Martial Arts was very happy, and he believed that Sangbasiu would not recommend anything crooked: "Okay!"

"Go to the Asami Group and ask if there is a guy named Takizawa Naoto. If so, recruit him."

Martial Arts nodded: "Okay."

Martial Arts did not ask for the reason, but Elise could not suppress her inner curiosity and said: "Hey, Samba Xiu, is there anything special about this person?"

Sambash didn't know how to explain it. He couldn't just say that Naoto Takizawa would become a Super Sentai member who could control the robot dinosaurs in the future: "You will know in the future."

"Okay," Elise curled her lips with dissatisfaction after not hearing the specific explanation, and continued to flip through the Financial Evening News. After a moment, she pointed to a name on the newspaper and came to Martial Arts, "Martial Arts, put this Let’s recruit this guy into the company too.”

"Who?" Budo looked in the direction of Ellie's finger and saw a report titled "Asami Group's heir, Asami Ryuuya, ran away from home." "Elise, you really have a bad taste. "

"Father's debt must be paid by his son, where's the bad taste?" Elise asked matter-of-factly, while winking at Samba Xiu as if he wanted to take credit.

Sambaxiu smiled.

Just when he was about to say something, Kil's excited voice sounded in his ears: "The planets in the solar system are arranged in a big cross, and the great witch Grandinu is about to resurrect!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the night sky outside the window appeared.

A fiery red meteor streaked across!

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 120 Lava Graeme

Meteors fell and the earth trembled.

Feeling the shock, the Balbon demons all put down their wine glasses and came to the window to carefully observe whether any changes had occurred around them.

"What's going on? Is there an earthquake?"

Nieka, who successfully joined the Earthquake Research Center with his skills, shook his head: "It's not an earthquake, it's something like a meteorite that fell to the ground."

"Yes, I just saw a dark red meteor flying by the window!"

"To be able to cause such a big shock, he must be a big guy. Everyone, let's go and see it together."

I don't know who made such a suggestion, but it got a response from most of the demons. A group of people turned around and rushed out of the room.

However, just when they were only one step away from the door, Anmaru and Liguluo's cell phones rang.

As soon as the call was connected, Sangbasiu heard a relatively familiar loud voice.

"In the K-3 area, a UFO crashed and caused a big fire. Return to the team immediately."

It was Tatsumi's voice.

An Wan quickly pushed his way to the front of the crowd and blocked the only door in the room: "The situation over there is more complicated now, so everyone should not go over there to join in the fun. Li Guluo and I will go over first to provide rescue and relief work, and everyone will continue to have dinner together. "

After all, I have been living in human society for half a month. Although I have not fully adapted, I already have some basic knowledge. I understand that watching the excitement in the past is tantamount to increasing the cost and difficulty of precious rescue operations.

All the Balban demons immediately stopped and sat down obediently in their seats. They all raised their glasses and said, "Come on, stay safe, firefighters!"

Anmaru and Liguluo left with everyone's blessings.

After a while, Samba Xiu patted his clothes, stood up and said to Martial Arts and Elise: "Kiel said that the fire this time was caused by the Disaster Demon."

"Disaster demons are what Kiel said, a clan of demons that symbolize disaster and chaos and are led by the great witch Grandinu?" Martial Arts asked.

"That's right, so I'm going to take Kil to the scene. Maybe I can provide some useful information to Anmaru and Ligu Luo."

"Okay, be careful. By the way, you've been drinking. Do you need me to drive you there?"

"No need, Kil's motorcycle driver's license has been passed, just let him drive." Sambaxiu waved his hand and left the room.

He found a relatively hidden corner and summoned Kil from the dark hell. He threw a motorcycle helmet to the opponent and said, "Let's go and meet the vanguard of the Disaster Demon."

Kil put on his helmet and rode the motorcycle, with bloodthirsty madness in his eyes: "Is it finally here? My loving mother, I really want to send you to hell with my own hands..."

Listening to the terrifying words popping out of Kiel's throat, Sambaxiu sat in the back seat and raised his hand to knock on Kiel's helmet: "In public, be careful with your words. I don't want tomorrow's newspaper headline to be "Shocked! Hiyama" Is this the relationship between Jing and the perverted Oedipus killer?"

Being interrupted like this, the corner of Kil's mouth twitched slightly, his ferocious expression disappeared like a meteor in the sky, and his tense heart plummeted like a balloon with a hole in it.

After rolling his eyes at Sambaxiu through the rearview mirror, Kil stopped talking and drove Sambaxiu to the scene indifferently.

There were many people at the scene, but only a small proportion of them were fire brigade, medical team and other rescue personnel. This does not mean that the fire department did not pay enough attention to the fire and did not send enough manpower, but that there were too many people watching.

While Sambaxiu led Kil, he moved inside with difficulty while gathering information from the people around him.

Therefore, by the time Sambaxiu squeezed into the seat at the back, he had already understood the situation at the scene: the fire broke out in an office building, even though it had been two or three days since the regular off-duty time. hours, but there were few rooms with lights turned off in the office building. Therefore, many people were trapped in the fire, and the rescue pressure was very high.

"It's the Rock Calamity Monster, Lava Graeme. He can transform the surrounding environment into a scorching hell full of magma by releasing heat." Squeezing into the scene, Kil pointed to a dark red patch in the distance and spoke in a voice that only Samba Xiu could hear. The telepath who arrived said, "The current Lava Graeme is still in the embryonic stage and is expected to grow into a complete body in six to eight hours. By then, not only this office building, but also several nearby blocks will be burned."

After getting such valuable information, Sambaxiu decisively turned on his phone and clicked on Dochikurujia's phone number.

Since there were too many people around, Sambaxiu naturally did not choose to make a voice call. Instead, he edited the information revealed by Kiel into a text message and sent it.

Needless to say, Dochikuruga was really working hard. Not long after Sambaxiu sent his text message, he received a reply - "Is there any way to delay the growth of Lava Graeme?"

"Cool down." Keir gave the answer.

Sambaxiu sent the answer, and soon he saw a fire truck break away from the formation and drive to the place where Lava Graeme fell.

A moment later, Dochikuruga sent another text message asking how to completely eliminate Lava Graeme.

Fortunately, Samba Xiu had already guessed this problem, and immediately relayed the method that Kil had told him: "Breaking the core of Lava Graeme can completely eliminate Lava Graeme."

"Thank you, Mr. Hiyama. The Earth Defense Force has begun arranging the research and production of new weapons that can destroy the lava Graeme core without explosion."

Turning off the phone, Sambaxiu was not in a hurry to leave.

Although the Earth Defense Force has begun to develop weapons against Lava Graeme, weapon development is never a simple project that can be completed immediately. If you think about it, it will be impossible to catch up. This Lava Graeme will most likely be the first to appear. Victory robot defeated.

Sambaxiu initially chose to report Lava Graeme's situation, not hoping that either the Space Police Earth Agency or the Earth Defense Force would come forward to deal with Lava Graeme, but hoping to use the power of these two parties to disperse the surrounding gangsters as soon as possible. People, try your best to minimize possible losses of life and property.

However, Lava Graeme is the first disaster demon that the emergency team GGOOV has dealt with. Adhering to the simple idea of ​​​​"it's all here", Sambaxiu felt that it was necessary to appreciate GOGOV's first show.


It was a bit stuck. During the first episode of Rescue Team, I discovered that there was something wrong with the editing of the first episode. One second, the Xun brothers and sisters were at the rescue scene, and the next second they went home and got the emergency bracelets and turned them into GOGOV. It was a little smooth. Neither. I have to think about it for a while and think about how Geer's plot will unfold.

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 121 Dr. Sunda World

The huge rescue pressure meant a long rescue time. Even if the Capital Fire Department had tried its best to mobilize nearby firefighters to deal with this sudden disaster, it was only one or two o'clock in the morning when the fire was completely extinguished.

After all the trapped people were rescued safely, a thin layer of light appeared on the horizon.

"It was such a fierce battle," Kiel said with admiration as he looked at the tired firefighters. "Only such a weak body can survive for so long."

Although it was a heartfelt approval, these words always sounded strange.

Naturally, Gere quickly attracted some attention.

Tsumata who participated in the rescue was one of them, but his focus was not on Kil's weird tone.

I saw Xunmao walking up to Kiel, clenching his fists, and saying firmly: "Momentum, we rely on momentum!"

"Momentum?" Kiel can't always understand such abstract things well. "What is momentum?"

Tatsumata is a hot-blooded idiot and can't think of a reasonable explanation for a while.

Just when he was struggling, the voices of his younger siblings came to his ears: "Mr. Hiyama, why are you here?"

"Mr. Hiyama?" Tatsumi came back to his senses and saw Samba Xiu standing next to Keir.

"We meet again, Xunmao, Xunliushui, Xunzhong, Mr. Xunda Gate, and Miss Xunji." Looking at the Xun brothers and sisters walking towards him and Xunmao who finally noticed him, Sangbasiu said hello one by one and explained He said, "Anmaru and Li Guluo suddenly left the party in the middle of the dinner and didn't go back all night. I came over to see what was going on."

The Xun brothers and sisters nodded to express their understanding.

Sangpaxiu continued: "Speaking of it, it is really a unique experience to see brothers and sisters from the Xun family gathered together at the disaster relief site."

When Sangbasiu said this, Xunliushui nodded thoughtfully: "After all, the scale of this fire is indeed very large, and the entire rescue system has been mobilized."

Xunji looked at a fire truck that had left the team. At this moment, the fire truck was still watering the lava Graeme's larvae: "That's what fell from the sky last night, right? What's in it?" "

Kil replied: "The Calamity Demon."

"What is the Disaster Demon...?" Xun Liushui asked subconsciously, with a desire to explore the unknown and a thirst for knowledge in his eyes.

When encountering topics related to disaster demons, Keir's desire to talk suddenly increased a lot: "Disaster demons are a family of demons that seek to destroy and destroy everything as their survival motivation, symbolizing disaster and destruction. This fire is caused by a demon that can drive Brought by the calamity beast of lava.”

Kiel's eloquent talk attracted Xunliu Shui's attention. He looked at Kiel and asked: "Mr. Hiyama, who is this gentleman?"

"Kil, my friend, knows a little about disaster demons." In order to avoid being exposed, Sambaxiu immediately made up an identity for Kiel.

"In other words, if that thing is not removed, the fire will come back?" Xun Zhong frowned, turned around with a bored look, and prepared to leave.

As the eldest brother who brought up several brothers, Xun Chan knew the personalities of his younger brothers and sisters relatively well. He almost didn't need to ask them specifically to know what they were thinking. He grabbed Xun Zhong's hand and said, "Zhong, don't be impulsive. Don't act rashly before further instructions are given above!"

"Damn, those big guys, can't they move faster? If we delay any longer, what if that disaster demon beast suddenly attacks?"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone felt that the temperature of the surrounding environment had increased significantly.

"Look over there, that disaster demon beast is moving!" Xun Damen shouted loudly.

The dark red bulge that was originally like a small hill has disappeared, replaced by a huge humanoid creature of more than 60 meters, with strange flames on its chest.

Xun Liushui looked at Lava Gram burning wherever he went, with the posture of a world-destroying demon god, and couldn't help but sigh: "Is this the disaster demon? It's really a walking disaster."

Xun Zhong raised his hand and pulled his face, and after confirming that he was not dreaming, he murmured: "No way, is it really such a coincidence?"

"What are you guys in a daze about? Go back to your posts at this time," Xun Chan raised his hand and pushed Xun Liushui and Xun Zhong who were still in a daze, and then looked at Samba Xiu and Kil, "You two should leave the vicinity as soon as possible."

Although Samba Xiu had no intention of leaving, it was not a wise choice to stay where he was, and he immediately prepared to take Kil to find a more suitable viewing point.

But before the two took a few steps, an explosion that resounded through the sky came from behind them.

Samba looked back and saw the Xun brothers and sisters lying on the ground in a twisted state. In the distance was Lava Grimm, who was constantly firing magma bombs.

Apparently, a magma bomb had just fallen between Samba and the Xun brothers and sisters, causing the explosion.

The shock wave generated by the explosion was nothing to Samba and Kil, but it was still too strong for ordinary people without protection.

"In this state, they should not be able to participate in the subsequent rescue work," Samba looked at the fainted people and shouted to Kil, "Come and help, move them to a safe place."

"Yes." Kil nodded and ran quickly to the Xun gate closest to him.

Just as he was about to lift the Xun gate and move it to a safe place, a red off-road vehicle crossed the chaotic street and rushed in front of Kil.

The window of the driver's seat slowly lowered, and a little old man with white hair and beard said to Samba Xiu and Kiel: "Thank you for helping me move these children to the car."

Kiel naturally couldn't follow the guidance of a little old man for no reason, and immediately asked: "Who are you?"

The little old man showed a fairly bright smile: "I am their father, Xun Shijie."

After that, he unbuckled the seat belt, opened the car door, and took out a half-person-high cannon launcher from the back seat of the car.

"Dr. Xun Shijie, what are you doing..."

Xun Shijie took out a cannon from the pocket of his white coat and installed it on the launcher. While aiming at the rampant Lava Gram, he explained: "My special freezing bomb should be able to delay this monster for a while. The situation is urgent. I have a way to deal with this monster, but I must rely on the strength of Xun Chan and his brothers and sisters, so hurry up and help, Mr. Hiyama."

After that, Xun Shijie pulled the trigger.

The special freezing bomb hit the runaway Lava Gram like a meteor.

With the explosion of the freezing bomb, the surrounding temperature dropped significantly, and the movement of Lava Grimm became slow until it stopped.

Samba Shu gently picked up the unconscious Tatsumi and asked, "Does Dr. Tatsumi know me?"

Tatsumi nodded, glanced at Samba Shu and saw that it was Samba Shu holding Tatsumi. He quickly put away the shell launcher and trotted to take Tatsumi from Samba Shu: "I know."

Ⅱ The Nemesis of the Disaster Demon (Emergency Team): [New] Chapter 122 Samba Shu has no idea about Tatsumi

Although he maintained a weak hostility towards Samba Shu, Dr. Tatsumi did not drive away Samba Shu and Gil after settling his children. Instead, he took the two of them back to the Tatsumi Disaster Prevention Research Institute, that is, the Tatsumi family, along with the Tatsumi brothers and sisters.

"What are you going to do next, Dr. Tatsumi?"

"Let's move them to the sofa first."

Watching Samba Shu holding Tatsumi Chan and Gil carrying Tatsumi Liushui, Tatsumi nodded with satisfaction.

After taking two quick steps to open the door, he immediately turned around and carried his daughter into the house, placing her on the softest part of the sofa.

After putting down the Xun Liushui, Kiel quickly moved the Xun door into the room and asked, "Do we need to wake them up?"

The Xun World shook his head: "Let my children rest for a while. If the data sent by the space police is correct, the special freezing bomb should be able to stop the activity of Lava Gram for four hours."

Hearing the pride and complacency in the words of Xun World, Kiel frowned and reminded: "Lava Gram has a strong adaptability. If he is not dealt with in time, blindly cooling him down is just a test for him. It won't take long before the cooling trick will fail."

"Lava Grim actually has this characteristic," Xun Shijie stroked his beard and looked at Kiel with a little more curiosity in his eyes, "You know a lot about the Disaster Beast."

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