Super Security in the City

Chapter 4001: Thrilling

Yuan Yuxian already knew very well that he was definitely not his opponent today. She knew in her heart that he was not Xuanyuantai. He has a mysterious identity...maybe his face is not like this. So what are the bits and pieces of himself and his past? Are they all acting on the spot? Does he have any weight in his heart?

She can't resist!

Seeing Suzhen in black slapped to death, she simply closed her eyes and prepared to lead death. In fact, she resisted with all her strength, wounded the most, but would not die. But at this moment, her little woman's thoughts are coming up, just want to see if he will beat himself to death.

Seeing Suzhen in black slapped to kill...

Luo Jun couldn't sit still at this time, and immediately said to Suzhen in black, "Don't kill her!"

Suzhen in black immediately closed her palms, turned her body, and attacked that Sumiko again.

Na Sumiko was in shock, and immediately began to dodge, and he was reluctant to fight against Suzhen in black.

Black Suzhen said angrily to Luo Jun in her mind: "I just wanted to try you just now to see if you are not emotional towards her."

Luo Jun laughed and said: "I can guarantee that I am not emotional! There are two reasons for not killing her. First, I don't want to kill her personally. You should understand this. After all, I met her once. Secondly. The reason is more important, that is, I can’t kill her. She is also showing mercy to me deliberately in front of Yuan Sage. How can I not be merciful. If I kill her directly, I will appear to be merciless. Their lies, I How can you believe it? There must be love in this, so that the lie can continue."

Suzhen in black said: "A lie?"

Luo Jun smiled and said, "I will tell you later, this is a secret!"

Seeing that Luo Jun was in control, Suzhen in black didn't say much at the moment.

That Yuan Yuxian was already ready to lead to death, but when Luo Jun's palm power did not fall after landing, her heart was ecstatic. When I felt it again, I felt that the other party had gone to kill Sumiko.

At this moment, she finally determined that the other party had feelings for herself!

At this moment, there was an impulse in my heart, and I wanted to turn to each other and follow him.

But her inner reason told her that she couldn't do this.

After all, reason must overcome impulse.

In a person's life, there will be countless moments of impulse...but very few people really follow impulse. After following the impulse, more people regret it. The momentary touch and happiness will always be overwhelmed by time...

There are always objective reasons why we can't be together and can't do it.

To overcome objective reasons and so on, you need to have a strong ability.

More importantly, many times, you will find that after the impulse, you don't like it that much.

Yuan Yuxian saw Sumiko's crisis and immediately greeted him, and once again fought side by side with Sumiko. The two began to fight against Luo Jun...Black Suzhen controlled Luo Jun's body, although she still had the upper hand. But now that the best time has been lost, it is somewhat difficult to kill the two of them again.

Black Suzhen couldn't help but said: "It's difficult now. If it weren't for your pity and pity, now our battle is over."

Luo Jun smiled and said, "Don't worry about your wife. I believe that for your husband... it is better not to kill than to kill. Killing both of them will not help. I have more important plans behind!"

Suzhen in black said: "Okay!" After a pause, she couldn't help feeling: "You are indeed very different from before."

Luo Jundao: "Oh?"

Suzhen in black said: "I have become more calm, like a general. I now sometimes think that you are a combination of Xuan Zhenghao and Luo Jun."

Luo Jun laughed loudly and said: "Anyway, the only thing I don't change is my heart to love you, just as before!"

Suzhen in black was sweet, but still snorted, and then continued to fight.

In the scene, the battle is in full swing.

Ye Qingming had the upper hand in dealing with the black corpse alone. Black Corpse's Heavenly Way of Death is attached to the Primordial Sage, and it is a bit worse than Ye Qingming's pure Heavenly Way of Death.

Ye Qingming used the six-phase roulette to press on, and the black corpse responded with the net of the forest.

The fight between the two sides was calm, ordinary, but also murderous. Just like a master playing chess, if you make a half-step mistake, you will lose all!

Looking at Yuan Sage's side, Yuan Sage has stretched the way of life to its limit, surrounded by magnum and purple aura, and the ship of destiny was held in his palm and blasted repeatedly.

He has killed the ancestor of the undead ten times, but the ancestor of the undead will be resurrected after a short time, and it is a trend that is stronger and stronger every time.

Yuan Sheng himself is in an injured state, it is really difficult to meet such an opponent.

Yuan Sheng also knew that the other party could not be resurrected indefinitely. There must be some kind of energy supporting the opponent's resurrection... but he doesn't know what the opponent's limit is. What if you can't hold it up first?

The ancestor of the undead was always expressionless, without any emotions leaking out. Such an opponent is really terrible!

Yuan Sheng had the thought of retreating in his heart, but he was not afraid of the undead ancestor. I just don't think there is any need to fight him here! Now that he has a chance to win the whole situation, there is no need to fight to the death. This is unwise.

At this time, he wanted to withdraw, but the undead ancestor refused.

The ancestors of the undead entangled him and did not give him a chance to retreat.

Yuan Sheng roared, desperately condensing the way of life, and finally formed the hand of destiny with the boat of destiny.

The hand of destiny burst out suddenly, actually grabbing the undead ancestor directly in the palm of his hand. At this time, his life heaven and the boat of destiny all turned into the flames of life, frantically melting the ancestors of the undead.

In the palm of his hand, the undead ancestor suffered thousands of swords and divine flames.

His body was quickly melted, and his entire body quickly turned into countless ice blue particles. The ice blue particles are always condensed together and change all the time.

Yuan Sheng held it in both hands, and then pulled it again, forcibly splitting the ice blue particles into two.

He continued to refine and kill, not wanting to give the undead ancestor a chance.

It was also at this time that Ye Qingming finally hit the black corpse with a palm. The black corpse violently withdrew, and then spit out blood.

Ye Qingming turned around and quickly came to the Yuan Sage.

The six-phase roulette was condensed in the heart of the fist, blasting Xiang Yuansheng's chest and abdomen with one punch.

Yuan Sheng was very angry. He had reached the key point in refining the undead ancestor, how could he expect that Ye Qingming would suddenly kill him. In desperation, he had to quickly let go of the undead ancestor.

Then respond with the fist of life!


Strangling with fist strength, Yuan Sage took a step back, and Ye Qingming took three steps back.

Even in this situation, this primordial sage is still fierce and fierce!

At the same time, the icy blue particles released by Yuan Sheng began to condense, and in the end two undead ancestors unexpectedly formed strangely.

This scene shocked Yuan Sheng.

The two undead ancestors were exactly the same, and without saying anything, they once again culled to Yuansheng.

Ye Qingming also followed the killing general, absolutely taking advantage of his illness and killing him.

The black corpse did not lose its combat effectiveness, and soon came over.

"Black corpse!" Yuan Sage roared, and suddenly grabbed the black corpse with big hands.

The black corpse didn't evade, letting the Yuan Sage catch it.

With only one catch, the black corpse was caught by Yuansheng into his palm.

Following that, the figure of the black corpse shrank.

Yuan Sheng put it directly into his mouth and swallowed it in one bite.

Everything happened between electric light and stone fire. After Yuan Sheng swallowed the black corpse, he was still fighting with Ye Qingming and two undead ancestors. But at this time, the aura in Yuansheng's body began to change, and the whole person became violent and powerful.

The purple aura surrounding him is even more intense.

After a while, his eyes suddenly widened!

The eyes became blood-red...

The way of life has become more complete and fierce at this moment.

Ye Qingming and the two undead ancestors continued to bombard them, but the life heaven formed a golden purple vortex, absorbing all their attacks and dissolving them.

Yuan Sheng is in a state of rampage at this moment...

He put out his hands again, and in his hands, the boat of destiny and the net of the forest all appeared. He covered Ye Qingming and the ancestor of the undead with the net of the forest. Knead it into the palm of your hand. Outside his hands, the phantom of the ship of destiny appeared, and the flame of life began to appear, refining Ye Qingming and the undead ancestor inside.

Outside the **** flame of life, the black **** flame of death also appeared!

Originally, there was also a death flame in the life heaven of Yuansheng, but the fusion without the black corpse was not pure enough. Now he and the black corpse are merged into one, and his strength is rising in a straight line.

Ye Qingming was in the palm of his palm, and only felt that he was surrounded by flames, and the whole person was like **** in the flames of hell.

She can only use the Death Heaven as a cover and try her best to protect herself. I tried to break through the shackles several times, but they were all blocked by the great purple aura.

The body of the ancestor of the undead has turned into ice blue particles again, and the ice blue particles finally turned into liquid.

It seems that Yuan Sheng has actually begun to secure victory again.

At this time, Luo Jun was not idle either. Hei Suzhen manipulated his body and defeated Yuan Yuxian and Sumeiko. Although unable to kill them in a short time, it can force them back.

Luo Jun was also observing the Yuan Sage. He saw that Ye Qingming and others were not good, and he couldn't help feeling that Yuan Sage was really powerful. "Go help Ye Qingming and the others!" Luo Jun said anxiously.

Black Suzhen nodded, waved his palm to repel Xumiko and Yuan Yuxian, and then killed Yuan Sheng.

Xumizi and Yuan Yuxian were already out of breath, but at this time they finally got their breath. They still had the ability to chase Luo Jun, so they could only watch Luo Jun go to the rescue.

Luo Jun ignored the others at this time and swallowed one hundred thousand longevity fruits again!

The supernatural power of all things, in one furnace!

The divine power of yin and yang, the divine power of longevity fruit, the divine power of Tiandao pen, and the power of dark thunder...

All these powers are perfectly integrated with the help of the divine power of Yin and Yang!

Suzhen in black drove Luo Jun's body into the air, condensing the strongest Chaos Thunder Sword in his hand!



Thunder flashed, heaven and earth thunderbolt!

That is the most amazing sword.

Chaos and the dark thunder power are perfectly integrated, and the heavenly power of the heavenly pen and the yin and yang divine power are perfectly integrated, surpassing all rules and boundaries...

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