Super Security in the City

Chapter 3961: Ancestor

Without saying a word, the four ice men attacked the black corpse again. Their speed quickly turned into an afterimage, and the black corpse was surrounded in the blink of an eye. After that, the palm prints broke out and they were killed quickly.

The black corpse could only respond by raising his palms, sending out four palms in a row to kill them with their palm strength.


The palm force bombed fiercely, and the aftermath shook in all directions.

The black mist particles and death air in the air shook and strangled fiercely, as if to wring out a hole in the sky.

After the four palms of the black corpse were released, the four ice men were forced back again. They retreated for only a moment, and then they attacked and killed fiercely. Like a mad dog, it never stops dying and makes people fear from the bottom of my heart.

The black corpse once again offered a sacrifice to the net of Senluo, and quickly covered the four icemen in the net of Senluo, and then sacrificed the flame of death. The flames of death and the immortal black juice merge together, melting the net of the sun into a solid barrier. The four ice men were burned by the divine flame and roared again in pain. They struggled, tore, and hit, but they couldn't break through the net of the sun.

This time, the struggle of the four ice men put more pressure on the black corpse.

The black corpse had already started to swallow the pill, and his forehead was sweating. He kept changing the seal of his hands, continuously receiving the seal, and inputting waves of death power into the net of Sen Luo.

After a long time, the four icemen finally began to melt, turning into black mist particles.

The black mist particles continued to be burned by the death flame. Not long after, the black mist particles turned into black liquid, and these liquids continued to be burned by the death flame.

Only this time, the liquid did not evaporate.

The liquid was crying, roaring, and finally gathered together. After a while, a huge dark blue iceman formed. The eyes of this iceman were crimson, even though the divine flame burned, the crimson iceman remained motionless.

The sweat on the black corpse's face increased, and his expression became more solemn.

The deep blue ice giant stared at the black corpse, then roared, his eyes shot a crimson light. Two gods shot towards the black corpse.

The black corpse frowned.

He rarely has expressions, but in this battle he has a solemn, solemn and frowning expression. This is enough to prove how terrifying and cruel this battle is.

When the crimson light shot came, the black corpse raised his sleeves to resist. The black sleeves tumbled, and the power of death inside formed a huge vortex, absorbing this crimson radiance.

The two sides are in a stalemate in this special fighting form.

The black corpse didn't fight back, so it just absorbed it.

After a long time, the black corpse suddenly roared, and his body turned, and the big sleeve that absorbed the gods slammed towards the ice giant.


This sleeve directly hit the ice giant, and the ice giant had no chance to escape, before being hit again into dark blue ice particles.

This kind of ice scum and ice particles are everywhere.

The flames continued to burn, but the ice particles quickly condensed, and finally became an ice giant again.

The ice giant sneered at the black corpse, and suddenly spoke, with a cold voice, stiff, and said: "This is the world of the undead. In the world of the undead, you will never kill us."

The black corpse stared at the ice giant and did not speak.

When the ice giant was about to attack again, the black corpse flashed, and it had already left the net of the forest.

The ice giant stayed for a while, then went mad, and rushed fiercely in the net of the forest.

The black corpse grabbed the Sellow Net, then shrank it, and grabbed it in the palm of his hand. The whole body's mana was poured into the net of Sun Luo, not giving the ice giant a chance to escape.

The ice giant kept hitting in the net of Sun Luo.

Every time he hits, he carries a huge amount of terrifying energy.

The black corpse needs to constantly suppress the ice giant with its huge magical powers, and therefore, this suppression will definitely not last long.

After the black corpse received the ice giant, he looked up, and there were endless black mist particles all around. In the black mist particles, the ghost face men gathered again and slayed towards him. These ghost-faced people flew into the sky and escaped in the black fog particles, attacking the black corpse in all directions without dead ends.

The black corpse didn't need to bother at all, forming a black shield on its own.

Those ghost-faced men and black tentacles grabbed and pulled them, and they were all shaken out by the divine power in the shield.

So what is Yuan Sheng doing at this moment?

Yuan Sheng is naturally in a decisive battle with the ancestor.

From the very beginning, the ancestor held the Yuan Sage tightly, and the ancestor's abilities were not comparable to those of the four ice men. The ancestor was the existence that knocked the black corpse into the air with one palm.

At the very beginning, the ground collapsed and the scene became a world of black fog particles.

All the people scattered.

This was something Yuan Sheng didn't expect, otherwise, before the accident happened, how could he hide Yuan Yuxian in the magic treasure bag.

Everything happened too fast.

And Yuan Sheng didn't have the time to worry about Yuan Yuxian's safety, because the first ancestor had already attacked him. The ancestor's tricks were also simple and clean, quickly smashing towards Yuansheng with his palm. As he slashed and killed, the black mist behind him formed a vortex.

Yuan Sheng and the ancestor met three palms in a row, and all three palms had the upper hand. After three palms, the ancestor was knocked out.

Although Yuan Sheng repelled the ancestor, it was not easy.

When he battled the ancestor, he condensed the cave, the holy realm of life, and the boat of destiny. Really used all the divine power and profound meaning.

Except for the life of heaven, there is no use!

The ancestor soon reappeared in front of Yuan Sheng.

The black corpse was still with Yuansheng at first, but Yuansheng asked the black corpse to take care of other people.

The black corpse obeyed his orders and left the battlefield of Yuansheng and ancestor.

Yuan Sheng stared at the ancestor, and the ancestor stared at the Yuan Sheng.

At this time, the two sides were not in a hurry to do it.

After a long time, Yuan Shengdao: "Who are you? How were you born, why are you here, and what is your purpose?"

The ancestor Binglan's eyes did not contain any emotions. He stared at the Yuan Sage without speaking.

There was a breath of death deep in his eyes, as if the people he stared at would die.

After a while, a dark blue ice spear suddenly appeared in the hands of the ancestor.

This dark blue ice spear is a magic weapon of the ancestor...

In other words, in the battle just now, although the ancestor had fallen short, the ancestor did not use magical weapons!

The real name of the Deep Blue Ice Spear is the Spear of the Undead.

It is a piece of meteorite born in the gestation of the spirit of the undead.

The ancestors used meteorite iron to create this spear of the undead. The spear of the undead can absorb all the aura of the undead and form the sharpest attack.

At this moment, the ancestor's body glowed with icy blue geoelectric light.

His eyes burst into deep blue light.

The spear of the undead in his hand absorbs the horrible undead gas in the world.

Yuan Sheng felt threatened. He always took one step and counted three steps in his life, and he never fought insecure battles. But all this, he really felt the danger.

It is a dangerous danger that endangers life!

The ancestor's whole person was enveloped by the ice blue electric light, and the black mist particles in the sky poured fiercely on his head.

Subsequently, the ancestor Chao Yuansheng threw the spear of the undead!


The spear of the undead shot out fiercely, and the surrounding black fog particles violently collided, really shaking the earth!

Yuan Sheng did not idle when the ancestor gathered the spear of the undead, he was gathering the boat of destiny, the holy realm of life.

The Holy Land of Life quickly formed two huge whirlpools of black and white.

The vortex is like a storm in the universe, which can strangle everything.


The spear of the undead cuts into this storm vortex.

In the center of the storm, the huge two forces of life and death formed countless invisible tentacles to entangle the spear of the undead, trying to smash the spear of the undead.


The energy burst, violently tore, the sky moved, and the galaxy crashed!

In the end, the spear of the undead shattered the two forces of life and death, and then quickly shot towards Yuansheng’s eyebrows.

Yuan Sage's hands form the seal, and a big golden hand appears in the handprint.

The big golden hand quickly slammed out, and the spear of the undead was firmly lead in the handprint.

In the spear of the undead, the dark blue lightning violently blasted and killed, endlessly dying!

And in the golden handprint, the golden holy power rolled frantically.

The fighting between the two sides has reached its extreme at this moment.

What's more terrifying is that at this time, the ancestor suddenly opened his eyes and shot a dark blue electric light.

Two electric lights penetrated the vortex of the storm, killing the Yuan Sheng.

Yuan Sheng was taken aback and roared: "Damn it!" Then he opened his mouth wide and spewed out a golden glow.

This golden **** light quickly strangled with the dark blue electric light.

At this time, the two were in a match.

But the ancestors belonged to their own territory, and there was no way to get enough back-ups. That undead black mist is that his energy does not give.

Behind the ancestor, black mist quickly poured into his body. Even many ghost-faced people were absorbed by the black mist vortex behind him, twisted into black mist particles, and finally swallowed by the ancestors.

"Roar!" Yuan Sheng roared fiercely.

At this time, no matter how elegant he is, the city mansion is no longer there.

Suddenly another magic weapon was sacrificed, the Sky Meteorite Bow!

That day, the meteor bow was a huge bow and arrow, and the bow and arrow appeared on his head, and it was equipped with a meteorite arrow!

After that, the Sky Meteorite Bow began to absorb the power in the battle.

Absorb the power of Yuansheng, and also absorb the power of ancestors.

The Sky Meteorite Bow is a secret weapon of Yuan Sage, Yuan Sage has been planning for many years, and I don't know how many secret tricks there are. If you don't have to be forced, you will definitely not show it. The Sky Meteorite Bow is condensed with the essence and blood of Yuansheng and the star stone of Tian Meteorite. It can absorb all kinds of mana, whether it is attack power or any power, the sky meteor bow can absorb it. Of course, this requires Yuan Sheng's magical cooperation.

Yuan Sheng built this bow to sacrifice the Sky Meteorite Bow when he encounters a well-matched enemy and when the stalemate is not enough. At that time, the Sky Meteorite Bow absorbs the divine power of both sides and can explode the power to kill the saint in an instant.

But this kind of absorption of the Sky Meteorite Bow is very difficult.

He needs to build a magic circle and so on. Once it is used, it cannot be used for the second time within ten years.

At the same time, you can only shoot one arrow each time you cast it!

This arrow is the key...

Yuan Sheng was reluctant to use this arrow on the ancestor. He originally wanted to use this arrow to end a saint like Yuan Shi Tianzun.

But right now, he has no other way...

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