yu Guihai looked around and didn't see any stones.

"Of course not, leaving a bloodline mark must be done at the promotion ceremony three days later, under the witness of all the representatives of the tribe." Yu Guitian shook his head and said.

After he finished speaking, he looked at Yu Guihai, considered the language for a moment, and then said: "There are strict requirements to leave a bloodline mark on the Zuen Stone, and the Yu family's bloodline must reach a certain level before it can be left, otherwise it will not be left. Will stay. So, you understand?"

"I don't understand!" Yu Guihai replied lightly.

"Eh?" Yu Guitian rubbed his temples with a headache, and continued: "If the mark cannot be left at that time, it means that the Yu family's bloodline is weak, or even has no blood. So many people are watching, it's too shameful to spread it out and make jokes. ."

"So I asked you to come here to do a blood test on you first. Check your blood level in advance. If there is no problem, you don't need to do anything, just wait for the ceremony three days later, and you can successfully become the ninth elder."

"Then what if there is a problem with the bloodline?" Yu Guihai asked rhetorically. He didn't expect this inspection. However, thinking about it is also, if the general branch of the Yu family sneaks in an outsider, how can you rest assured.

"The bloodline imprinting ceremony in three days will be faked, so as not to affect it badly." Yu Guitian answered lightly.

"Uh (~_~;)!" Yu Guihai's face darkened, and he was also speechless at the clan leader's rude manipulation.

He thought he would be disqualified for promotion, but he didn't expect that he just made a fake to hide it from everyone.

Yu Guitian guessed what he was thinking, smiled and said: "The family needs to grow, so we won't think too many masters. As long as they are masters who have no second thoughts about the family and are willing to maintain their clan identity, even if there is a problem with blood, we will We will not push it out. Of In order to maintain the bloodline of the Yu family for future generations, for such a clan, we will marry other women who have always been innocent and ensure the bloodline of the inheritor."

Yu Guihai nodded and didn't say anything. This kind of method was no big deal. It not only attracted the masters, but also maintained the Yu family's face, so it was worth it.

Of course, this kind of expert must have been raised as a child of the Yu family since he was a child, and it is absolutely impossible to join later.

"Come on! Put a drop of blood into this basin." Yu Guitian pointed to the black basin on the confession table and said.

Yu Guihai walked over to take a look, and saw that there was half a basin of liquid in the black pottery pot.

The liquid was very turbid, as dark as ink, and I didn't know what it was.

Yu Guihai bit his finger and gently placed his finger on the top of the pot.

A drop of bright red blood was as heavy as molten iron and landed in the pottery pot with a clatter.

Ripples are rippling!

ps: It was thoroughly investigated. The anterior cruciate ligament of the knee joint was ruptured, and the patella fell off a piece two centimeters in size, so surgery was necessary. The date of the operation is to be determined. In the past few days, I will do an infusion every day for examination, adjust my physical condition, and wait for the operation. It can only be maintained for one change for the time being. It may be interrupted during the operation. Let’s see the situation after the operation. There is no charge for this section!



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