Super Security in the City

Chapter 3865: Kunlun Festival

Luo Jun and Ye Wuming stood opposite each other on the Temple Square, about three meters apart.

Under the sun, Ye Wuming's shadow looked extraordinarily burly and tall. Luo Jun stood in front of Ye Wuming as if he were a child. His figure was not thin, but when compared with Ye Wuming, he looked like withered wood.

But Luo Jun did not have any timidity, he had experienced too many battles and life and death difficulties in his life. He had confronted a heavenly saint like Old Man Hongchen, so what a Ye Wuming was. He looked around and found that Yuan Sheng was not present.

This is not surprising, after all, even if he is relative to the entire temple, he is just a small person. He had already seen that the true power of the temple was in that elder's hall...These masters of Tianzi and Dizi were all for outsiders.

Luo Jun and Ye Wuming didn't talk much, and after that, the two clasped their fists together, and then the decisive battle began.

Outside the golden light curtain, Ye Wuming's wife Xiaoman and her children were also watching the decisive battle.

Let's say that Ye Wuming didn't dare to care about Luo Jun, and immediately sacrificed the magic weapon Dragon God Tomahawk!

He stared at Luo Jun and rushed with the mana in his body, the blood in his body seemed to boil.

Soon, his eyes fell into blood red.

His hair is also standing upright!

A strong and unparalleled aura spreads from him... The cave he cultivated is the Dragon God Mixture, and the cave is like a roar of thousands of dragons and beasts.


An axe came to the Luo Jun head-on!

The supernatural power of this axe is the world's best, as if it is about to cut the eternity!

The wind moves, the clouds move, the world moves...

The stars are shaking, the moon is falling, the stars are ruined...

Luo Jun couldn't evade, this axe came too fiercely, if he evaded, he would fall into a complete passivity.

The battle will be lost directly under such circumstances.

Obviously, Ye Wuming is also an absolute fighter, knowing what his strengths are.

In such a duel, the opponent cannot escape.

It is also especially suitable for people with vigorous insides like Ye Wuming, who can force the opponent to have to fight against each other. Luo Jun didn't say much, but at the moment Ye Wuming moved, his hands quickly gathered into the cave...

In the palms of the two palms, the mixed hole in the sky surging violently!

The mana in his whole body also rushed quickly, like crazy blood surged.

With both hands together, an axe from the sky was condensed in an instant...

Then, gather all your strength, gather all the profound meaning, momentum, and go away...


The two tomahawks blasted together, huge energy surging into the sky, and the energy fragments were densely packed, like the eruption of a heavenly demon, attacking in all directions, and finally all crashed on the golden light curtain.

At that moment, it was like the end of the world!

Those onlookers felt that the whole world was shaking, and they couldn't help being shocked... It turns out that this is... the power of the gods.

The first time the two sides played against each other, they both quit one step at a time!

Ye Wuming didn't take advantage of it...

The audience suddenly boiled.

Those masters all know how strong Ye Wuming's power is. He is the ninth peak of the creation realm, with dragon beast blood in his body, and his mana is extremely powerful.

Under such circumstances, his Ye Wuming made an all-out effort against a person from the Eighth Layer of Creation Realm, and he did not take the slightest advantage. This is incredible!

At this time, Ye Wuming's eyes were full of incredulity. In the fight just now, he only felt that the opponent's divine power was like a beast of heaven and earth, boundless, unexpectedly shook the blood in his body even more, and his arm was also numb.

Luo Jun also felt that the blood in his body was rushing and it was difficult to control himself!

But he didn't feel uncomfortable, because the heavenly pen in his body was powerful enough to digest everything.

"Okay, come again!" Ye Wuming's fighting spirit rose up at this time, and all his scruples disappeared. If you meet your opponent, you will meet Liangcai! You can fight longer care about those conspiracies and tricks, and don't have to use other spells.

So he raised the Dragon God's battle axe, once again condensed his whole body's supernatural power to smash towards Luo Jun.

Luo Jun also immediately condensed the sky to attack and kill the battle axe!


In an instant, the two split ten times in a row.

The fragments of energy were densely packed in the air, covering the sky and the sun, blasting towards the golden light curtain. The golden light curtain absorbs all the energy fragments...

Boom, boom!

The sky is broken, the mountains and rivers are broken!

After the ten axe slashed, Ye Wuming's blood boiled even more, and his whole body was bathed in blood.

Luo Jun's body was steaming, and his fighting spirit was surging.

That day, the power of the Daobi, under the urging of Luo Jun, had already followed the resonance, emitting a terrifying power. After this hack, Luo Jun's aura became stronger...

At the same time, a sense of exhaustion appeared deep in his heart.

Obviously, the consumption of energy and vitality is too high.

He quickly grabbed a longevity fruit and took it down. Immediately, the vitality in the body rushed again...

Luo Jun took a step forward and said in a deep voice: "Come again!"

Follow, chopping out three axes!

After the three axes, Ye Wuming flew upside down, spurting blood, and could no longer get up.

No one thought of this result.

Even if everyone thought that Luo Jun might win, it should be his use of magic weapons, tricks, spells and other ingenious forces to win.

Everyone never thought that this newcomer Xuanyuantai actually defeated Ye Wuming without any dexterity relying on profound mana.

At this point, Luo Jun officially became the No. 2 master of Tianzi!

He got the token with the second number of the day.

The Tingfeng Hall where Luo Jun was located was renamed Xuanyuan Hall!

As for the Wuming Temple, it needs to be changed back to its original name. That Wuming Hall was originally called Mingxue Hall!

After this battle, Luo Jun returned to his own Xuanyuan Palace.

He no longer paid attention to outside affairs, but started to meditate cross-legged, absorbed the pill, and quickly regained his vitality and physical strength.

He is now beginning to feel the magical existence of Tiandao Pen!

This heavenly pen is in the body, it has infinite potential!

And it can always evolve, always develop.

At present, Luo Jun has not yet felt the self-awareness of Tiandao Pen, but Luo Jun has not let his guard down either.

He knew that although the Heavenly Dao Pen had a great magical effect, it would also be a potential crisis.

It's just that when it will explode, Luo Jun himself doesn't know.

Absorb the pill, run vitality and mana for several weeks. Until dawn, Luo Jun still felt exhausted deep in his heart. This was impossible in the past, but now that there is a pen in the body, it is much harder to recover. Fortunately, there are a lot of medicines, and after taking another longevity fruit, he can cultivate for another day before he fully recovers.

In the temple, there is almost nothing to do every day.

There are no necessary things or obligations...a lot of pills are distributed every month.

When Luo Jun was fine, he wandered around in the temple and wandered around in the holy city.

This life is really leisurely.

Luo Jun didn't feel anxious about the matter of upgrading his realm. He knows that this matter cannot be rushed, and that haste can't be achieved.

It must reach a certain point in time, when the opportunity comes, a breakthrough can be made logically!

He wandered in the holy city, occasionally he would go to the pleasure-seeking place and drink, and he would have fun with the girl. Of course, he didn't really roll onto the bed with the girls in the fun field. Instead, after rolling on the bed, they used magic power to confuse those women, making them think that they were happy with him.

In any case, this Xuanyuantai is a licentious person. I behave too seriously and it is always bad.

What he did was very secretive, even if the Yuan Sheng came to investigate, he couldn't find out any clues.

Na Yuan Yuxian was also concerned about Luo Jun, and when she heard the report from her subordinates that Luo Jun had gone to the happiest place, she couldn't help showing a more disgusting expression. He muttered in his heart, feeling that Xuanyuantai's companion, even though he had a terrifying cultivation base. However, there is no lower limit for some things that I have done, it is simply the best!

In a blink of an eye, a month passed.

Luo Jun also got a piece of news in the holy city, that is... the Kunlun World Lieutenant General will hold a Kunlun event!

This Kunlun event was led by Yuan Sheng and invited masters from the six continents of the fairy world to participate.

Yuan Sheng advertised hero posts, and everyone in the immortal world received an invitation letter from Yuan Sheng.

Although Luo Jun and those masters in the temple are considered to be defensive, Yuan Sheng did not let them participate. After Luo Jun knew about this Kunlun event, he couldn't help but feel anxious: "This Yuansheng, I want to organize a Kunlun event for no reason. You should take the lead, then the Yuanjie event should be held! The event is in the Kunlun world, and it is also widely invited. Heroes of the world, what kind of heart is this peace? I am not afraid of reaching the Kunlun realm. Will the heroes kill you in one breath while everyone is there? In this meta realm, your life is in heaven, and no one can treat you like that. After the Kunlun Realm, that's different."

"It's just that Yuan Sheng, this person, seems harmless to humans and animals. In fact, he is very treacherous. Since he wants to bring the event to Kunlun Realm, he must have a plan. He is occupying the initiative... Could he be? In order to investigate the death of the old man Hongchen? He knew that it was related to Yunxiao, so he wanted to attack Yunxiao? But attacking Yunxiao, what do you do for a Kunlun event? In front of the heroes, forcing the leader of Tongtian to surrender Yunxiao? Will you stand on your side, right?"

Luo Jun didn't think this matter made sense, and couldn't figure out what medicine was sold in Yuansheng's gourd.

But he still felt a little scared... because Yun Xiao knew that he was acting as Xuanyuantai. If Yunxiao was handed over, Yuan Sheng used the technique of reverse pushing to search for Yunxiao's memory, he would definitely be exposed.

At that time, all the work and efforts I have done will be in vain, and there will be life concerns!

"It can't be said that it is a worry about life, as long as Lao Tzu's identity is revealed, it will undoubtedly die! Yuan Sheng wants to kill Lao Tzu, it is as simple as squeezing an ant!" Luo Jun sighed again and again.

I only hope that Master Tongtian can arrange everything and don't let yourself down!

On the second day, Yuan Yuxian found Luo Jun.

"Pack up, go out with us!" Yuan Yuxian said directly to Luo Jun.

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