Super Security in the City

Chapter 3959: Breath of death

Luo Jun can no longer see Jonathan, Xumizi and Yuansheng.

The crowds of ghost-faced people continued to bombard him. These ghost-faced people didn't have any tricks, they just waved a mysterious controlling force to kill him.

Luo Jun quickly threw Yuan Yuxian into the magic treasure bag, and then slayed those ghost-faced people. He knew clearly in his heart that it was definitely not the time to desperately. Since you can't escape, you have more strength to wait for Yuan Sheng to solve it.

If Yuan Sheng died here, then needless to say, it would be a dead end. Luo Jun believes that Yuan Sheng will not die, and that Yuan Sheng is an absolute villain. Is there any reason why the villain will die here?

If Yuan Sheng died so easily, then he would not be Yuan Sheng.

After Luo Jun entangled with the ghost-faced people for a while, he created a miniature space. He hid himself in the miniature space. The miniature space is just the size of a fist...

Those ghost-faced people are extremely sensitive to external forces. It is not that after Luo Jun gets smaller, they will stop attacking.

If this is the case, these masters will be able to declare safety by simply casting a deceptive spell.

After Luo Jun hid in the miniature space, he drove out the mixed cave and the mosquito to resist the attack of the ghost face man. The ghost face man quickly drove Luo Jun up and down, surrounded in all directions, and then launched a intensive attack in violent storms.

Those attacks were first all killed on Wuwang Hundong, Wuwang Hundong withstand the attack, and when it couldn't digest it, the mosquito quickly absorbed it.

The advantage of his miniaturization is that it can make many of their attacks fail, and at the same time, they can kill each other. This situation is like an adult and a small mouse being fired by a hundred men. Adults must be swept by more bullets than mice.

If these ghost faces are highly intelligent, their attacks will be very precise!

It's a pity that although the ghosts are strong, they don't have high accuracy, and they don't care about accuracy. The instructions they received seemed to be frantic attacks, endlessly dying.

Luo Jun temporarily survived in this wonderful way.

Yuan Yuxian was observing all this in his magic treasure bag, and couldn't help but said, "You are really smart!"

Luo Jun smiled and said: "If I were not smart, I would have died thousands of times."

The mosquito absorbs the power of the ghost face man and purifies its power. These forces were absorbed by Luo Jun again. When they were absorbed, Luo Jun felt that these forces carried an indescribable coldness. But this power is still pure.

Jonathan and Sumiko are also fighting each other at the moment, and they have already separated.

Jonathan displayed his own Tiangang holy realm. The power of Tiangang formed Daodao Gangdao, which mixed with the white mist, forming the law of space and time. The Tiangang knife turned into thousands of knives, and lightning slashed the ghost-faced people.

The ghost-faced people kept pouring into the Tiangang Holy Realm, and those spatial laws were instantly dissolved by the black mist carried by the ghost-faced people.

No law seems to work in front of black fog particles.

Those Tiangang knives smashed the past, smashing many ghost-faced people into smash.

But soon, the ghost face man recovered and attacked again.

This made Jonathan groan...

Sumiko's situation at this time was not much better than Jonathan's. He also displayed the Explosive Flame Holy Realm. Chiyan burned in the Holy Realm, and the Ghost Face Man was burned into a black liquid in it, but the black liquid was very fast. Form a ghost-faced man.

These ghost-faced people were not afraid of death, and quickly rushed towards Sumiko. Sumeko can only resist...

If it's just the ghost-faced people attacking and killing, they can still support it.

But not long after, the iceman appeared among the ghost faces.

The four ice men who should have been killed by Yuan Sheng all appeared.

A crimson color flashed in the iceman’s eyes...

These four ice men are different from the ghost-faced men. They have wisdom. Although they have no expressions, they can see that they have thoughts.

Sumiko was entangled by an iceman.

Jonathan was entangled by two ice men.

The last iceman found Luo Jun...

When Luo Jun saw the iceman coming, he was shocked and felt that he could still survive. But when the iceman came, he was afraid that he would die.

This wasn't the time when I was fighting the emperor Qingxuan. Right now Yuan Yuxian was by his side, and if he was too strong, he would have problems.

"What to do?" Yuan Yuxian also saw that the iceman was approaching, and was shocked in a cold sweat.

Luo Jun complained again and again, saying: "Where did your master go? Do you want to watch us die? I can't beat this iceman! What's the use if you have beaten it? This iceman simply can't be killed."

Yuan Yuxian said: "Master is definitely fighting the ancestor and has no time to take care of us."

"Cheating!" Luo Jun was speechless.

Now he was really scared into a cold sweat, but because of his eagerness, he also felt helpless at the moment.

After the iceman came in front of Luo Jun, the other ghost-faced people stopped attacking.

Those ghost-faced people stepped aside.

The ice man stared at Luo Jun's miniature coldly, and then suddenly cut out with one finger.

His finger knife burst into a crimson light, the knife light was cold, breaking the stars...

Luo Jun immediately felt the terrifying crisis of making his body cold, and only felt that this knife could completely cut through his mixed hole.

He couldn't hide anymore, he could only leave the miniature body quickly, avoiding the opponent's knife.

The iceman's knife is too sharp, so once avoided, it is difficult to continue tracking.

The iceman missed a knife, and then slapped Luo Jun with a palm.

The methods and moves are extremely clean and neat.

At the same time that the iceman took out his palm, behind the iceman, the black mist formed a vortex.

It’s like an engine powering him...

Luo Jun didn't think too much, and quickly activated Heaven's Dao divine power to smash it.

There is no way to avoid it.

Can only resist!


As the palms collided with each other, Luo Jun only felt that the opponent's strength was like a needle of ice and snow for thousands of years, strangling quickly, boundless and terrifying, and his strength was instantly shattered.

I can't resist it!

Many forces quickly poured into his body.

At that moment, Luo Jun felt his forehead turned black, and the sky was spinning.

After these strange cold power entered the body, his entire body would be frozen.

Luo Jun quickly used his mana, and the nine snowy mountains were also quickly activated, which relieved the coldness in his body.

At this time, the iceman slapped Luo Jun again.

Luo Jun complained again and again, and could only take it out again.

Boom... At this moment, Luo Jun only felt that his internal organs were shaking.

I feel that life is extremely miserable!

If you use longevity fruit, ancient characters, etc., your identity will inevitably be exposed.

No, it seems to be a dead end soon.

Luo Jun flew out all over, and soon merged into the black mist.

After melting into the fog, there were many ghost-faced people around him attacking him.

At the same time, the ice man’s supernatural power ran across him...

But it doesn't seem to be that cold anymore.

Luo Jun quickly drove the mosquito to absorb the power of the ice and cold. In a crisis, his head suddenly flashed...

He has realized the key things.

In an instant, many demon mosquitoes condense into one.

At the same time, Luo Jun got into the body of the mosquito, and the mosquito quickly got into the body of a ghost-faced man.

Demon mosquitoes absorbed a lot of undead power, and Luo Jun also absorbed pure undead power. After these undead powers are filtered by the demon mosquito, they become non-toxic undead powers.

But in this way, Luo Jun's breath is not so obvious.

These ghost-faced people rely on their breath to distinguish the enemy from ourselves.

The ghost faces are densely packed, running around and killing indiscriminately.

The iceman was also fascinated by the ghost-faced man in front of him, and pursued it with divine mind, but he didn't feel where Luo Jun had gone.

The Iceman wasn't obsessed, his gaze quickly came to Jonathan's side.

He saw that Jonathan was attacked and killed by his two companions, and he was already dying. Jonathan also used all the ultimate moves and backhands.

But he still couldn't resist the ice men's attack.

The iceman who attacked Luo Jun was extraordinarily tall, he pondered for a moment, and then joined Jonathan's side of the battle.

After he joined, he attacked from behind Jonathan!

Jonathan couldn't avoid it, and with a bang, the tall iceman pierced his body with a palm.

There was a huge hollow in Jonathan's chest and abdomen.

Following that, Jonathan fell to the ground.

Then, countless black mist particles turned into tentacles and wrapped Jonathan, and the palm hole in his chest was also filled with black tentacles. Subsequently, Jonathan's body was submerged in the black mist and disappeared.

After the three ice men solved Jonathan, they turned around and began to surround Sumeko.

Sumiko had a headache when dealing with an iceman. He had killed the iceman twice, but the iceman quickly recovered.

Now that the four ice men are killed, Sumiko must be a dead end.

The four ice men quickly surrounded Sumeko. Although they were expressionless, they made Sumeko feel a murderous feeling.

Seeing that Sumiko was about to die...

At this moment, a figure suddenly flashed in front of Sumeiko.

This figure is also cold and expressionless, as if it were the relatives and brothers of the four ice men.

But when Sumiko saw this man, she almost cried out of joy.

The one who came was... the black corpse.

The black corpse was all in black and lifeless. The four ice men quickly attacked and killed the black corpse. The black corpse formed a seal with both hands and opened a big mouth, suddenly spitting out powerful dark power.

There is death in this power of darkness...

But these death auras are different from the auras of the undead, and there is a fundamental difference. The spirit of the undead is filthy and highly poisonous.

The death of the black corpse is a vast way of death!

After the black corpse's seal was completed, four large black handprints quickly appeared.

The four handprints were quickly shot out, and finally the four ice men were captured in the handprints...

The four ice men struggled violently...

The death air on the black corpse became more and more turbulent, and the whole person was like a death **** descending.

The battle between the two sides quickly reached a fever pitch...

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