Super Security in the City

Chapter 4712: Can't survive

Ye Liuli also had her own thoughts in her heart. She was not coveting the time with Luo Jun. She really felt from the bottom of her heart that Wu Fei'er didn't need her to protect her... At the same time, she also felt that Luo Jun's future was extremely dangerous and she could help him a lot. Deep down she cares about Luo Jun's safety...

She understood Luo Jun's thoughts and struggles better, but she still felt that these details seemed a bit petty compared with safety and life.

But she couldn't say anything more. At this point, it would be boring to hold on to it.

After settling Wu Fei'er, Luo Jun and Ye Liuli did not leave Tianjian.

They are the most secretive here, and they need to wait for the Supreme Supreme One and Supreme Siam to come.

Luo Jun already felt that these two people were approaching.

Ten days later, Siam Supreme and Taiyi Supreme arrived at Heavenly Sword God Realm.

The moment the two people stepped into the Heavenly Sword God's Domain, Luo Jun and Ye Liuli's eyes were filled with joy.

This time, there is no need for Yin Yang spiritual practice.

Ye Liuli was holding the Taichu Sword and was blessed by the Heavenly Sword, so he was not afraid of these two people at all.

Luo Jun was wearing the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram. When the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram landed on Luo Jun's body, it turned into a black cloak.

Not to mention, Luo Jun is also majestic and handsome when he puts on a black cloak.

Let's say that after Taiyi Supreme and Siam Supreme entered the Heavenly Sword Divine Realm, they did not feel any danger. Now Luo Jun and Ye Liuli can be downgraded to two dimensions and hidden, unaware of gods and ghosts. In addition, the Heavenly Sword can also help them hide... so even masters like Tai Yi Supreme and Siam Supreme cannot detect anything...

After arriving at the Heavenly Sword God Realm, Taiyi Supreme immediately went to the Sky Temple.

The Sky Temple is the closest place to the Sky Sword. He wants to explore the Sky Temple first and then the Sky Sword. Although the Heavenly Sword is powerful, he and Siamese Supreme are both immortal, so they are not afraid of it.

The two of them flew quickly and soon arrived at the square of the Sky Temple.

As soon as he arrived, the envoys from the Sky Temple came to stop him.

In the void, there are figures.

Countless divine envoys surrounded Taiyi Supreme and Siamese Supreme.

Before the divine envoys could speak, Taiyi Supreme shouted in a cold voice: "Go away and let your people in charge speak out, otherwise don't blame me for going on a killing spree!"

"What a crazy guy!" The leader of the envoy couldn't help being furious.

"Seeking death!" Taiyi Supreme was too lazy to talk nonsense to these ants and was about to take action...

Just then, a voice came...

It's Ye Liuli's voice!

"Stop!" Ye Liuli flashed and quickly came to the field, in front of Supreme Taiyi and Supreme Siam.

Taiyi Supreme and Siam Supreme were stunned when they saw Ye Liuli, and there were looks of disbelief in their eyes.

Taiyi Supreme's voice trembled: " is this possible? How can you still be alive?"

The envoys of the gods were also overjoyed when they saw Ye Liuli, and they all knelt down and worshiped: "We are waiting to see the empress!"

Ye Liuli waved his hand and said: "Everyone, get out of the way!"

The envoys of the gods retreated as instructed.

Ye Liuli smiled at Taiyi Supreme and Siam Supreme, and said: "You want to see the person in charge, okay, I am the person in charge. You two have traveled hundreds of millions of miles to come to my Heavenly Sword God Realm, what are you doing?"

Taiyi Supreme and Siam Supreme looked at each other. They were filled with doubts and felt a little uneasy.

Taiyi Supreme stared at Ye Liuli closely and said, "You...why are you still alive?"

Ye Liuli smiled sweetly and said, "You are all still alive, why can't I live?"

The Siamese Supreme said in a deep voice: "Since you are still alive, what about this evil beast Luo Jun?"

"Haha..." At this moment, Luo Jun's loud laughter came, and he floated up from behind, wearing a black cloak, looking handsome and majestic.

"You are all still alive, so of course I am still alive!"

Taiyi Supreme and Siam Supreme turned to look at Luo Jun. When they saw clearly, they felt like they were seeing a ghost.

"Are you really not dead?" Fear flashed in Taiyi Supreme's eyes.

Luo Jun smiled slightly and said: "Taiyi, I told you a long time ago that I will make your life worse than death. I am the chosen one, the one destined by fate. Do you really think you can survive because of your stiffness? Can the old thief defeat me and kill me?"

Taiyi Supreme and Siam Supreme already knew that they had been deceived. They looked at each other and suddenly rushed towards the sky together, actually trying to escape.

"You're too naive. Can you escape when you get here?" Luo Jun sneered, and his figure rose into the sky.

Ye Liuli was well prepared and reached the sky one step ahead. The Taichu Sword in his hand gathered the power of the Heavenly Sword and struck two swords in a row.

These two swords were extremely powerful and terrifying.

Taiyi Supreme and Siam Supreme immediately used the Ancient Thunder God Sword and Mo Lian Buddhist beads to resist.


This place was Ye Liuli's home court. Although the two swords did not defeat the two men, they slashed them back to where they were.

While slashing back, Luo Jun also came to the front of Taiyi Supreme.

The Mysterious Diagram of Eternal Sky turned into a glove and wrapped around Luo Jun's right palm. Luo Jun's right palm gathered all his divine power and struck towards Taiyi Supreme with one palm.

Taiyi Supreme quickly used his palm to move the Ancient Thunder God Sword to kill the general. Luo Jun grabbed it with one hand and actually caught the Ancient Thunder God Sword in his hand. The thunder and other powers in the Ancient Thunder God Sword all shook into the world of mountains and rivers. In the world of mountains and rivers, Ye Xinghun was quickly absorbed.

At the same time, Luo Jun shook violently, shook the Ancient Thunder God Sword back, and then slapped it away with his palm.

Three terrifying palm strikes in a row!

Each palm is more fierce than the last!

Taiyi Supreme connected Luo Jun's three palms, but it was obvious that he could not catch the third palm.

At this moment, Ye Liuli appeared behind Taiyi Supreme, and the Taichu Sword came to kill him. With one blast, his entire body was chopped into pieces. Countless Tianyou particles floated into the void, and these Tianyou particles were extremely violent.

Luo Jun immediately captured some of the Tianyou particles and directly suppressed them into the two-dimensional space of the space crystal. Quickly reduce the dimensionality of these Tianyou particles in two-dimensional space...

Ye Liuli's Taichu Sword did great damage to Taiyi Supreme itself. At this time, it was completely okay for Luo Jun to suppress only a part of the particles.

The Ancient Thunder God Sword was also floating in the void... Without saying a word, Luo Jun grabbed the Ancient Thunder God Sword with his big hand. Then he pushed the Ancient Thunder God Sword into the magma world. In the magma world, countless magma tentacles protruded out and tightly entangled the Ancient Thunder God Sword, denying it a chance to stand up.

As for the Siamese Supreme, he was also going crazy at this time.

When Luo Jun was dealing with Taiyi Supreme, he also attacked and killed Luo Jun.

Ye Liuli lured the phantom of the Heavenly Sword to entangle the Siamese Supreme. At this time, Luo Jun took care of the Taiyi Supreme, and then joined forces with Ye Liuli to attack him from the front and back. After a while, the Siamese Supreme was also beaten into countless heavenly particles.

After these two people became Tianyou particles, Ye Liuli used the divine power of the Heavenly Sword to suppress them respectively, not giving them a chance to recover!

At the same time, many Tianyou particles were suppressed in the two-dimensional world.

Then, use Taichu Sword to refine Tianyou particles.

The Siamese Supreme's Tianyou particles suddenly emitted bursts of green smoke when tempered by the Tears of Hidden Flowers of Taichu Sword. After a while, some of the Tianyou particles disappeared into thin air.

From this, Luo Jun Ye Liuli also knew that Taichu Sword could refine the Taigu clan.

The two of them started refining Siam Supreme without saying much.

After about a day, the Siamese Supreme disappeared into thin air and died completely.

After doing this, Luo Jun did not kill Taiyi Supreme immediately. He allowed some of Taiyi Supreme's Tianyou particles to heal and return to human form.

At this time, Taiyi Supreme had long lost its former majesty.

In the temple of the Sky Temple, Luo Jun and Ye Liuli sat cross-legged.

Taiyi Supreme stood in front of the two of them, looking depressed. He already knew that the Siamese Supreme was completely dead...

But now, if the other party wants to kill him, he can just raise his hand.

Taiyi Supreme sat down on the spot, not begging for mercy, but knowing that the other party could not spare him, he said: "The matter has come to this, I admit defeat. If you want to kill, I will kill, why bother to say more?"

Luo Jun said: "There are some things that I want to understand. If you make me happy, I will consider making you happy. Otherwise, I have many ways to torture you."

Taiyi Supreme sneered: "Really? I want to know how you can torture me?"

Luo Jun said: "It's too simple. I use the Divine Sword of Taichu to temper your Tianyou Divine Blood, making you lose your immortality. After that, I use the two-dimensional mother energy to reduce you to a stone. Then I use the Glazed Jade Create a cesspit in the pot and throw you into the cesspool. You will have consciousness, but you can't practice. Is it fun to live like this for life after life? Of course, this also has advantages. If I am killed, you say You may not be able to be rescued. But so what if you can be rescued? Without your immortal body, your true body has been refined by me. The only thing you retain is a little consciousness. Who will care about what's in the cesspool? What about the stone? Do you care? You don't. Can you become a human again? You can't. Because only Liuli and I have the ability to transform you back into a human."

After hearing this, Taiyi Supreme couldn't help but take a breath of cold air and said: "You are too vicious."

Luo Jun snorted coldly and said: "Am I evil? Compared to you, I'm afraid I'm not as good as me!"

Taiyi Supreme said: "It was you who pursued us in the first place, and you were the one who wanted to drive us out. We, the ancient clan, were living well in the Star Gate Forbidden Area, but you insisted on dragging us in."

At this moment, he was filled with regret!

But regret is useless!

Luo Jun said: "It was not me, nor the Earth, who brought you Taigu people in. I want to kill you afterwards because you are too much of a threat. Speaking of which, everyone can't help themselves."

Taiyi Supreme suddenly knelt down to Luo Jun and said, "Can you give me a way to survive?"

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