"Just over a month." Banba Sokichi replied cheerfully.

"Sure enough, I caught your attention not long after I faked my death and came ashore." Samba Xiu knew that his fake death could not be hidden from the Super Sentai members, but he really didn't expect that in this era where surveillance has not spread to every corner of the city, His true identity was discovered so quickly.

You must know that more than a month ago, he had just used the jewelry he brought from Barbang in exchange for a generous start-up capital.

"It seems that the sight I often felt during that time is yours."

"Sight?" Although he was confused, Banba Souyoshi just thought that Samba Xiu, a weirdo, had some weird words in his choice of words, so he didn't worry too much about this word.

And with his behavior like this, Sambaxiu naturally thought that the other party was acquiescing. So a big pot from Mugen Ryu was placed on Super Sentai.

After his inner confusion was answered, Sambaxiu opened the skylight and spoke frankly: "What does the JAKQ Electric Shock Team want from me?"

Although Banba Souyoshi was happy to answer Samba Xiu's confusion, the premise was that he also wanted to get more information from Samba Xiu. He said, "Your thoughts determine our actions, so before asking us what we want to do, , can you tell me your plan?”

"I'm not afraid of your jokes. I have no grand goal of turning Tokyo into a crime city, nor do I have a great vision of destroying the world. I just want to be an honest businessman."

The corners of Banba Souyoshi's mouth rose, as if he had heard some great joke: "An honest businessman. Are you referring to your recent outrageous 'good luck'?"

"I didn't go blow up their factory. I can't decide where the Galaxy and Balban will fight. The zero production capacity can only be attributed to their own bad luck. As for those customers, I didn't use force to coerce them. They are all You won't even ban normal business activities if you rely on business negotiations to make an order." Sangba Xiu narrowed his eyes and looked slightly annoyed. "A strong dragon cannot suppress local snakes. Since I have decided to blend into human society and live a good life, naturally. I will abide by the rules of the human world, not to mention that I’m not even a dragon.”

"Well, since you faked your death and left Barbang, apart from applying for fake household registration information and selling jewelry of unknown origins, you have indeed done nothing illegal. But you gave up your freedom as a pirate so easily. Don't feel sorry for it. ”

"Freedom?" Samba Xiu sneered, "Freedom is exchanged for one's life. What is there to cherish? I don't want to go to hell with those bastards from Balbon."

Hearing this, Banba Souyoshi lowered his voice, and his tone sounded more like a bad guy than Samba Xiu: "It's an exaggeration. The Balbon Pirates were once a terrorist group that terrified countless planets, even if they were sealed. In three thousand years, the overall strength has not declined much. Not to mention that the Galaxy people at this time are just fledglings that have just learned to fly. As long as Balban works together and goes all out, the Galaxy people will never be Balban's opponent. "

Hearing these words, Samba Xiu wanted to roll his eyes: "Three thousand years is not something that can be spent with a cup of coffee. It only takes a child more than ten years to reach adulthood. Three thousand years are enough to create a world that I am not familiar with. More Besides, I don’t think that with my little ability, I can still do evil after standing still for so long.”

Sanbasiu added: "Besides, don't you think the words 'work together and go all out' are too extravagant and too ironic for the Balbon Pirates?"

"You are much more sober than your captain," Banba Sokichi was now convinced, "You really only intend to be a rich man on Earth."

"It's natural."

After getting the answer he wanted, Banba Sokichi was in a good mood and said: "I have been involved in some business activities before, so I can give you some suggestions."

"Thank you."

"Before expanding the company's business scope, let's go through some formal and necessary procedures."

Having said that, Banba Sokichi did not wait for Sambaxiu and Gulinki to respond. Standing up on his own.


"By the way, about the procedures, if you don't understand, just read this."

Banba Sokichi walked to the door and took off the red flower he had been wearing from the eyelet of his suit. At the same time, he took out a playing card from his pocket, pinched the red flower and the card together, and threw it towards Samba Xiu. .

"Put it away. It might be a lot more convenient to use this."

After receiving this playing card and the red flower, before I could take a closer look, I heard the somewhat frivolous voice of Banba Sokichi again.

"Let's go through the back door occasionally. Honest but lucky businessman, Mr. Hiyama."

As for Banba Souyoshi's last somewhat teasing words, just like the previous playing card, Samba Xiu accepted it without changing his expression.

"Leader, did something happen?"

After Banba Sokichi left, Gulinki, who had been silent, spoke, his words full of worry. He has worked hard to push the company to this point. If Hana goes bankrupt due to the interference of the Super Sentai, he will definitely go crazy.

"It's okay, I'm here to help."

Samba Xiu shook his head and picked up what Sokichi Banba just threw to him.

A paper flower and a playing card.

There is no useful information on the playing cards, just the JAKQ Dengeki Team logo printed on the back, presumably just a token.

Unfolding the red paper flower, there wasn't much information on it, just a short line of address.

In front of the address, there are a few words written - Space Police Earth Agency.

A trace of doubt immediately rose in Samba Xiu's heart. If he went there like this, wouldn't he really be walking into a trap?

Ⅰ Balbon's Gunhead (Star Beasts) : [Revised] Chapter 40 The First Establishment of the Space Police Earth Bureau

When the enemy comes, the general will fight, and when the water comes, the earth will cover it.

Although it was not clear whether Banba Sokichi had teamed up with the Criminal Rangers to prepare an ambush for him, after dealing with some things in the company, Samba Xiu still had a try mentality and went to the address given by Banba Sokichi.

"It's here."

"Leader, are you sure it's here?"

Looking at the deep alley in front of him, Gulinji was a little scared and suspicious, always feeling that there was an ambush hidden in the alley.

"Don't worry, just go in."

Samba Xiu was very calm. Although this alley was indeed different from the spectacular Criminal Ranger base in his impression, it was at least a place "certified" by BIG-ONE, so there was no problem.

Not to mention that the first time he arrived here, Samba Xiu used his extraordinary senses to explore the surroundings, and there was nothing unusual, let alone an ambush.

Having said that, Samba Xiu was still a little vigilant when he strode forward.

However, a hero of justice would not go to great lengths to use dirty and despicable means to deal with a villain like him who was obviously dead.

The JAKQ Electric Team was not the black-hearted guys of the Five Rangers who could do such a bad thing as disguising bombs as ostrich eggs to trick monsters into eating them.

While complaining and comforting himself, Samba Xiu took courage and walked a few steps faster.

He was like a bachelor who woke up in the middle of the night because of the urge to urinate and got up to go to the toilet, as if he would be entangled by unclean things if he walked slower.

In just a few breaths, Samba Xiu had crossed the entire alley and came to the front of the low house. Looking at the half-open door, Samba Xiu was not polite.

Pushed the door open and entered.


Just when Samba Shu pushed the door, a scream was heard, full of energy.

"Be careful, young people can't be so reckless."

Even though he was startled by Samba Shu's sudden opening of the door, the middle-aged man who screamed was still gentle, and did not show any irritability because of Samba Shu's collision.

"Sorry, sorry."

Seeing this, Samba Shu hurriedly apologized, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The middle-aged man in front of him looked exactly like Banba Sokichi.

The only difference was that Banba Sokichi was wearing a white suit, while the man in front of him was wearing a black military uniform: "The commander of the Kingranger, Miura?"

In the Super Sentai world, the only person with the same face as Banba Sokichi, in addition to the Blue Ranger of the Secret Team, was the commander of the Super Ranger of the Super Ranger, Miura Naoyuki.

But it was obvious that the other party did not come here to stake out Samba Shu.

Without even looking at Samba Shu, he just walked past him and left the low house.

I guess he wasn't the person Banba Sokichi wanted him to meet.

"The Kingranger is a super team born from the Earth Defense Force. As their commander, Miura naturally represents the Earth military. It seems that the Space Police have just established contact with the Earth. They are planning to let the Space Police monitor me instead, and use me to test the gold content of the Space Police."

Samba Shu understood Banba Sokichi's plan.

"Hello, may I ask..."

This place actually has a front desk like an ordinary company.

"Is this your first time here?"

"Yes, what should I do next?"

"Go there, take the elevator, underground three floors, someone will take you to register."

The receptionist took out a few documents from the drawer, handed them to Samba Shu and Gulingji, pointed to the right hand side and didn't say much.

And Samba Shu took the documents and didn't rush to take the elevator, but picked up the documents and reviewed them.

"Registration form for legal residence of aliens on Earth, commitment letter for settling on Earth, health test report..."

There are nearly a dozen miscellaneous documents, which are overwhelming.

Samba Xiu pinched his temple and walked slowly into the fully transparent elevator.

"I didn't expect such a large space to be opened up underground."

Hearing this, Samba Xiu also turned around and looked outside. It was very deep and dark, and it was difficult to see the bottom at a glance.

He looked at the elevator button again. Wow, there are twenty floors underground.

"Hey, Gulinji, let's check some information first."

"Yes, leader."


In a spacious reception room, the tea on the table was still steaming.

A monster with a dog's head and a human body was talking to a blue guy with a three-color signal light on his chest.

"I really trouble you this time. You came all the way from the police star."

The furry dog's mouth opened and closed, and it was actually clear Japanese.

"It is my duty to cooperate with you to establish the Space Police Earth Department on Earth. Dochikuruga, you don't have to be so polite."

The signalman said very seriously, but compared with Dochikuruga's clear and accent-free authentic Japanese, the signalman's pronunciation was obviously a bit weird.

"Anyway, thanks to you this time. Without your help, I really can't meet the top leaders of the Earth Defense Force."

"Although this is not my business, why did the police chief suddenly plan to establish a branch on Earth?"

Although the signalman's duty time on Earth was not too long, he still had some feelings for Earth because he had inspired the people of Team Kararanger to leave.

As for the fact that the Space Police planned to establish the Earth Department on Earth, even if he was focused on his job and didn't want to think about other things, he couldn't help but feel a little curious.

"This is not a secret, it's okay to tell you. Although you and Kararanger defeated the Space Emperor Aigozos and destroyed his space highway plan. But before that, countless planets were destroyed by the space biker Posok, and many of the space people who lost their homes fled to Earth. The establishment of the Earth Department is to facilitate the supervision of these space people who came to Earth, and on the other hand, it is also to expand the influence of the Space Police."

After saying this, Doki Kuruga drank a sip of tea and moistened his throat.

"I see. But to establish the Earth Agency, in addition to informing the Earth Defense Force, we also have to deal with the local police organization on Earth. This is not something that can be done all at once."

Speaking of this, the signalman was somewhat glad that he was only here to help Dokikuruga in the short term, rather than as a long-term assistant.

"I know this. At this stage, the Earth Agency is only responsible for the supervision and containment of aliens. Other work can be carried out slowly. It will take three to four years at the fastest and five to six years at the slowest."

"It is also thanks to you that you are in charge of the establishment of the Earth Agency. If it were someone else, it would not be as easy as you said."

"No, no." Dokikuruga was not a conceited character. He waved his hand and was very humble.

"In the future, we will be able to absorb some of the Earth's elites into the Space Police by connecting with the Earth Police." Dokikuruga stroked his furry palm and said.

"Well, there are many outstanding talents on Earth."

When the signalman said this, he naturally thought of the funny guys of the Car Rangers, but there was no teasing in his tone.

"Even that legendary space criminal who shines so brilliantly has the blood of an Earthling." Dochikuruga said, and a silver figure holding a laser sword flashed through his mind, and he was filled with emotion.

However, his thoughts did not drift for too long before he was interrupted.

"Director! There is a man holding the playing cards of the JAKQ Electric Team!"


Finally, the revision is about to be completed. There are about three chapters of old content. After the revision, I can start writing new things.

Ⅰ Barbon's Gunhead (Star Beast Team): [Revised] Chapter 41 Samba Shu's Secretary is a Space Police

What do the playing cards of the JAKQ Electric Team mean?

For Dochikuruga, who had just finished the talks with the Earth Defense Force not long ago, it was clear.

"I didn't expect that there would be a 'mission' so soon. Is it a test? Or is it trust."

In terms of personal feelings, he prefers the latter. But Dochikuruga knew very well that this was a test of the ability of the space police.

"The key surveillance target..." After taking the poker cards from his subordinates and observing the suits, Dochikuruga realized that the JAKQ Electric Shock Team had handed over the surveillance task to them.

"Do you have the information about that person?" Dochikuruga looked at the clerk who came to report the news, took the "Registration Form for Information Related to the Legal Residence Permit of Aliens" filled out by Samba Xiu from the other party, and read through it quickly and carefully.

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