Super Security in the City

Chapter 4424: Fenbao

There is a long horn on the top of that huge monster's head, and a pair of eyes are like two well holes, bottomless!

Chen Yang recognized this monster at a glance as a kind of monster, called a prisoner cow!

It looks a bit like a cow, but it is much more ferocious than a cow.

The size of this prisoner cow is terrifying, it weighs a thousand tons, and it is absolutely thick-skinned and rough-skinned.

The moment the prisoner cow jumped out, Qiao Ning, Mingyue, Xuan Tianchou, and Shui Piaoxiang attacked without any hesitation. Qiao Ning activated the ancient thunder talisman, using the Great Sky Eye Technique as a guide, shooting out terrifying lightning from both eyes, directly attacking the eyes of the prisoner cow.

Shui Piaoxiang and Xuan Tianchou also slashed with lightning.

Mingyue is the weakest, but she also casts the magic weapon Lixian Sword to kill the general.

Boom... Several thunderbolts hit the Prisoner's eyes, and the Prisoner immediately let out a painful roar.

Its eyes were also blinded, but this aroused its madness even more. The prisoner bull leaped out, but it came to Qiao Ning fiercely with its horn on its head...

There is also a strong mana in the prisoner's body, and this mana is boundless and unparalleled.

The prison cow is like jumping from the bottom of the water, it's not can jump so high by itself.


Qiao Ning only felt that there was a huge sword coming from a sacred mountain in front of her, but she couldn't even think of hiding.

The prisoner ox is a magical beast, and has not systematically cultivated its mana. Everything is its own genes and power. But even so, its power is absolutely terrifying. This is a natural advantage...

When Linghui set up the enchantment and monsters, it was this kind of powerful monsters that Linghui was looking for.

And also those who are relatively brainless and too smart, who will directly take Linghui's treasure.

The prisoner bull came over, and Qiao Ning ran the ancient lightning talisman, instantly forming a fist mark of the thunder **** in front of him!


Huge thunder bombarded away.

Prisoner Niu didn't care, rushed into the thunder, and wanted to break through Qiao Ning's defense.

Xuan Tianchou and Shui Piaoxiang quickly turned into yin and yang purple lightning twin snakes, and then both heads spewed thunder together to kill them.

However, the defense of the prisoner cattle is too high, no matter how powerful their thunder is, the prisoner cattle just ignore it.

At this moment, Qiao Ning turned pale in shock, and said to herself, "Am I going to die on the spot?"

Mingyue was even more frightened and at a loss.

At this moment, Chen Yang finally made his move.

Luo Jun directly laid down the destiny vortex of the Great Destiny Yuanshen.

The prisoner got into the vortex of fate, and was immediately fascinated by the law of time and the law of fate.

Chen Yang quickly mixed some obsessive techniques into the law of fate, and the prisoner monster immediately felt enraged by the enemy, roaring and attacking non-stop. All the power was wasted for no reason.

Qiao Ning, Xuan Tianchou, Shui Piaoxiang, and Ming Yue were scared to death, thinking they were going to die on the spot.

As a result, they saw that Chen Yang just waved his hand and wiped out the prisoner cow.

"This..." Everyone couldn't help being stunned when they saw this, thinking that the strength of this guy Chen Chen was too terrifying.

"Where did that thing go? Dead?" Qiao Ning couldn't help asking Chen Yang.

Luo Jun said: "This thing is called a prisoner cow. It is a kind of monster. It is naturally thick and powerful. Its demon core naturally contains divine power. If you fight head-to-head with it, it will be difficult to deal with it. Once you go crazy , is a mad cow. So it is best to use it to guard the treasure, because it is too easy to be provoked. After it is provoked, it is in a state of immortality."

Qiao Ning said: "The meat of this thing is indeed very thick. My thunder power can smash the stars, but it doesn't damage it at all."

Luo Jun smiled and said, "It's not very powerful, so how could it be used to guard the treasure?"

Xuan Tianchou and Shui Piaoxiang returned to human form, Xuan Tianchou said: "Senior, what is the condition of this prisoner cow now?"

Luo Jun said: "You can't fight recklessly with the prisoner ox. I've fascinated it in the laws of time and space. It's going crazy in that endless time and space now, and I'll throw it out after its strength is exhausted. "

Shui Piaoxiang smiled and said: "Senior is really a good method!"

Qiao Ning took another look at Yang Jun, and said, "There seems to be nothing in this world that you don't know! How do you know that this thing is called a prisoner cow, and you read it in an ancient book?"

Luo Jun said solemnly: "Of course, this treasure is also seen in ancient books."

Qiao Ning was taken aback, feeling that the other party's answer was impeccable!

Prisoner Niu was still struggling in the world of Destiny Primordial Spirit, but he couldn't do any substantial damage.

Chen Yang then led the crowd to walk in.

Come here for the treasure!

Fly forward some distance...

There is indeed a cave inside, and after walking through the abyss, I saw that cave of heaven and earth!

The dome is very high, and there is a magic circle in the void.

Inside the magic circle, countless treasures are floating...

One of the most conspicuous treasures is the... Kowloon Agarwood Chariot in the sky!

The Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot looks like a golden religious chariot...

And there are no nine dragons to pull the chariot...

Chen Yang knew that Nine Dragons were sealed in the handlebar runes of the chariot. Once the mana was activated, the world power of the entire chariot would be fully activated. Kowloon will also appear, not only can lead people to run like lightning, but Kowloon can also attack the enemy.

This is the magic weapon used by Yuanshi Tianzun, it is absolutely amazing!

Luo Jun is familiar with Yuanshi Tianzun, and his cultivation base is far higher than Yuanshi Tianzun, so he doesn't think the Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot is so sacred. However, he also knew that the current Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot is definitely a good thing for him.

"A lot of treasures!" Everyone didn't recognize Jiulong Chenxiang chariot, they just looked at the many treasures floating in the barrier, and they couldn't help shouting happily.

Luo Jun asked everyone to be calm and not to be impatient.

He sensed the barrier with divine power, and after confirming that there were no traps or problems, he tore a hole in the barrier, and then led everyone into the barrier.

Chen Yang immediately went to take the Nine Dragons Agarwood chariot into his hands.

The rest of the people were looking at other treasures, not paying attention to what Chen Yang was doing.

What Chen Yang wanted was the Nine Dragons Agarwood chariot and the pill. As for other instruments and so on, he didn't care at all.

With the Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot in hand, he quickly sensed it with mana.

This perception immediately felt depressed again.

Because with his current strength, he still can't open the sealing barrier of Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot.

Therefore, it is also impossible to use the Kowloon Agarwood Chariot!

If you want to use this Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot, at least you have to cultivate to the Heavenly Stage before you can barely exert some power.

After reaching the third stage of the creation realm, the full power can be displayed.

"It's okay, it's just a matter of time!" After Luo Jun received the Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot, he also checked other treasures.

A group of people gathered happily, and the harvest was very rich.

But everyone was also very conscious, and finally brought all the treasures and elixir to Chen Chen, and let Chen Chen distribute them.

The same is true for Qiao Ning.

Chen Yang smiled and said, "I don't want all the treasures here. I only want this one..."

He took out the Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot, and said: "This is the magic weapon of Yuanshi Tianzun, called the Nine Dragons Agarwood Chariot. However, my current strength can't show the true meaning of it. In addition, in terms of pills, Chunyang Pill There are a total of 20 billion medicines. There are one thousand divine pills, and ten thousand heavenly pills. In terms of magical powers, there are the Great Heaven Collapse and Earth Splitting Techniques among the three thousand ways! Everyone can share the origin of these magical powers... But I I still suggest Miss Qiao, Tianchou, Piaoxiang, you don’t want to practice these two supernatural powers. It’s not about the number of spells, but the essence. You all practice lightning, and it’s better than anything else if you master the Great Heaven’s Eye skill.”

Xuan Tianchou and Shui Piaoxiang said: "We all listen to you, senior, what you say will never be wrong!"

Qiao Ning also agreed, saying: "I also know that my aptitude is limited, so I don't want to practice so many messy Taoism."

With Mingyue beside her, she wouldn't say much.

Luo Jun said: "But you can store the magical powers of the Great Sky Collapse and the Earth Splitting respectively. In case someone else wants to learn it in the future, you can exchange them for some good things."

After hearing this, Qiao Ning and the others thought it was a good idea.

Chen Yang continued to distribute the pills, and said, "As for the pills... Ms. Qiao, how do you think it's appropriate to divide them?"

He is not greedy for other things, but now he is really eager for pills.

As soon as Qiao Ning heard this, she immediately felt a little embarrassed, and said, " discovered this treasure, and you also caught the prisoner cow. Actually, we didn't help much. To put it bluntly, if you We don’t share any grains, and we can’t do anything to you. So how to divide it is up to you. You can divide it as you say..."

Xuan Tianchou and Shui Piaoxiang were also busy expressing their opinions.

Luo Jun smiled and said: "First of all, I have to say that I really need the elixir right now. Secondly, I don't want any of you to feel uncomfortable. Miss Qiao, you have to ascend to the tenth heaven, one hundred million pure yang elixirs Adding ten divine pills is enough. So, I will give you two billion pure yang pills, fifteen divine pills, and one hundred heavenly pills. These pills are enough to help you cultivate all the way to the realm of imaginary immortals. See if it’s okay? When you reach Xuxian and lose the pills, then I should be able to find more pills to help you.”

Qiao Ning was overjoyed when she heard this, and said, "It's already very good."

Luo Jun said: "That's good!" Then he said to Xuan Tianchou and Shui Piaoxiang: "You don't have much demand for divine pills, so I will only give you Chunyang pills, and I will also give you two billion, okay? ?"

Xuan Tianchou quickly waved his hands and said, "Senior, we don't want pills!"

Shui Piaoxiang also said: "Yes!"

Luo Jun frowned slightly and said, "Why?"

Xuan Tian said sadly: "Our husband and wife have been taken care of by seniors, and we have already received too much. It would be too greedy to share your elixir at this moment."

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