Super Security in the City

Chapter 3939: Madness

Facing the ferocious attack of the ancestors of Can Feng, how could Luo Jun be afraid. Now the three wills in the body are all unified, so that not only did not weaken his power, but made him stronger. Stand in place at the moment, without a step back, and then a punch!


The fist marks are fierce, and the world is broken!

After the old ancestor of Can Feng and Luo Jun fought relentlessly, the blood in his body rolled frantically, followed by a few steps back.

"Come again!" Luo Jun laughed loudly, arrogantly, and moved forward quickly with another punch.

The ancestor of Can Feng was tired of parrying, but had to parry.


After another punch, Can Feng's ancestor flew upside down, and finally fell heavily to the ground.

After landing, another breath of blood came.

At this time, his anger over the tragic death of his elder brother had disappeared, replaced by endless fear.

"No, I give up, I can explain everything!" Can Feng's ancestor watched Luo Jun walk in front of him step by step, and his sense of oppression, like Mount Tai, made him collapse.

Luo Jun squatted down in front of the ancestor Can Feng, then patted his head, and said gently: "I have given you countless opportunities, you must not! If you are arrogant and hard-hearted, you should do it now. Be arrogant to the end. If so, I still respect you as a man."

The ancestor of Can Feng was extremely bitter, and said: "I just want to ask for a way to survive. As long as you are willing to give me a way to survive, you can do anything you want me to do?"

Luo Jun sighed and said, "When the three of us went to Fengming City, we didn't have any malicious intentions. We just wanted to learn some information about Chaos Spirit Vine from you. I thought, this information is not too big. Secret, if it’s really a big secret, you won’t get the Chaos Spirit Vine long ago? But, you don’t do it. Now it’s fine, you still have to tell the secret of the Chaos Spirit Vine, and you’re still tired of your eldest brother. Your brother, you have exhausted a few of your friends. In the end, they kneeled before me without dignity. Why is this and why is it?"

The ancestor of Can Feng smiled bitterly and said: "If I knew there was today, I would have cooperated early. Now I finally understand a truth, that is, to stay a line of life, and to forgive others."

Luo Jundao: "This principle is good, well, as long as you are willing to tell the secret of Chaos Spirit Vine, then I will consider giving you a way out."

Can Feng ancestor said: "No, I need your guarantee that you will never kill me."

Luo Jun said: "You don't know how good or bad this is. If you bargain with me, I won't consider whether to give you a living. I have more ways to tell you the truth, do you believe it?" , His eyes froze, and murderous intent bloomed.

The ancestor of Can Feng shivered, and said quickly: "I said, I have recruited everything truthfully."

Luo Jun nodded and said: "Okay, you can talk about it."

Next, the ancestor of Can Feng told Luo Jun how he encountered Chaos Spirit Vine by chance. About three hundred years ago, he encountered Chaos Spirit Vine in the snowy area.

In the past fairyland, there were snowy regions, fire regions, and cloud sea fairy regions, and various worlds existed!

Today, they are all replaced by the six realms.

In the recounts of the ancestors of Can Feng, the Chaos Spirit Vine is a spiritual object with great mana, and there are also artifacts in it.

Luo Jun also thought, if there is no tool spirit, how could this chaotic spirit vine disappear?

The chaotic spirit vine itself is very powerful, and the ancestor Canfeng couldn’t suppress it, and entangled with the chaos spirit vine for a long time. Later, the chaos spirit vine had no choice but to give the ancestor of the chaos some chaos to help the old Can Feng. The ancestor refined into the Xuantian Mixing Hole.

The ancestor of Canfeng used his own memory to visualize the chaotic spirit vine.

As a result, a turquoise tree vine appeared in front of Luo Jun. The tree vine looked ordinary, just like an ordinary tree vine.

The ancestor of Can Feng told Luo Jun that this Chaos Spirit Vine was extremely cunning and good at hiding. But once it gains power, it can turn into a vine dragon to kill the enemy, or it can reach millions of miles...

Finally, the ancestor of Can Feng also revealed a message that Chaos Lingvine likes Binghan.

Luo Jun asked Can Feng's ancestor, "You should have found Chaos Spirit Vine in this emptiness, right?"

Can Feng ancestor said: "I have been looking for and have been to countless icy places, but there is no whereabouts."

Luo Jun sighed inwardly: "Even with these clues, it is still extremely difficult to find the Chaos Spirit Vine!"

The ancestor of Can Feng couldn't help saying: "Why do you have to look for Chaos Spirit Vine?"

Luo Jundao: "This is my business."

The ancestor of Can Feng stayed, and then said: "I have said everything I can say. Can you let me go? Don't worry, I will not leak everything about you. I will never find you again. Revenge. With the cultivation of you and your third brother, I know that there is no hope for revenge in my life. I just want to live well!"

Luo Jun looked at the ancestor of Can Feng, sighed after a long while, and said: "Actually, I also want to let you go. I don't like killing. Especially you rarely cultivated this kind of cultivation. Now the whole world of immortals , The human race needs talents like you. But...I finally wandered through the rivers and lakes for many years, knowing the principle of eliminating evil and eliminating the roots! So, after my consideration, I still want to kill you!"

"You..." Can Feng's ancestor couldn't help but change his expression.

Luo Jun said: "Don't be afraid, it will be soon, and the pain will disappear." Then, no matter how fearful the ancestor Can Feng begs for mercy, he slapped his forehead with a palm. The ancestor of Can Feng died tragically on the spot, his body turned into countless fragments.

After killing Can Wind Ancestor, Luo Jun stood up there, feeling a little dazed and helpless in his heart.

Suddenly he was able to understand that sentence very much, people are in the rivers and lakes, and he can't help himself!

It stands to reason that this group of myself is also cruel enough. Originally and Fengming Sansheng had no grievances and no enmity, but now it's better. I was completely wiped out by myself...

This old ancestor of Can Feng later also cooperated enough, so he should give others a way to survive!

But Luo Jun dare not give this way to survive.

Because he has already exposed too much information in Canfeng Old Ancestor, once these information ferments in the future, what kind of catastrophic consequences will be brought about, no one can say.

Therefore, he can only bear the pain to kill.

Can only follow the cruel rules of this arena.

After killing the remnant wind ancestor, Luo Jun quickly left the unknown island.

After flying for a day or so, he came to a place deep under the sea to hide.

After that, he entered the magic bag.

In the magic bag, the body of the eternal demon has returned to normal, but his vitality is greatly damaged, and it takes time to restore his cultivation.

At the same time, Bai Qing's injury is not light.

Luo Jun took out the longevity fruit and some other pills to give them.

After taking the pill, Bai Qing and Eternal Demon began to concentrate on cultivation.

Luo Jun also sat cross-legged, realizing the various wills in his body.

Before everyone's injuries were healed, Luo Jun didn't want to go out to do anything, the risk was too great.

After calming down, Luo Jun recalled the difficult and dangerous battle, and felt that there was still a lot of luck in this group of people who can live to this day. The whole army was almost wiped out... in the arena, it is true that every moment, if you don't pay attention, there will be a disaster! Needless to say if the cultivation base is poor. It is their level of cultivation, they are also in danger of life at every turn!

"It is impossible for people to be lucky forever. I have been wandering between such good luck and life and death. One day, when my luck runs out, it will be my death time!" Luo Jun secretly said.

"But how can I die? If I die, Linger and the others, how sad the children should be?"

"It seems to sum it up because I am not strong enough! If my cultivation reached the level of Yuanshi Tianzun, Taishang Dao ancestor, I can be immortal. Although the whole world of immortals is in danger, they have always been there. Plan tactics and sit firmly on the Diaoyutai! I can only enjoy some peaceful days if I have at least their realm. But, having said that, these predecessors have also experienced this kind of cultivation after thousands of calamities. My road is still very long... these hundreds of thousands of years After it came down, so few saints were born, and the waves were scouring the sand. Will I survive in the end?"

Luo Jun was not sure, he didn't know whether he would survive in the end.

That is no longer a one-in-ten thousand chance, but a one-in-a-billion chance.

Operate the mana in the body, sense the heavenly pen and the sword energy.

He tried to communicate with Daoqi, but to no avail. I thought to myself that if the sword qi can always cooperate, it doesn't necessarily mean that the sword qi can be driven away.

"No, how could I have such slack thoughts. Now, in my body, with my own consciousness, as well as sword energy and heavenly pen, it is like three kingdoms. The reason why I can join forces to kill the enemy today is completely a life and death threat. Down. If this kind of hidden danger is not eradicated, it will inevitably endanger my life in the future. What I have to do is not only eradicate the sword spirit, even if it is a pen, I have to completely surrender it!"

Luo Jun had an idea in his mind.

At this time, the mana was operated, and those sword qi did not cause trouble in it.

Then, the mana was strengthened, and the body was suddenly surging.

Dao Qi remained calm in it, and clung to it tighter. It seemed that he had really merged with his flesh and blood.

"It's weird. After this battle, the sword spirit has been completely surrendered?" Luo Jun secretly asked.

"Impossible, how can such a big problem be solved for no reason?" Luo Jun didn't dare to relax his vigilance.

But after many studies, no progress has been made.

Had to re-enter!

In any case, it is a good thing that the sword qi will no longer cause trouble.

One's own combat power is finally up.

By the middle of the night, it was the dead of night, and the air of heaven and earth returned to silence.

Luo Jun is practising profound art silently...

Suddenly, something unexpected happened.

The sword energy in the body suddenly revolved violently...

It was like a sneak attack on his body.

The sword energy came so fiercely, and more sword energy quickly multiplied in his body.

In an instant, the knives in the body were densely air-tight, covering the sky and the sun. He became a madman with sword spirit.


Luo Jun let out a painful roar, and in an instant, Qiqiao bleeding...

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