Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 1463: Suppress Zhu Qiang



"what are you thinking about?"


An old man with all his white hair standing on end, who looked very irritable at first glance, sneered, and then suddenly burst into flames, his palms turned into knives, and he suddenly slashed towards Yu Guihai Xu!




The void exploded, and a white line reached the top of Yu Guihai's head in an instant.


"Wang Bao, you dare!"


Chen Yutuo was shocked and angry when he saw this, but he never thought that this person would suddenly make a move, and he would go all out as soon as he made a move, so he didn't have time to react.


This white line is not the old man's trick, but a trace of the void cut by the terrifying power. The old man's method is invisible.


The void here is in the same dimension as the fairy world, and the firmness can withstand the full bombardment of the Supreme Realm powerhouse. This old man was able to cut a white mark in this void, which shows that the power of his attack has definitely reached the strongest level that can be achieved at the peak of Xuncheng Profound Immortal Realm.


When the other people present saw this move, their expressions changed slightly. They put themselves in Yu Guihai's position and thought it would be difficult for them to take up this move. It can only be avoided, not hard-connected, otherwise it will inevitably be injured.


However, Yu Guihai stood under this move without dodging, his expression did not change in the slightest, he still had a faint smile, and he didn't seem to see the white mark on the top of his head at all.


"Isn't this person stupid?"


"Is it really the Supreme Realm? It is impossible for a non-Supreme Realm powerhouse to take this trick."


"Impossible, I think that old trash Chen Yutuo was deceived by this person. Or there are other conspiracies."


There was a lot of discussion, but they soon realized that something was wrong.


It is said that this move immediately came to the top of the person's head, and they should be cut off before they finished speaking.


However, they are talking so well, why are the knife marks still there?


At this time, the atmosphere gradually cooled down.


The expressions of everyone gradually turned into shock. Especially the old man who made the move, the ferocious look on his face has turned into horror.


He has lived for an almost infinite number of years, and he has encountered countless opponents. He even witnessed the supreme divine power with his own eyes, but he never thought that one day his strongest blow would be taken so easily by others.


He felt like an ant, wanting to shake a big tree that holds up the world, and the other party didn't feel the blow of his full strength. What a shame!


However, he didn't feel the slightest bit of embarrassment. Skills are not as good as people, it is not ashamed, and the shame is that you cannot afford to lose. Losing is losing, no matter if it is a one-shot regret or a humiliating defeat, it is the same.


The old man quickly accepted the move, turned over and bowed down, "Master is the best, please accept the disciple Wang Bao!"


Yu Guihai had a faint smile on his face, and he was speechless in his heart. He originally wanted to use this person as a prestige, let him suffer some hardships, kill chickens and monkeys by the way, and deter others. But I didn't expect that this person would suddenly come to this trick, but he couldn't fix him.


"Okay, very good. However, your apprenticeship like this has no basis and no sincerity! I have a book of life and death here. If you leave your name on it, you will be sincere." Yu Guihai waved his hand and released it. A golden book.


"The Tao of Reincarnation!"


Everyone was shocked when they saw it, and their faces were instantly ugly. The eyes they looked at Yu Guihai also showed a bad look.

The Tao of Reincarnation is the treasure of the destroyed Liudao clan. After the Liudao family was destroyed, it disappeared. Could it be that this person is the remnant of the Six Paths family and is here to take revenge?


If this is the case, even if this person is really in the Supreme Realm, then they cannot accept the fate of being enslaved by it. At this age, there are people who are afraid of death, but not many.


When even an old man with a pale complexion stood up, he shouted sharply: "Are you a remnant of the Six Paths family? It is wishful thinking to continue to enslave me and other clans. Even if I die, I will not succumb. Be a slave."


This old man had dove-eyed and eagle-like nose, and his face was ruthless. He didn't look like a bright and upright person.


Immediately, there were other people who responded!


"That's right, even if we burn all the jade and stones, it's impossible for me to be a slave again."


"Wu Wending, I have always looked down on you, an old man, but I didn't expect you to have such a backbone, but I am impressed." Wang Bao, who had bowed to his teacher before, also stood up at this time, also standing on the side of the opposition. .


Yu Guihai smiled slightly at this, and did not show any discomfort at all. He said softly: "Actually, you don't have to. I am not from the Six Paths family, and this golden ancient book is not the Samsara Dao. The most important thing is that this matter It's up to you. Even if you are bent on dying, ask me if I will answer."




When Wang Bao heard this, his eyes widened and he was about to drink. Unexpectedly, he suddenly felt a terrifying coercion descending from the sky, and instantly imprisoned him on the spot, not to mention his body could not move, even the immortal essence in the body, even the primordial spirit could not use half a point.


Several other people also felt the same way, and one by one, they were all shocked and angry. They have some understanding of the power of the Supreme Realm, but they did not expect that the person in front of them could be so terrifying.


This kind of terrifying power that can suppress all of them just by coercion, I am afraid that it is also a super strong in the Supreme Realm.


"I said, I can't help Let's start now."


Yu Guihai smiled, urging the Book of Life and Death to control everyone one by one.


The first person to control was Wang Bao. Before taking control, he glared. After taking control, he became docile again and respectfully called Master.


A strong man was controlled by Yu Guihai, and these people were immediately released from their imprisonment, and they all came to Yu Guihai respectfully.


When the control reaches the penultimate person, a mutation occurs. I saw an invisible force suddenly emanating from the man's primordial spirit, and suddenly the power of the Book of Life and Death was eliminated.


His control failed!


Yu Guihai looked surprised. It was the first time he had used the Book of Life and Death for so long.


This person was Wu Wending who was the first to stand up and swear to the death.


The power emanating from his primordial spirit contained a peculiar fluctuation, which seemed to be some kind of tyrannical restraining power, which directly defeated the power of the Book of Life and Death.


"This is?"


Yu Guihai was very interested, and he manipulated the Book of Life and Death to experiment several times.


Wu Wending's body had to burst out a stronger force to resist the control of the Book of Life and Death.


At this time, an exclamation came from among the people who had already been controlled, "This seems to be the power of the Great Way of Reincarnation!"


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