Super Security in the City

Chapter 3965: teenage-hood

Yuan Sheng used the power of heaven, and all the saints already knew about this. Yuan Sheng let out a word, hoping that all the saints can gather in the Yuan realm to witness him let go of the power of heaven.

There was a lot of discussion among all the saints and hesitated. They don't dare to go to the Metaverse, the place of Metaverse is too mysterious. They also don't believe that Yuansheng will really let go of the power of heaven. Once gathered in the Yuan realm, it is equivalent to running to the territory of Yuan Sheng, which is too dangerous.

But if everyone doesn't go, you can't blame Yuan Sheng for not observing the heavenly law.

So this matter just dragged on.

As for Luo Jun, he has never been idle.

Luo Jun and Xiao Ling squatted guarding in the Shura realm, but let Bai Qing go to the heaven realm to retrieve Luo Jun's black hole spar and so on. By the way, Luo Jun also asked Bai Qing to go to Kunlun Prefecture to explain to Taishang Daozu and the others about the great misfortune and blessing. And let the Taishang Daozu prepare to respond in secret.

Nowadays, we must be careful everywhere, and we must not make any mistakes.

On the one hand, let Bai Qing explain the current situation to Taishang Daozu and others. In addition, the Taishang Taoist ancestor should send someone to the heaven to explain the situation to Emperor Fuxi and others.

Bai Qing could not go directly to the heavens to explain the situation, because the Great Fuxi did not know Bai Qing and could not trust him.

Before Bai Qing went out to do errands, Luo Jun carefully taught Bai Qing his many tricks, such as Yijian Donglai, Big Gold Pill, Black Hole Spar Swallowing, etc., hoping that he could quickly master it.

Bai Qing had been studying before, his talent was extremely high, and he quickly mastered the essence of Luo Jun's tricks. At the same time, he didn't forget to flatter Luo Jun, saying that these exercises of Luo Jun were really unparalleled in the world, and so on.

When Xiao Ling heard Bai Qing slap Luo Jun's flattery, she also looked sideways. I think Bai Qing is a veritable genius, but every time he admires Luo Jun who is inferior to him. It was really weird.

Luo Jun's performance to Bai Qing has long been a surprise.

Eight months later, Bai Qing retrieved Luo Jun's insect emperor treasure and black hole spar.

At the same time, Bai Qing has also gone to Kunlun Prefecture to meet Taishang Daozu and so on. Taishang Daozu had already promised to cope from the sidelines, and in this way, the security problem was solved.

Luo Jun also had a fight with Bai Qing, and finally found that Bai Qing had indeed mastered the essence of Luo Jun's tricks at the bottom of the box. Even Bai Qing could display such aspects of heaven and earth as the Big Golden Pill. This surprised Luo Jun!

It's a pity that Bai Qing has reached the semi-sacred realm and can no longer practice eight or nine profound arts. Otherwise, Luo Jun wants to teach Bai Qing the eight or nine profound arts. The Eight-Nine Profound Art needs to cut the body into chaos. After reaching the semi-sage, he can no longer cut chaos like this...

After everything was in order, Luo Jun went on the road with Bai Qing.

Xiao Ling and Fairy Qionghua will protect them in secret. This time, the first thing to do is to ensure the safety of Luo Jun and Bai Qing. The second is to try to make the show more realistic.

Luo Jun and Bai Qing left the sea and flew over the Shura realm.

While flying, Bai Qing couldn't help but worry, and said: "This time we have been delayed in the Shura realm for too long. It is estimated that Yuansheng will still be suspicious."

Luo Jun said: "We go out too fast and too smoothly, and they will be suspicious. No matter what we do, they will be suspicious. In the end, it depends on whether our scene is true enough!"

Bai Qing thought about it, he was not too worried about himself, just worried that Luo Jun would be dangerous after going deep into the tiger's den. So he asked Luo Jun: "Second brother, do you have to go to Yuanjie? I'm really worried..."

Luo Jun patted Bai Qing on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry about me, I do a lot of things like this. Now the situation is chaotic. If we do nothing, we will not be spared in the future. So, it's better for me to do it. more."

Bai Qing said: "So many saints are there, why do you want to take risks?"

Luo Jun smiled, and said: "In the end, you have to rely on the saints, but their goals are too big to do these things!"

Bai Qing is still unhappy.

Flying all the way, before leaving the Shura realm, it was calm.

During the period, Luo Jun and Bai Qing also talked a lot, sometimes, they would also think of the Eternal Demon Lord. Bai Qing has always called Luo Jun the second elder brother, but he is actually commemorating the eternal demon king.

Bai Qing said occasionally that the eldest brother sacrificed for his second brother, and I am always ready to sacrifice for your second brother.

Luo Jun could hear that Bai Qing's remarks were not deliberately sensational, but a kind of true feelings. He suddenly felt distressed and said: "Xiaobai, I don't know what you have experienced. But I really don't want to see you always be so pessimistic, you are so good and outstanding. Why do you want to prepare to sacrifice for me? You are not my accessory! Everyone is an independent individual. If you really keep thinking like this, I will also feel that this is a burden. Parents’ love for their children will overwhelm them if they are too heavy. What's more, you and I are just and I can give, but it shouldn't be said that you are ready to sacrifice for me at any time. Don't think like this, okay?"

He sincerely hopes that Bai Qing can be happier.

Bai Qing looked at Luo Jun seriously, and finally nodded heavily.

As of today, Luo Jun has absolute trust in Bai Qing. From the time he first saw Bai Qing, Luo Jun had an inexplicable trust in Bai Qing. I have to say that after Luo Jun's cultivation level is like this, the most trustworthy thing is intuition.

On the way to the flight, Bai Qing would also ask Luo Jun, what is the most memorable thing in this life?

Luo Jun smiled and said: "This life is not over yet, who knows what will be the most memorable."

Bai Qing said: "The second brother, what is the most memorable thing you have so far?"

Luo Jun thought about this issue very seriously, and then said: "There are many unforgettable things, the more unforgettable things, the more uncomfortable. I have experienced many sad things in my life, and I can't say which one is the most unforgettable. Yes. The former elf Chen Feirong turned into a fruit for me to eat in order to save me. This is very uncomfortable. Luo Ning is dead, I am very uncomfortable. Linghui is dead, I am very sad. My brother Chen Yihan died. I was sad. Many, many...including my god-daughter Xiaoyu, when she stood up for my daughter when she was on earth, I couldn’t wait to die by myself. Fortunately, things have passed by now. I I really don’t know how I will live my life if something happens to her."

Bai Qing said: "In life, there will always be many involuntary things. Although we all have great supernatural powers, we have no freedom at all. Now, step by step, every step is dangerous."

Luo Jun sighed and said: "Yes!" Then he said: "Actually, I have the things I miss the most, but I told you, you don't understand." Bai Qington was interested and said: "The second brother said this. , My IQ is here, what can I not understand?"

Luo Jundao: "I told you, the big world where I was the first, right?"

Bai Qing said: "Yes, is it true that the days of ordinary people are the most missed by the eldest brother."

Luo Jundao: "Not at all, you also know my life experience. I once went to a wonderful parallel world, where I was only fifteen or six years old...with a father and a mother, I am very contented."

At this moment, Luo Jun's thoughts went over the mountains, returning to the youth of that year.

He seemed to see the sunrise on Mount Tai, holding hands with Ling'er, seeing Teacher Tong, and seeing Song Lingshan.

Those laughter and laughter lingered in the ears.

Unconsciously, tears blurred his eyes.

How much he thought, go back to the past!

But even if I go back again, I can't go back to that state of mind.

The reason why youth is nostalgic for young people is because they can't go back.

That green and sweet taste is always unforgettable.

Luo Jun and Mo Yu talked a lot about parallel worlds, and then he asked Bai Qing: "What about you?"

Bai Qing stayed for a while, then said: "I don't seem to have anything particularly memorable."

Luo Jun said: "You are boring!"

Bai Qing grinned and did not refute.

Luo Jun could see a lot of hurt in Bai Qing's heart, but he never seemed to be willing to say it.

Even so, Luo Jun couldn't force it.

After more than twenty days, Luo Jun and Bai Qing finally left the Shura realm.

After leaving the Shura realm, he came into the vast sea.

Not long after leaving the sea, Luo Jun received the signal.

It was a signal from the black corpse.

It was the Yoro army who met alone.

Luo Jun knew that the good show was about to go on stage, so he made an excuse to Bai Qing that day and ran away alone. He didn't need to make excuses with Bai Qing, but now he is about to start performing, so naturally he shouldn't show any flaws.

That night, Luo Jun came alone to an island hundreds of millions of miles away from Baiqing.

The island is a deserted island.

When Luo Jun came to the summit, he saw the black corpse and Xumizi.

The black corpse didn't say a word. When Xumizi saw Luo Jun, he immediately asked, "Why did you bring Baiqing out for so long?"

Luo Jun saluted them first, and then said: "Return to the elders, for the past six months, Xiao Ling has been very distrustful of his subordinates. The subordinates have been lingering outside their rights. What they want to do and what they don't do is completely There is no alternative. This time the subordinates don’t know why, they are suddenly going out again, saying that they are going to Kunlun Prefecture to find some saints to discuss important matters."

Sumiko said: "Really?"

Luo Jun glanced at the black corpse, the black corpse still has no expression. But he knows that the black corpse is the most terrifying...

Luo Jun said: "From the point of view of the subordinates, not only do they distrust their subordinates, but they have probably been in contact with the saints in the past half a year. When they came out this time, the subordinates estimated that Xiao Ling and other saints were in collusion. Maybe they are waiting for you to show up, they may have guessed that you and Mr. Black Corpse may have to do something..."

Sumeko was taken aback.

Then he asked Luo Jun: "Do you have a basis for what you said?"

Luo Jun said: "They are hiding everything from their subordinates, and everything is based on guesswork. But the subordinates advise you and Mr. Black Corpse not to do anything, lest you get a big problem!"

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