Super Shinto Lord

Chapter 1417: Harvest

Inside the cave, it is extremely luxurious, and there are rare fairyland treasures everywhere.

Any one of them can be beneficial to the cultivation of the powerhouses in the Mysterious Immortal Realm. Take it out for a good price.

For example, the Baijing Immortal Jade Bed is the most calming, capable of stabilizing the Primordial Spirit, dispelling external demons, and practicing on it, and is not afraid of going into the devil at all.

There are also those few immortal plant potted plants that exude a strong Dao power, which is of great help to the monks who practice the same Dao.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by both Android and Apple. 】

The pictures hanging on the wall are not ordinary, and the fairyland inside is real. This is a treasure of the fairyland. Not only is the area inside it extremely huge, but the spirit of the fairy and various resources are at the level of the fairyland.

Because this treasure is a powerful shot, intercepted and refined from a piece of fairyland. I don't know how it fell into the hands of this old guy.

On the top of the cave was inlaid with nine bright pearls the size of the mouth of a bowl. These nine bright pearls were impressively a set of treasures to assist in cultivation. Even Yu Guihai could feel the slightest acceleration effect when practicing under the bright pearls.

It can be seen that the longer you live, the more good things are.

However, these things are only a small part.

Yu Guihai held a jade bracelet in his hand. This jade bracelet is a piece of storage equipment. It is filled with all kinds of precious treasures that Lao Yun has acquired in countless years.

If nothing else, the elixir alone is enough for Yu Guihai to break through three or five times in a row.

This is amazing, because the elixir Yu Guihai needs to break through is many times more than other monks of the same rank. The elixir he needs to break through three or five times is an astronomical amount.

Not to mention, there are many other treasures in it.

What surprised Yu Guihai the most was that he actually found some fragments of the Book of Life and Death. I don't know how this thing fell into his hands. It can be seen that this person definitely knows more about the infighting of the Lu Haikong brothers than he said.

Yu Guihai was picky and unceremoniously took away all the treasures, leaving only the things that were of no use to him.

He believes that one must be kind, and that one must never kill them all, and that one must always leave something for others so that they can meet in the future.

"Well! These cave houses are well decorated, and they are all mine. It just so happens that I also need to decorate the cave houses."

Yu Guihai said, and with a wave of his hand, all the precious treasures in the cave disappeared.

"..." Lao Yun wanted to cry beside him without tears. But he dared not speak out, and he had to keep his opinions. Because I can't beat it. Beaten up badly. No matter how dare you refuse, you will be beaten.

"Forget it, here it is. Nothing good."

Yu Guihai pouted in disdain and threw the bracelet to Lao Yun.


The old cloud was enraged.

Listen, everyone. Is this something special?

You stole everything from my old man, and you still say such things? If you don't have something good, don't take it!

However, the situation is stronger than people, he can't beat it, and he can only swallow this breath. Otherwise, he will die!

"How is your practice?"

Yu Guihai asked indifferently.

"Fellow Daoist Qingyang, this, this is the old man's cultivation technique. It's called the Myriad Ways!"

Old Yun tremblingly handed over a fairy jade slip.

Yu Guihai took it over, swept away his spiritual thoughts, and soon obtained a practice.

He pondered on the spot for a while, then opened his eyes and said, "Fellow Daoist seems to be dishonest. He even used a fake exercise to deceive me. It seems that I am too soft-handed."

After he finished speaking, he was ready to start.


Lao Yun's expression changed, he fell to his knees directly, and begged for mercy: "I was a little confused for a while, please adults Haihan. Forgive me this time. I am willing to give my true work."

He was completely frightened by Yu Guihai. Because Yu Guihai will use an incomparably evil power to torture him. Even with his endless years of experience, he had never seen it before, and he could not bear the torture.

Originally, he wanted to cheat Yu Guihai once, but now it seems that the other party can directly judge the authenticity of the exercises. It's a little too outrageous.

In fact, he didn't know that Yu Guihai was just using the invisible interface to judge. If a practice can no longer be displayed on the invisible interface after he comprehends it, it must be a fake practice!

Then Lao Yun gave the real exercise to Yu Guihai.

After Yu Guihai was enlightened, it was displayed normally on the invisible interface.

"There are still a few more doors here, all collected by the little ones over the years. Please accept them with a smile." Lao Yun then sent a few immortal jade slips.

Yu Guihai learned all of them, and sure enough, it was the three Mysterious Immortal Realm exercises again. It's just that the quality is much worse. Far from being able to compare with Wan Dao Zhen Jue.

"Very good. Go out. I want to practice. By the way, you must not leave this place until I allow it. Otherwise, don't blame me." Yu Guihai warned.

"Of course." Lao Yun hurriedly ran away.

Yu Guihai immediately began to formally integrate these exercises, presumably after the fusion of these exercises, he would definitely be able to complete the deduction of the Primordial Dao Jue.

The Myriad Dao True Art is not of high rank, and its advantage is that it cultivates many avenues, which makes itself much stronger than ordinary powerhouses of the same rank. Whether it is the amount of immortal essence, or the quality is much stronger than the same rank.

Just like Lao Yun, the ordinary mysterious fairyland is basically not his opponent in the early stage. That is to say, he was unlucky to meet himself, and he succeeded in changing someone.

However, the shortcomings of this method are also very obvious. This practice method is too complicated, it seems to be a random combination of many avenues of power, and there is a feeling of greed and chewing.

Although the advantages are obvious at the beginning, the shortcomings will appear when you cultivate to the advanced realm.

Cultivation to the point where many avenues are all shallow, not deep enough, and it is very difficult to support climbing to a higher realm. This is also the reason why Lao Yun has not been able to advance his cultivation for countless years.

On the whole, this Wan Dao Zhen Jue is like a minimalist version of the Primordial Dao Jue. There is only a little concept of Hunyuan Dao Jue, but there is no power of Hunyuan Dao Jue at all.

However, the effect of this exercise on Yu Guihai is not small. There are very few exercises that can involve such a great Dao. Among them, there are many avenues that are not even involved in Hunyuan Dao tactics.

Therefore, after Yu Guihai incorporated it into the Hunyuan Dao Jue, the deduction progress was instantly cleared. So that after the remaining few exercises were integrated, there was only a painless improvement.

But it doesn't matter anymore, his Hunyuan Dao Jue Xuanxian chapter has been completely deduced.

Now, the elixir has already got enough from Lao Yun.

And if you break through the location, this Guiyun Realm is just used to break through.

However, for the sake of safety, the old cloud must be driven away first.

In fact, the safest way is to remove it, which is more secure.

But Yu Guihai didn't want to commit more murders, so he let it go. It's not that he is kind and soft-hearted, but that this old cloud 'gives' a little too much, and then kills others, somewhat embarrassed.

So, Yu Guihai summoned Lao Yun and said to him: "You can go, this place belongs to me. You can choose whoever you can take away. Take whatever you can take away. How's it going? I'll be honest! "


Lao Yun is speechless, you are so righteous! I thank you!

"Thank you, Lord Ron. I'll be leaving now. I don't have anything to bring, nor anything." He replied hurriedly.

"Okay, let's go, let's go now." Yu Guihai waved his hand.

"Small farewell! If the adults need to use the small one, call me at any time. This is my sound transmission." Lao Yun, as if receiving amnesty, threw down a white ball, and then ran away as if he were escaping.

Yu Guihai glanced at the ball, and saw a white cloud pattern carved on it, which was somewhat mysterious. With a wave of his hand, the white ball was completely banned.

As soon as Lao Yun left Yu Guihai, he immediately walked towards the cross-border gate, and quickly urged the cross-border beads to enter the door, disappearing without a trace.

As soon as he left, Yu Guihai came here and quietly looked at the gate of cross-border.

Afterwards, Yu Guihai waved his hand, and countless meteorites flew out, forming a huge meteorite belt to firmly surround the gate of cross-border.

With the release of a tactic, a tyrannical force of ban landed on the cross-border gate, forming countless golden chains entangling the entire cross-border gate.

However, this set looks quite scary, but in fact, the cross-border gate is not affected at all, and it can still be easily transmitted.

The function of his formation method is to amplify his own power, and then spread out a powerful threat. It can be sensed at any time by the person who is teleported from the opposite side.

In this case, if there is no complete certainty, I am afraid that ordinary powerhouses in the middle stage of the Xuanxian realm will not dare to come over easily.

And although that old cloud may know some strong people, but at most, he can call in the middle stage of the mysterious fairyland, which is not bad. As for the more powerful late stage powerhouses in the Mysterious Immortal Realm, it is unlikely that they would act for such a person.

After Yu Guihai finished, the entire cross-border gate became a restricted area here. Banning the Great Formation can threaten the Mysterious Immortal Realm. If the True Immortal Realm dares to approach, they will be killed directly. Therefore, he is not afraid of Lao Yun's men coming down and destroying it.

And looking at the way those people are hiding in the distance, you know that no one will be loyal to Lao Yun.

"No one is allowed to approach the Transboundary Gate."

Leaving a warning, Yu Guihai went straight back to the cave.

He is not ready to subdue Lao Yun's subordinates now, and he will talk about it after he has truly broken through the Mysterious Immortal Realm.


Back at the top of the mountain where the cave dwelling was, Yu Guihaiduan sat down, closed his eyes and meditated.

A few days later, he suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes flickered, and his state had been adjusted to the best.

"Then let's get started!"

Yu Guihai whispered to himself. As soon as his heart moved, a door seemed to be opened in his body, and a terrifying breath poured out.


The sky exploded, and under the pull of a qi machine, countless dark clouds suddenly emerged from all directions, and then gathered towards the sky above Yu Guihai.

Soon, the entire sky was covered with thick dark clouds, and countless gods thundered and bombarded in the dark clouds, emitting a deafening explosion. The entire Guiyun world seems to have fallen into the end of the world.

Numerous creatures desperately fled towards the place far from the center of the robbery cloud, lest they run too slowly and die under the terrifying tribulation thunder.

Ordinary creatures are nothing more, but those powerhouses in the real fairyland know the origin of this tribulation thunder.

"This is a mysterious fairyland powerhouse crossing the robbery! Could it be that the ancestor broke through?" A real fairyland powerhouse who had just been awakened by the robbery and broke through the barrier said in surprise.

"What! The ancestor has escaped again! This is the foreign powerhouse who beat the ancestor away. I think it's hanging this time. The ancestor probably won't come back." The strong man of truth replied.

"What? Is this true?" The strongman exclaimed.

"This is still fake. This strong man can drive away the ancestors before the breakthrough. After the breakthrough, let alone!" The strong man replied.

"Hey! I hope this new master can talk a little better. To be honest, although this place is a bit remote and barren, our ancestors led us quite well. I don't know if there will be more relaxed days in the future!" The man sighed softly.

"hope so."



The terrifying tribulation thunder quickly brewed, and the first tribulation thunder fell suddenly.

The terrifying power of its power far surpassed all the tribulation thunders Yu Guihai had encountered before.

For a time, Yu Guihai was a little shocked.

This is the bad consequence caused by the weakness of the Heavenly Tribulation when he broke through from the lower realm. Although that kind of catastrophe did not affect his strength improvement, his knowledge of the real immortal world thunder catastrophe was greatly lacking.

In the face of this unexpected tribulation thunder, Yu Guihai gritted his teeth, and many spiritual medicines were directly shattered, and the terrifying medicinal power instantly poured into his body.

He waved his fist without fear, and all the strength of his body gathered on the fist.


A terrifying loud noise came out, and the robbery thunder was blown up by the air!

A terrifying shock wave swept out all around, the archipelago below turned into ashes in an instant, and a huge void appeared in the sea.




The real fairyland powerhouses watching the battle from a distance were all shocked by this terrifying scene, their minds were shocked, and they only knew meaningless exclamations.

Because the impact of this scene is too powerful.

Needless to say, the extremely terrifying tribulation thunder, as long as they get closer, they will immediately turn to let alone take it.

What they didn't expect was that the strong man would directly punch hard steel in the face of such a terrifying tribulation thunder. The key is that he also directly smashed the tribulation thunder.

I'm afraid this is not the powerhouse in the late stage of Xuanxianjing, right? No wonder his ancestors were driven away. It is the mercy of this man to be able to live.

Just when they hadn't woken up from the shock, an even more amazing scene appeared.

The violent shock was about to disperse all around, but a tyrannical suction force came out from the center, and the terrifying shock wave was sucked back directly.

Countless thunder lights were directly sucked into the person's side, forming a dazzling thunder light group that surrounded the person.

"What is he doing?" A true immortal asked in a puzzled way.

"I don't know." Another replied.

They really don't understand, what is this guy doing to **** Leiguang back again?

"Could it be that this person is merciful, lest the aftermath will hurt innocent lives, so he would rather hold on himself than **** it back?" A true immortal thought suddenly. was despised by others.

"Look! What the hell!"

Suddenly, another true immortal burst out with foul language.

The others hurriedly looked at it and found out that the man actually inhaled all the thunder light into his body.

This time, they were completely stunned!

After living for hundreds of thousands of years, he has experienced countless tribulations, and he has never seen anyone directly swallowing the tribulation thunder.

"Can Tribulation Thunder be eaten?" a true immortal said with a blank face.

"It should be possible. Isn't that one eating?" Another true immortal pointed at Yu Guihai hesitantly.

At this moment, Yu Guihai suddenly opened his mouth and sucked all the remaining thunder light in his mouth.

1417 Great Harvest, Myriad Ways, and Duxuan Immortal! (more than 4,200 words)

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