Super Security in the City

Chapter 3871: Master of Heaven

Luo Jun looked at Yuanshi Tianzun and Yuansheng tit-for-tat in the field, and felt that Yuanshi Tianzun was not only a strong temper, but also really protective of the calf. That Yuan Sage was clearly targeting the disciples of the Master of Tongtian, but the Master of Tongtian hadn't said a word yet, Yuanshi Tianzun was about to fight Yuansheng.

Luo Jun couldn't help thinking of his elder brother Luo Feng. When he was here before, he protected himself in this way.

I don't know where he is now? In this life, will I meet him again?

For a while, Luo Jun felt a little sad. But this sadness didn't last long, because right now, it's definitely not a time for sadness. Your own destiny is closely related to today's grand meeting... If you don't handle it well, you are in danger of your life.

However, Luo Jun was not too scared, and these saints were all present at the moment. Even if you expose yourself in the field, you can hide behind the thighs of these saints. Anyway, he didn't commit a crime, and Old Man Hongchen didn't kill himself.

I have the ability to kill the old man Hongchen!

The smell of gunpowder between Yuanshi Tianzun and Yuansheng is full. Luo Jun suddenly felt a little emotional...These saints, usually these saints are all superior and full of style. But that is just a gesture of facing ordinary people. When they really reached the same position, they fought against each other, and their faces were torn apart, and their vulgar language was no different from ordinary people.

Ants are ants in the eyes of humans, and humans are also ants in the eyes of fairies. Fairies are also ants in the eyes of saints. The saint is also an ant in the universe!

After all, everyone is an ant, nothing more than a difference in the control!

At the time when Yuanshi Tianzun and Yuansheng were arguing, the Master Tongtian finally spoke.

Master Tongtian stood up and said, "Senior Yuanshi, fellow Yuandao, you don’t have to fight anymore. Poor Dao has already asked Yunxiao, and Yunxiao hasn’t been to Hongchen Mountain." After a pause, he said, "Pan Dao is Yun Xiao’s master absolutely believes in every word of Yun Xiao. She doesn’t have to deceive anything..."

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "It is true, my sons and daughters of Kunlun, what is there to deceive? If Hongchen is really killed by Yunxiao, there is nothing we dare not admit. What's more, this matter has nothing to do with her. Ruo Yunxiao I really have the ability to kill Hong Chen, so my Kunlun community will have a big banquet and entertain the heroes for three hundred days!"

"Junior Brother Yuanshi!" Taishang Taoist ancestor finally couldn't help but uttered, and said with a wry smile: "The more you speak, the less plausible you are. The old man Hongchen is also our fellow man. His death is a huge loss to our cultivating world. Don't blaspheme this thing like this."

Yuanshi Tianzun was slightly startled, and then honestly said: "What the brother taught is that the younger brother was reckless."

Tai Shang Dao Ancestor smiled, and then said: "Friend Yuan Dao, the niece of Master Yunxiao in the poor Dao is only a cultivation base of the Ninth Layer of Creation. The old man Hong Chen can kill her with a single finger. If she is on the scene, why can she come back alive? ?? If she is on the scene, why didn't the murderers kill them? Your logic is actually very unreasonable."

Yuan Shengdao: "The old man only wants to restore the truth of the matter. There are too many doubts in this matter, so the old man wants to investigate to the end. The old man never suspects that there is any crime in Xiaoyou Yunxiao. The old man does not understand why the old man is like this. A simple request, why did the three obstruct them like this?"

Taishang Daozu's voice went cold, and said: "You really don't understand?"

Yuan Shengdao: "I really don't understand!"

Tai Shang Dao Ancestor said: "Because Kunlun can't tolerate you to go wild, is this understandable?"

Yuan Sheng couldn't help but smile and said: "This is so funny, the old man has repeatedly treated each other with courtesy, patience and compromise in every possible way. So and so, in the eyes of Taoist ancestors, the old man is considered to be wild?"

Taishang Dao ancestor said: "Yun Xiao, it is impossible for you to check it. Because Pang Dao doesn't know what conspiracy you have hidden. Pang Dao sees that this event can end here."

This Taoist ancestor seemed to be the kind and harmless grandfather, but showing off his edge at this moment was also chilling.

Yuan Shengdao: "All the heroes are here, the death of the old man Hongchen must be explained. Today, the old man is fighting for his life, and he must also check Yunxiao."

"Do you want to do something with Poor Dao?" Taishang Dao Ancestor said coldly.

Yuan Shengdao: "In this Kunlun Mountains, all the saints are friends of Daozu. If the old man wants to do it, there is a dead end. But today is a dead end, and the old man also demands a truth. If Daozu insists on not, the old man can only do it well. grab."

Seeing, the situation is getting more and more frozen!

A terrifying battle may break out at any time.

The heroes couldn't help but squeeze a cold sweat for this Yuansheng...At the same time, they felt that the Yuansheng was really selfless and fearful of death. He dares to be so tough as the holy ones are waiting for him.

That Tai Shang Dao Ancestor said indifferently: "You don't need to use words to provoke the poor Dao, and the poor Dao will fight you today. If it is..."

"Wait!" At this moment, Master Tongtian spoke again. He bowed to Taishang Dao Ancestor first, and said, "Brother, this matter is caused by my disciple Yunxiao. Yuan Daoyou is coming towards me, little brother. Although you are not talented, you are not willing to let your elder brother honour your dignity and fight with him in the end."

After a pause, the Master Tongtian rushed towards Yuan Shengdao: "Let’s do it, Poverty Dao will fight with you. They don’t use the power of Heaven’s Dao..."

"Of course!" Yuan Shengdao: "Whoever used the power of the heavenly way would violate the law and covenants of the heavenly way. It just so happens that all the saints are here, and they just work together to deprive them of the power of the heavenly way and listen with the right way."

Master Tongtian said: "If you win, Yunxiao will be restored by you with the so-called magic. If poor Dao luckily wins a three-stroke two-style..."

Yuan Sheng said: "That is the old man's mistake. The old man never mentions the matter of Yunxiao. The old man Hongchen's death, the old man will go to find evidence from other places!"

"Good!" said the Lord Tongtian.

Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't help worrying, and said, "Junior Brother Tongtian, why is this? The three of our brothers have always moved forward and retreated together. In this place, there is no need to give him a face."

Master Tongtian smiled slightly and said, "Brother Yuanshi, my brother’s hands are already itchy. For so many years, I have been hearing about how powerful Yuan Daoist fellow is. Today is also the right time. It is a great opportunity to learn something for the enemy!"

Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Daozu looked at each other, they wanted to say something, but after all they didn't say anything.

Empress Nuwa said to the master of Tongtian: "Friends of Tongtian, be careful!"

The Lord Tongtian smiled slightly and said, "Thank you for your concern!"

The saints in the field are also in a mixed mood at this time.

But to be honest, they don't want to completely fall out with Yuansheng.

Yuan Sheng has always been cunning, since he dared to provoke single-handedly, he must rely on it.

Right now, the Lord Tongtian dared to stand up and go to Lei alone, but for the other saints, they all felt it was a good thing.

Only Taishang Daozu, Yuanshi Tianzun and Nuwa Empress are really worried about the safety of the Master Tongtian.

After that, Yuan Sheng withdrew from the high platform.

The Lord Tongtian came to the opposite side of Yuansheng.

Yuan Sheng and Tong Tian Jiao stand opposite each other...

The two god-level bosses are about to start a decisive battle.

This scene came so fast, it also made the crowds present feel incredible. At the same time, I was secretly excited in the depths of my heart, such a big battle, fortunately to see, it is really fortunate for Sansheng!

Luo Jun also didn't expect that the leader of Tongtian was so strong, and he would fight if he talked about it. He now discovered that the three saints of Kunlun were all masters of one and the same, and they would fight if they wanted to, without any fear at all!

Originally, in Luo Jun's impression, he already felt that all the saints cherish feathers, care about immortality, and are reluctant to move easily. But now, it seems that they are not people who are afraid of death, they are all violent tempers when they want to fight!

Luo Jun lowered his heart. He knew that such an ancient battle would definitely bring him great benefits.

Na Yuansheng said to the Master Tongtian at this time: "This time the old man and fellow daoists, it is better not to hurt the harmony, let alone damage the Kunlun side. It is better for you and me to form a battle together and set up an energy shield, so as not to It hurts the innocent and prevents the war from expanding too much. How?"

Master Tongtian didn't pick his eyebrows, and said lightly: "It's up to you!"

At the moment, Yuansheng and Tongtian hierarch made Dharma seals together.

I saw golden rays of light appearing in the hands of the two of them, and the golden rays of light quickly merged into one place, and then rose up into the sky, forming a huge light curtain covering the two of them.

The bottom of the light curtain was narrow, only covering the two of them, without spreading to the crowd. But at an altitude of ten meters, the light curtain is three thousand square meters.

The two quickly came to the top, and then shot.

The gray robe of the Master Tongtian is simple and thin, just like an ordinary old Taoist priest.

He waved his sleeves, and then slapped Yuan Sheng.

He didn't display the magical powers in the big mudra, but looked like an ordinary human master on the earth, and his body flashed in front of the Primordial Sage.

Yuan Sheng didn't dare to underestimate him, and quickly swiped out a palm, hitting the place with the palm of Master Tongtian.

Neither of them performed any magical magic.

All the heroes at the scene, including all the saints in their position, opened their eyes wide, and watched the shocking battle without daring to miss a second.

The layman looks at the excitement, the insider looks at the door.

All the heroes at the scene saw that although the two palms of the Master Tongtian and Yuansheng did not have earth-shaking energy fluctuations, they actually condensed the energy to the extreme.


After the two palms collided, their bodies were shocked, and terrifying energy was finally transmitted under their feet. That sub-energy instantly soared into the sky, like a dense sandstorm blasting in all directions.


The sandstorm-like energy all blasted onto the golden energy cover, and the golden energy cover was shaky, but after a short while, the golden energy cover absorbed all those sandstorms. After that, the energy shield became stronger...

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