Super Security in the City

Chapter 3948: Toho Taiichi

"Xuanyuantai's companion has disappeared again, and Xiang Dao has fought with him, and a breath has been left on him. But he seems to have returned to the sea and disappeared without a trace. Obviously, the person who sheltered him is still in poverty. Above. This person will not be the sages. The sages look down upon such despicable and shameless people as Xuanyuantai."

"Today finally I found the breath of Xuanyuantai again, and he went into the heavens again. Peng Dao thought a lot, and kept embarrassing him. It seemed that there was an unpleasant feeling. But countless nights tossed and turned, Pang Dao asked himself. Just let it go? Absolutely not! If the poor Dao is really let go, what face does the poor Dao have to continue on the road of cultivating? Cultivators pay attention to the understanding of ideas. If you don’t avenge this, the poor Dao is not worthy to be a teacher. Nor is it worthy of standing between this world."

"There was another fight with the evil thief Xuanyuantai, and he actually had a semi-sage senior sister as a helper. Poor Dao injured the so-called senior sister with a sword, but he was also attacked by Xuanyuantai. Minor injury. Almost overturned the ship, but fortunately I escaped in time. Dangerous, dangerous, too dangerous... Qing'er also saw that something was wrong, and persuaded the poor road to forget it. But how can the poor road be forgotten? This is more than just Feng Xian’s hatred is as simple as that. If Pang Dao let it go, how can his face remain? The tone in his chest will remain uncomfortable.”

"Xuanyuantai disappeared again. When he disappeared, Pang Dao felt a lot more relaxed. In the dark, I felt that he could not be found, then it was not a question of Pang Dao. Pang Dao also knew that many things could be One can do two but not three... You can’t kill him twice in a row. In the third time, I’m afraid there will be a reversal and change. Just let it go? Can’t do it! Where the Tao is, although there are tens of thousands of people, I will go!"

"Xuanyuantai finally appeared again. He did appear after all... These few days, the poor Dao was very restless and felt that something was going to happen. It turned out that he was here... letting go or was it persistent? Letting go is easy and easy. But if that's it. Put it down, the path of poor Taoism should be cut off. From now on, if you want to go further, it is impossible. Because the seeds of fear have grown in the heart of the poor Tao...Even a person who has not reached the semi-sage, the poor Tao is Don't dare to take revenge, after the poor Dao...the world is changeable, like a white dog. The poor Dao already knows that it is difficult to be kind when going this time. After all, everyone will die, and the heart of the Dao must not be afraid of seeds. Therefore, even if you die, Poor Dao must go. Before leaving, I can’t help but think of Master. Poor Dao knew a long time ago that Master is not only a master, but also a father. It’s just that Poor Dao has never been close to Master... Say goodbye today, I'm afraid it will be a farewell. Master, don't read the son if he is gone!"

This is the end of Yujian's message.

It ended in such a hurry, suddenly...

Donghuang Taiyi stayed for a long time, feeling a little unreal.

It took a long time to realize that Lu Ya's son was really dead.

Deep in my heart, there was suddenly some inexplicable pain.

After knowing that Lu Ya had died, he had never been so sad. But after reading these jade slips, those slight sadnesses were like planting a seed in my heart. This seed slowly took root and sprouted, making him more melancholy...

This loss is an eternal loss!

"What a Xuanyuantai, the people under my Eastern Emperor's Clan have never insulted outsiders. It's good for you to bully me so aggressively." Donghuangtai's eyes flashed endless murderous intent.

In the middle of the night, Donghuang Taiyi suddenly woke up while entering Ding.

He felt the aura of the great disciple Emperor Qingxuan completely disappeared.

Followed by the third disciple Cai Yuanzhi, the fourth disciple Qingling, and the fifth disciple Jiuying...

Their breath disappeared.

The disappearance of the breath means death.

"Roar!" At this moment, Donghuang Taiyi was completely angry.


Deceive people too much...

Donghuang Taiyi flashed her figure and left Donghuang Mountain.

For Yu Donghuang Taiyi, he could not but be sad and angry, and he could not but be angry.

His son Lu Ya was killed by Xuanyuantai because of his disciple. The disciple's Taoist couple was also forcibly humiliated by the opponent. Therefore, Lu Ya is obsessed with avenging his apprentices...

As a result, Lu Ya died in this grievance.

Right now, the other four disciples of Donghuang Taiyi were also involved in this grievance, and at the same time, four of them were killed by the other side.

Even if his Eastern Emperor Taiyi is no longer bloody, that can't be the case.

Luo Jun and his party walked in the void for another six months, and they were calm for the past six months, without any disturbance from outside.

How much they want to return to the Shura realm smoothly like this!

People are always involuntarily in the arena!

Whether it is right or wrong, everyone has their own interests, how can it be clear who is right and who is wrong?

On this day, Luo Jun and his party flew in the open sea.

The surrounding area is surrounded by clouds and mist, and the sky is not visible.

At this moment, a man's voice suddenly came from the void.

"Everyone, please stay!"

Luo Jun's body was shocked.

Although they don't know who the comer is, they have already guessed in their hearts that the comer is the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

The ones that should come, can't always hide!

It should be here, after all...

The three of Luo Jun stood there, and after looking at each other, they waited with bated breath.

A golden road appeared in the void ahead, and at the end of the golden light, Eastern Emperor Taiyi walked slowly. He walked slowly, but soon appeared in front of the three of them.

Donghuang Taiyi just stood firm, and two figures flickered from behind him.

It is the true monarch Guan Qing and the poisonous corpse.

After the Donghuangtai glanced at Luo Jun's trio, he asked Guan Qing, "Who is Xuanyuantai?"

Guan Qing looked at the three Luo Jun suspiciously, and then replied: "Neither!"

True Lord Poison Corpse also felt very strange.

Luo Jun himself was not Xuanyuantai, and turned into his own form at this moment, so they definitely couldn't recognize it.

Donghuang Taiyi pondered for a moment, his eyes finally fell on Bai Qing, and said, "You killed Lu Ya, right?"

Knowing that Bai Qing could not hide, he stood out from the crowd and said, "I killed it!"

Donghuangtai together: "Why do you want to kill him?"

When Bai Qing was about to speak, Luo Jun stood up and said, "You guys are looking for Xuanyuantai, I still admit it, I am Xuanyuantai!"

After saying that, it was to perform eight or nine profound arts.

After a while, he became that Xuanyuantai.

Guan Qing and True Monarch Poison Corpse immediately felt the familiar breath, and Guan Qing pointed at Luo Jun and said with excitement, "Master Tai, he is Xuanyuantai!"

Dong Huang Taiyi stared at Luo Jun suspiciously.

The complexity of the matter obviously surpassed Donghuang Taiyi's imagination.

Luo Jun had already decided to be honest about everything, and now there is no point in concealing his identity. They are all dead here, so what else is there to hide? It would be better to be honest with all, and win the lives of Bai Qing and the eternal demon.

After taking a deep breath, Luo Jun said: "Senior Donghuang, Wanfang is guilty, and I am alone. I can honestly explain what you want to know. There are too many misunderstandings."

Donghuangtai together: "Okay, if you have any misunderstandings, please tell me."

Luo Jun said, "I am Xuanyuantai, but I am not actually Xuanyuantai. My real name is...Luo Jun. I am here because of the old man Hongchen..."

He explained the whole story of his coming from the earth, and also said that he finally came to the outside of the immortal world from the gate of eternal life, and finally came across Xuanyuan Terrace. So he pretended to be Xuanyuantai and came to the fairy world.

Even finally reconciled with the old man Hongchen, and understood the painstaking effort the old man Hongchen sacrificed for the immortal world, and so on. As a result, he also felt that the responsibility was heavier than Taishan.

That's why I dare not confide my true identity to outsiders!

After that, he talked about his undercover Yuansheng's side, but he didn't talk about those things about Emperor Fuxi and Empress Nuwa.

"Dao Master Lu Ya chased me many times. The last time, we won a terrible victory. During the battle, we accidentally killed the Dao Master by mistake. This is my sin... As for the senior disciples of yours, they are all in my body. He was killed by Tiandao Pen. How can I personally have the ability to kill them? All sins, I don’t escape. It’s just that they have nothing to do with my two friends. They are both the masters of the Immortal King Xiao Ling. This time we Going out to sea is to find the Chaos Spirit Vine to dissolve the Immortal Sword Qi in my body. It was the Immortal King who ordered them to go to sea with me, so now I just want to ask the seniors to let them go. As for me, my numerology should be yours. Disciples lose their lives!" Luo Jun said at last.

Bai Qing was anxious and said: "Second brother, the three of us have already said that we will advance and retreat together."

The eternal demon said to Donghuang Taiyi: "Before we set off, the immortal king had expected that he might meet you, the Donghuang Lord."

The Eastern Emperor glanced at the Eternal Demon Lord and said, "Oh, is it?"

The eternal demon said: "The fairy king and the next said that if you meet the Eastern Emperor, there are some things to say and listen to the adults."

Donghuangtai together: "Say it, I'll listen carefully!"

The eternal demon said in a deep voice: "The fairy king said that Lu Ya's death was due to his fate, and he cannot blame others. Lord Wangdonghuang, you should take the overall situation as your top priority, and don't get involved easily. Otherwise, you may go against the adults you always wanted. The original intention of escaping from the world ended up destroying the immortal body and costing his life!"

"He's so mad!" Donghuangtai's anger flashed in his eyes.

The eternal demon said: "Now Taishang Daozu, Yuanshi Tianzun, and even the Master of Tongtian all value my brother very much. Do you really want to commit the world's great evil, Lord Donghuang? Please think twice."

Donghuang Taiyi was silent for a while and said: "If it's just that Lu crushes to death, there is still room for discussion. I might see him as the breaker, give him a disciplinary action, and then open the net. But you are actually still there. Killed all of my other four disciples... Hmph, you are so awesome! When you started, did you ever think that I was still a flesh and blood person? This matter should be placed on any saint. It is impossible to stop there."

The eternal demon said: "Then what do you mean?"

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