Super Security in the City

Chapter 4641: Blood Shadow Lamp

Long Weigong's cultivation base is the peak of the Ninth Layer of the Creation Realm, and he is a very powerful energy body in itself! At this time, the Dragon God Mixed Hole and the Ancestral Dragon God Armor were combined, and the three powerful energies exploded together. Its power was simply unimaginable and terrifying!

The masters of the Lingzun Empire have an almost crazy piety. For the sake of the empire, they sacrificed everything, including their own lives! It is precisely because of this that their power of faith is so terrifying. But human beings can't replicate that power of faith... This power of faith is condensed after they have been displaced for thousands of years.

At this time, Long Weigong already knew that Luo Jun was the biggest threat, and the group of them had already reached the point of life and death!

Therefore, at this juncture of life and death, he chose to dedicate his life without hesitation!

Long Weigong's whole body formed a ball of terrifying energy and came crashing into the fireball. After this collision, the power of self-explosion would destroy the world. Although Luo Jun's cultivation level is as high as the sky, if he wants to catch Long Weigong's blow, he will have to peel off his skin if he doesn't die.

Tian Qingge, who was hiding in the dark, was ready to make a move. His eyes filled with tears, and he knew that the old emperor was using his life to fight for this only chance for his group.

Mo Yunyu came out from the magic mirror. Although he was seriously injured, he still had fighting power.

He conveyed his thoughts to Tian Qingge: "I will gather my primordial spirit and attack him in the same way, success or failure depends on it!"

"This, brother Yunyu?" Tian Qingge was shocked.

Mo Yunyu laughed bitterly, and said: "Master Emperor, don't want mother-in-law. You and I both know that if we can't take this person today, we will all die. The future empire will also die."

Tian Qingge's eyes froze, and then he said: "Brother Yun Yu, don't worry, I will kill this beast even if I risk my life today!"

Mo Yunyu began to burn the divine power in his body, messing around.

He wanted to wait for Chen Yang to pick up Long Weigong's self-destructive move, and then make a surprise move.

At the critical moment, Chen Yang wanted to run the Eternal Sky Mystery Map. But at this moment, he hasn't practiced spiritually with Wu Fei'er, so he can't drive the Eternal Sky Mystery Map at all!

At that critical moment, Chen Yang didn't panic, he just took a step back, and one step covered thousands of miles!

Long Weigong's bombardment followed closely behind, faster than lightning!

Chen Yang let out a deep drink, and suddenly punched three times!

boom! boom! boom!

Three moves of the Great Divine Fist were thrown out, and the first punch was blown to pieces by Long Weigong's suicide explosion...but this was just the beginning. With the second punch, Long Weigong's Dao of Destruction was immediately shattered... With the third punch, with a bang, all the self-explosive power of the primordial spirit was defeated. The rest of the primordial spirit's explosive killing power is like fireworks blooming in the sky. It looks huge and spectacular, but in fact it has no lethality!

This is Chen Yang's absolute strength today!

Seeing this, Mo Yunyu and Tian Qingge were stunned. Both of them thought that Long Weigong could shake Chen Yang, but Yang Jun was able to resolve it so easily.

"Emperor Master, you leave immediately!" Mo Yunyu's eyes flashed ruthlessly, and then he roared, and then he blew up his primordial spirit to form an energy fireball and charged towards Luo Jun.

Tian Qingge took a deep breath, turned around and flew away immediately.

He didn't hesitate because he knew that the situation was too different from his imagination. Today I must stay useful and leave...

Faced with Mo Yunyu's attack, Luo Jun just punched his energy fireball into countless fragments.

Then, he saw that Ouyang Yu had already run away.

Tian Qingge even ran away without a trace...

"Ouyang Yu!" Luo Jun secretly said: "This beast can freely enter and exit the Great Thousand World. If he is alive, if he finds Ruth and Xiaojia, it will be very bad." Dong Yuanshen put on a flesh body together and went to chase.

The time primordial spirit and the wormhole primordial spirit took the lead and quickly turned into two beams of light to chase and kill Ouyang Yu!

Only Long Kongtong was left in the arena and was still being besieged by the nine thunder dragons. How could Long Kongtong be the opponent of the nine thunder dragons? After the nine thunder dragons encircled and strangled together, Long Kongtong died immediately without any scum left.

Wu Feier also slapped Ni Cangshui to death at this time. Followed by a backhand to kill Qiluan with Mietian Blade, Jingbu.

In the end, only Shui Linglong was left!

When Chen Chen arrived, he was not polite at all, grabbed the ancient Thunder God Sword, and chopped off Shui Linglong's head with one blow.

Wu Feier smashed Shui Linglong's body into pieces with another palm!

These people came together to kill themselves, so Chen Chen would never be polite, let alone show mercy.

Wu Feier took Lingqing Dongtian and stayed with Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said: "Let's go!" The two rode on the Taikoo Thunder Dragon and went to chase and kill Tian Qingge.

Wu Fei'er also knows how powerful Tian Qingge is, and knows that if she doesn't kill Tian Qingge today, she will be in great trouble in the future.

Chen Yang has locked Tian Qingge's breath, and will never give Tian Qingge a chance to escape.

Tian Qingge and his team came to hunt and kill Chen Yang with full confidence, but in the end they never dreamed that they would end up like this.

In the void, Chen Chen used all his divine power to help Taikoo Thunder God chase and kill Tian Qingge.

About half an hour later, he finally caught up with Tian Qingge.

Seeing that there was no escape, Tian Qingge settled down.

At this time, Chen Yang quickly let Wu Fei'er enter his belly again, forming a state of spiritual cultivation. Wu Fei'er was a little strange. Facing so many masters before, none of them chose spiritual practice. Now there is only one Tian Qingge, why? Although she had doubts in her heart, she didn't ask much, and she was very obedient and practiced spiritually with Chen Yang.

The reason why Chen Yang wanted to practice spiritually with Wu Feier was because he was afraid that Tian Qingge would jump over the wall in case Wu Feier was caught. He knows that Tian Qingge has too many tricks, and now he doesn't want any surprises. As for before, it was to give Wu Feier some opportunities to exercise. Now, it requires 300% absolute control. In addition, he can only operate the Eternal Sky Mysterious Diagram if he practices spiritually with Wu Feier.

"Brother Qingge..." Chen Yang smiled slightly and said, "You never dreamed that this would happen, did you?"

A look of ashes flashed across Tian Qingge's eyes, and then he sighed, and said: "I'm afraid that your ability is even inferior to His Majesty Zulong and Yuanjue Dharma God! We, the Lingzun family, are really suffering a lot. This time, I just want to extract some energy protons, and after so many preparations, I still can't stop the luck of your human race."

Luo Jun said: "Are you going to kill yourself, or do you want me to do it?"

Tian Qingge smiled miserably, and said: "My lord, brother Yun Yu has the courage to give up his life for benevolence. Although Tian Qingge is not talented, I will not waste my useful body. Even if I can't hurt you, I will Fight to the death!"

"Okay!" Chen Yang smiled lightly, and said, "If you have the backbone, I will help you!" Then, he slapped his palm and sang to the sky.

The phantom mirror in Tianqing Singer flashed, and his figure instantly shifted to behind Chen Yang.

Luo Jun's palm fell to nothing.

Tian Qingge turned out the magic weapon Tianlong Shear, and Tianlong Shear frantically and fiercely killed Chen Chen's head.

Luo Jun used the Taikoo Heavenly Dragon Sword, and the Taikoo Heavenly Dragon Sword slashed left and right, then knocked back the Heavenly Dragon Scissors. Then, Chen Yang moved his **** towards the sky and sang lightly, nodding between his eyebrows.

Tian Qingge used the phantom mirror to avoid it again.

Luo Jun locked onto the magic mirror, and when the magic mirror came out, suddenly the power of the world of battle spirits from Eternal Sky Xuanji Tu was released.

Battle Soul Divine Axe, open the sky with an axe!

Kill suddenly!

This ferocious ax entered the phantom mirror...


Immediately, the power in the phantom mirror was violent, and finally couldn't bear it, and it shattered inch by inch.


The phantom mirror turned into countless fragments.

Seeing this, Tian Qingge suddenly turned pale.

Luo Jun didn't say much, flipped his left palm, and formed a big golden handprint to cover Tian Qingge.

Facing Qingge's chest with his right palm to kill!

Tian Qingge could no longer dodge, so she could only resist with all her strength.


The two palm strengths kill together, but they are evenly matched.

This is because Chen Yang didn't try his best, otherwise, why would he use one hand to fix Tian Qingge? Go all out!

Tian Qingge's eyes became more and more anxious...

He began to struggle desperately, and Chen Yang was not in a hurry, so he locked Tian Qingge patiently.

"You can kill if you want, and cut if you want. Why do you have to humiliate me like this?" Tian Qingge roared with bloodshot eyes.

Luo Jun smiled and said, "I know you still have a magic weapon called the Blood Shadow Lamp! You are waiting for an opportunity to let me smash the Blood Shadow Lamp with one palm. Destiny penetrated into my body, right? Once your goal is achieved, my fate and vitality will also decline."

"What?" An unbelievable look flashed in Tian Qingge's eyes, and her body trembled. "You... you even know about the Blood Shadow Lamp? How is this possible? The Blood Shadow Lamp is a treasure that our Lingzun family spent thousands of years to create. It has never been shown in front of outsiders..."

Luo Jun laughed, and said, "There's no need to hide it, just use your Blood Shadow Lamp! If you don't use it, you won't have a chance."

Tian Qingge gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, you forced me!" After saying that, he suddenly sacrificed the most precious blood shadow lamp.

At that moment, thousands of blood ghosts burst out from the blood shadow lamp, and they enveloped Chen Yang.

When these blood phantoms enveloped them, it was not an attack force, but a multi-dimensional unfolding together, which made people feel that the time and space in front of them were chaotic.

In the shadow of blood, bursts of howling ghosts and wolves rang out, destroying people's minds.

But to Chen Yang and Wu Feier, these tricks were nothing more than child's play.

Luo Jun let Wu Feier enter the glazed jade pot. He knew Tian Qingge's power and was afraid of Tian Qingge's counterattack before he died.

Surrounded by blood shadows, suddenly, a blood shadow lamp appeared. The blood shadow lamp turned into a **** light and killed Luo Jun's eyebrows.

At the same time as the killing came, the dimensions were extremely chaotic, and this blood shadow lamp shuttled through countless dimensions, which was unpredictable.

Chen Yang also felt the power of the Xueying Lantern, because at this time he could no longer feel the existence of Tian Qingge. Because this blood shadow lamp has the ability to deceive masters...

Chen Yang also knew that as long as he shot and killed the blood shadow lamp, it would be the time for Tian Qingge to attack him at the same time.

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