Super Security in the City

Chapter 3997: Undead Ice Sword

Luo Jun's back suddenly chilled.

This ancestor gave him a very strong sense of fear!

Seeing the ancestor head-on, he felt cold. But after failing to see the ancestor, there is a more creepy feeling in my heart. He knew very well that the ancestor wanted to kill him as simple as killing a chicken. Although he and Su Su had boundless magical powers, they were nothing compared to the ancestors.

Black Suzhen couldn't help saying: "Luo Jun, I feel very bad, I have to think of a way quickly."

Luo Jun knew that the moment was critical.

The ancestor was not a curious person. Last time he and Yuan Sheng and his party came here. The ancestor of human beings didn't ask or say a word, and immediately killed him.

At the moment of crisis, Luo Jun quickly merged into the black fog particles, looking for the ghost-faced man.

While he was shaking, those black fog particles also burst out directly, like a tsunami violent, turning into countless tentacles to tear at Luo Jun.

Those black tentacles are also incredibly powerful, almost pulling out the spirit of Luo Jun.

Suzhen in black is also violent, and quickly launches black thunder, which shook suddenly.

With a bang, finally the surrounding black mist tentacles retreated for a moment.

A moment later, the black mist tentacles were about to strike again.

But in this moment, a master like Luo Jun can do a lot of things. At the moment when the black mist tentacles retreated, he saw countless ghost-faced people in the black mist.

Those ghost-faced people are also attacking the Luo army.

Luo Jun immediately rushed into the crowd of ghost-faced people, and then intruded into the ears of one of the ghost-faced people. It drove straight in from the ear and into its belly.

The last time Luo Jun found out that these ghost-faced people didn't even have internal organs, they were all black strange liquids and particles. Luo Jun hides it, even the gods are hard to detect.

However, it may not be able to hide the terrifying ancestor of the undead.

After Luo Jun hid in the body of the ghost face, he immediately controlled the ghost face to move among the crowd.

For those who cannot control the spirit of the undead, once they enter the body of the ghost-faced man, they will be poisoned by the black liquid. These black liquids are poisonous in the world!

Luo Jun's body possesses the spirit of the undead, so he is also immune to the poison of the undead.

So he can survive inside, and he can also manipulate the ghost face man by manipulating the black liquid.

The spirit of the undead preserves the mana of the ghost face before his life, and strengthens it. But it deprived the ghost face man of his life, making him a complete puppet!

"It doesn't seem to work like this!" said Suzhen in black: "I don't think I can hide from that undead ancestor!"

Luo Jun said: "Of course I can't hide it, it's weird to hide it. The reason why I am like this is to let him know that I am different. Now, you show the dark element again and see if you can blind him for a while. Must make him curious..."

Suzhen in black immediately displayed the dark element!

Now her mana is more refined, and her control of the dark elements is even more superb.

Especially under the blessing of yin and yang divine power, the dark element becomes more natural.

She drives the dark elements contained in her, and at the same time introduces the dark elements from the universe to join them.

This undead world is isolated from the world, so the dark elements in the universe cannot be drawn in. But the interesting thing is that there are many dark elements in the undead world itself. Black fog particles and so on, these are all dark elements.

The universe is a hodgepodge!

It is full of various substances, elements and even colors.

The composition of a world must depend on these things.

Especially the spirit of the undead, the dependence on the dark element is higher.

The dark element was not introduced by the ancestors of the undead, but naturally existed in the creation world.

The dark element quickly invaded the entire Undead Star Palace, and in an instant, the darkness on the Undead Star Palace was completely dark. This darkness is different from the ordinary darkness, but has been added to the mysterious and mysterious dark elements, in which there is the law of infinity, and the terrifying power of Suzhen in black.

This kind of darkness is difficult for the saint to see through it at a glance, and the Holy Power must be used to break down the rules.

If it is a person with a lower level of cultivation, it will be even more difficult to see through it. It's like a blind eye, who can only rely on feeling to defend the enemy!

Those ghost-faced people lost their sight, so they became even more aimless.

On the Star Palace, the black mist particles also began to gradually calm down.

Darkness always covers the star hall!

Everything returned to a calm state.

This kind of peace does not make people feel at ease.

Luo Jun panicked!

It was very sensible and self-confident. At this moment, I also began to doubt my feelings...

The calm did not last long...

Suddenly, light began to appear in the front.

It is obviously abnormal for bright light to appear at this time.

Under the dark element, no light can shine in.

But at this time, a beam of silver light was quickly breaking through the dark elements and swept towards Luo Jun.

The ghost faces and black mist particles around are fading like a tide. The silver light is getting brighter...

Suzhen in black drives the yin and yang divine power to control the dark element, but at this time, the dark element is also steadily retreating under the shining of silver light.

The light in the silver light quickly cracked the various structures in the dark element... No matter how the yin and yang divine power saved it, it was of no avail.

Finally, all the dark elements faded away.

The silver light illuminates the entire star hall.

Luo Jun looked around, there were no ghost-faced people around, and no black fog particles.

Ahead, in front of the Crystal Palace, the ancestor of the undead stood straight, and there was a coldness in disregarding the sentient beings in the icy blue eyes.

There was an extra eye in the center of his eyebrows, and silver light was emitted from that eye.

Then, he closed his third eye.

But the silver light on the star palace still did not dissipate.

It is the ability of the ancestors of the undead to keep all the rules of light and light.

The undead ancestor looked at Luo Jun indifferently, and did not take any further action.

Luo Jun breathed a sigh of relief, quickly came to the front of the undead ancestor, knelt down on one knee, and said: "The junior has seen the senior!"

The ancestor of the undead looked at Luo Jun in this way, never speaking.

Luo Jun's heart began to be anxious again, and he even wondered if this ancestor could speak at all?

The only certainty in his mind is that this ancestor must have a high degree of wisdom. Because just now when the ancestor used silver light to crack the many rules of the dark element, the wisdom displayed was extremely terrifying.

"Senior..." Luo Jun said in a deep voice, "The junior came with Yuansheng and others last time. You must remember the junior?" After a pause, he said: "But the junior was not with Yuansheng. As a group, we belong to the human race. Now the primordial sage has come into this sea of ​​blood, to punish the saints of our human race. The primordial sage has great ambitions, and he controls the grand and purple qi. After he solves the human race, he must I won't let you go. But now, as long as you make a move, we are likely to kill him together. So the juniors are here to ask the seniors to come out and help."

The undead ancestor still did not speak.

After Luo Jun finished speaking, he looked at the undead ancestor. There is no flash of emotion in the eyes of the undead ancestor...

Luo Jun was a little crazy...If he couldn't beat him, he would definitely want to scold him, you can catch your breath anyway!

"If the senior is not willing, the junior will say goodbye!" Luo Jun wanted to test whether he would respond, so he got up directly, facing the ancestor, and stepped back slowly.

The undead ancestor still did not respond.

Luo Jun retired very quickly, turned around and withdrew more than a hundred meters, followed by a cruel heart, his figure flashed directly, turning into a light and flew away.

It was also clear in my heart that if this ancestor was unwilling, he would definitely not be able to force it.

The pros and cons, etc. are all talked about, he really won't make a move. I can only admit my fate on my own side!

How do you know, just when Luo Jun just took off, the undead ancestor suddenly shot.

Luo Jun only felt that a person appeared in front of him, blocking his way. He couldn't evade, so he was about to bump into it.

The man waved his hand and issued an ice blue undead ice sword.

The undead ice sword shot towards Luo Jun's chest.

Luo Jun was taken aback, and immediately displayed the method of miniaturization, and his whole figure suddenly became smaller. But how easy was the Undead Ice Sword to dissolve, and it still shot. "I'm coming!" Suzhen in black quickly went online and quickly displayed the dark thunder vortex...

Thunder and lightning are fierce in the Lei Li vortex!

At the same time, the divine power of yin and yang drives Tiandao pen... the nine snow-capped mountains are quickly launched.

After the undead ice sword entered the thunder and lightning vortex, it quickly bloomed with silver light. Those silver lights contained terrifying toxins and were extremely cold, such as the rapid spread of the plague, all matter, laws, time and space were to be defeated.

Moreover, the power is extremely terrifying, it can be said to be devastating and unstoppable.

After the appearance of the Lei Li Vortex, the lightning and lightning killed it, but it only blocked the speed of the Undead Ice Sword for a short time.


There were violent fluctuations in the Lei Li vortex, and it was almost about to collapse.

At this time, the Great Devouring Technique showed that the Mosquito quickly wrapped the Undead Ice Sword.


The ice power blooming on the Undead Ice Sword quickly freezes all the mosquitoes!

Those mosquitoes froze directly, and then fell downward. If it weren't for Luo Jun who had absorbed the breath of the undead and was immune to the poison of the undead, the mosquito would have died at this moment. Luo Jun used to absorb the spirit of the iceman, so he could dissolve it and absorb it. But now we are facing the terrifying ancestor of the undead...

The Great Devouring Technique can't stop the Undead Ice Sword!

All strengths fell apart in front of this sword!

You know, this is just a casual wave of the undead ancestor!

At the critical moment, the five-grain shrine sacred tree appeared in the nine snow-capped mountains.

Countless green vines appeared in the sacred tree. The green vine burst out from Luo Jun's chest, and then quickly wrapped around the Undead Ice Sword.

The Undead Ice Sword continued to bloom with the power of ice blue, and the vines were directly frozen and then withered.

However, at this time, the internal Wugu Sheji sacred tree continued to explode.

More green vines spread out...

In desperation, Luo Jun quickly swallowed one hundred thousand longevity fruits.


The energy in the body burst out directly, and the nine snow mountains also burst out terrifying energy fluctuations.

The sacred tree of Wugu Sheji is more luxuriant, and the vines spread wildly, wrapping the undead ice sword layer upon layer...

"Demolition!" Luo Jun even wrote a demolition word.

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