Super Security in the City

Chapter 3807: Light of Destiny

Luo Jun and others also didn't care whether this Xuanhuang Palace would be destroyed.

Luo Jun took the lead in cutting out a large Chaos Thunder Sword!

Thunder light flashed, and the yin and yang mana of Luo Jun and Black Clothes Suzhen were contained in the Great Chaos Thunder Sword.

This sword is tyrannical to the extreme!

It was Luo Jun and Hei Suzhen who used the deconstruction of power to a superb level.

This sword represents the realm of the two of them today!

This sword can easily cut a planet.

At the same time, Qin Lin also circulated the Origin Copper Coin, and the Origin Copper Coin shot at the center of the red man's eyebrows like lightning.

Fu Qingzhu's diamond bracelet also shot the old man towards Hongchen with all his strength.

The old man Hongchen sat on the spot, motionless.

When many attacks killed him, his figure suddenly became illusory, as if he was in the water.

The Great Chaos Thunder Sword passed through his body.

Origin copper coins and diamond bracelets all passed through his body.

He is like an illusory shadow.

It's like being in a different dimension.

But by the way, he is actually a real person, sitting there.

But everyone's attacks could not reach him.

Luo Jun and others couldn't help being shocked.

"Really so evil?" Luo Jun showed the Wuwang Mixing Cave, and immediately, the ice particles in the Wuwang Mixing Cave quickly enveloped the old man Hongchen.

The figure of the old man in the red dust became ethereal again, like a moon in the water, and a flower in a mirror.

No matter how Wuwang Hundong attacked and killed, the old man Hongchen was unscathed.

How can one defeat a shadow?

Fu Qingzhu and Qin Lin also attacked and killed successively, but neither touched the old man Hongchen.

Repeated attacks and killings have played a role.

At this time, the old man Hongchen smiled coldly and said: "You have attacked enough, and it's time for the old man to take action." After saying this, he pointed out at Qin Lin, Fu Qingzhu, and Luo Jun at the same time!

Three finger winds cut through the void and slew towards them like lightning.

Qin Lin immediately drove the origin copper coin to form a time storm...

But that finger wind directly destroyed the time storm...

Fu Qingzhu's diamond bracelet smashed into the wind, and it was immediately eroded into iron rust spots, as if it had been covered by dust for thousands of years.

The two finger winds were like lightning at first, but then they enveloped Qin Lin and Fu Qingzhu like a gust of wind.

In an instant, Qin Lin felt pressure all around him, as if he were in the deep sea, with terrifying sea pressure coming from all directions. Squeeze his spirit, squeeze his internal organs, squeeze everything about him...

He felt like he was about to explode!

The same is true for Fu Qingzhu.

The two of them instantly began to bleed from Qiqiao, their complexions were sour, and they were extremely uncomfortable.

Facing the old man's finger wind, Luo Jun also responded with the Great Chaos Thunder Sword. However, when the Great Chaos Thunder Sword came into contact with Zhifeng, it was like entering a time-space tunnel. In the space-time tunnel, there is red dust, the world is long, and there are years and thousands of years...

When the finger wind passed, the Great Chaos Thunder Sword had disappeared!

Subsequently, the wind shrouded Luo Jun.

The terrifying pressure quickly squeezed over, and the internal organs would be displaced.

"Why is it so terrifying? Why is there such a power in the world?" Luo Jun was frightened, only to feel that his mana and the wind seemed to be irrelevant.

No matter how he uses his mana, he can't offset the pressure and pain on his body.

Seeing this goes on, his body is about to burst.

At that moment, Luo Jun couldn't care about other things, and quickly ran the yin and yang mana to contend.

The yin and yang mana quickly rotates in his body, forming a golden light.

Golden light body...

The wind of that finger began to erode the golden light, and the golden light began to change endlessly.

As Zhifeng's long years of time began to change, it seems that it is also experiencing great dust...

This is the charm of yin and yang living all things!

Yin and Yang breed everything!

Although Luo Jun didn't understand the magic of the old man in Hongchen, the yin and yang mana was changing with changes.

At that critical moment, Luo Jun gathered yin and yang mana and cut out a sword!

The golden sword slashed, boom!

Zhifeng was finally broken.

Then, Luo Jun saw that Qin Lin and Fu Qingzhu were at stake, so he ignored the others and condensed a golden sword to kill them.


Two consecutive swords will break the horror finger wind!

The moment it broke, Qin Lin and Fu Qingzhu knelt on the ground in pain, with blood in their eyes.

The old man Hongchen still sat on the spot, as if he didn't use any force at all. He looked at Luo Jun and said lightly: "The mana you used is indeed very mysterious and weird. It is the power of heaven and earth to generate yin and yang, which also proves that the old man’s speculation is correct. One yin and one yang can achieve true The supreme way of heaven. You are now cooperating well with the old man, and the old man will not embarrass you yet."

"Damn it!" Qin Lin's eyes were blood red, desperately displaying the power of time.

The Origin Copper Coin quickly formed a time storm, and the strong power of time erupted from his body.

Afterwards, a long river of time surrounded him and the old man Hongchen.

This was his previous move against Yang Xuanhua.

The old man Hongchen was in the long river of time, and he felt the weirdness and magic of the power of this time.

"This is the power of the time spar!" The old man Hongchen was slightly surprised, and said: "The things on your dolls really surprised the old man. At this time, the spar, unfortunately, has already melted into this baby's body. Otherwise, it will be earned by the old man, and it will be more powerful!"

He was in a long river of time, but still talked freely.

Qin Lin was struggling, and saw that the time ripples around him and the old man Hongchen became more and more fierce, and it was about to burst.

Luo Jun and the others didn't know how to help.

Qin Lin roared: "Go, go, I can't hold it for long."

"But..." How could Luo Jun do this to abandon his brother.

Fu Qingzhu said in a deep voice, "I'm afraid I won't be able to run away. It's better to sacrifice together."

Luo Junya bit his teeth and said, "Go to his mother, let's fight it."

Qin Lin was struggling more and more, and although the old man in Hongchen was temporarily sealed by the power of time, he was still calm and calm.

"How on earth can I hurt him?" Luo Jun's thoughts turned.

"What else can we use?" Fu Qingzhu asked.

He was asking Luo Jun and also asking himself.

At this level, it was obvious that no matter how many disciples were asked to come over, it was just to die.

"The light of destiny!" Suzhen in black suddenly thought of something.

In the next second, she found the light of destiny she treasured from the idea of ​​the Lord's Tribulation.

The light of destiny is found in the gate of eternal life. The light of destiny is the light of destiny of the earth, and everything corresponds to the earth.

At this moment, the light of destiny is like a crystal ball, and the crystal ball is full of purple aura.

Hei Suzhen didn't know how to stimulate the light of destiny.

She has studied for a long time, but can't control this thing.

Seeing that Qin Lin was struggling more and more, he couldn't care about other things, so he used Yin and Yang mana to rush away in the light of destiny.

Originally, the light of destiny was not affected by mana.

However, Yin and Yang mana is very special and changes with the light of destiny.

After a short while, the light of destiny, under the urging of yin and yang mana, actually began to absorb yin and yang mana.

At the same time, light began to appear inside the Light of Destiny, and after that, the purple light shone out.

Under the shining purple light, everything around him began to change.

Many substances, laws, and everything around are beginning to show up.

The usual molecules, the laws of space, etc. are invisible and intangible. Everything has become very clear right now...

Under the purple light, all these things finally melted into a mist, but a purple mist!

The purple mist enveloped the entire interior of the Xuanhuang Hall, and also enveloped Qin Lin and the old man Hongchen.

The purple mist penetrated into the long river of time, and was completely unaffected by the force of time.

Luo Jun and Hei Suzhen didn't even know what it meant when all this happened.

Right now, the dead horse is just a living horse doctor!

However, at this moment, Qin Lin suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

Originally, he felt that the old man in Hongchen was like an ancient beast, but he had more than enough energy and couldn't hold it back. But right now, the old man in Hongchen seemed to be no longer an ancient beast, but a beast with his skill.

Although the opponent is still very strong, his time power is beginning to grow stronger.

The old man's face suddenly changed. "Earth Way?" The old man Hongchen lost his voice.

Luo Jun and Hei Suzhen were overjoyed when they saw this situation.

It seemed that it was a mistake, this light of destiny really played a role.

"Second brother, withdraw the power of time, let us deal with him!" Luo Jun immediately shouted as if he understood something.

Qin Lin didn't know why, but he listened to Luo Jun's words and removed the time seal.

The old man of Hongchen was free immediately, but what greeted him was the great Chaos Thunder Sword issued by Luo Jun and Black Suzhen together, as well as Wuwang Fudong Ice Palm.

Double attack, not terrible!

The old man Hongchen's eyes were cold, and his left and right palms were split out.

It can be seen that he can't easily avoid the attacks of the crowd right now.


Wuwang Hundong slayed the past, and hit the right palm of the old man Hongchen in one place. There seemed to be a hundred-fold mixed hole in the right palm of the old man Hong Chen, powerful and boundless, and quickly shattered Luo Jun's innocent mixed hole. Fortunately, behind Luo Jun there is Suzhen's yin and yang magic, and the nine-fold thunder tribulation magic.

Although this palm did not achieve victory, it barely strengthened the strong palm of Old Man Hongchen.

As for the Great Chaos Thunder Sword, it was easily resolved by the old man's left palm.

The power of the left palm of the old man Hong Chen rushed like thunder, and quickly slammed Luo Jun's chest.

Luo Jun immediately circulated the black hole vortex, the big swallowing technique, the seeds of the mysterious yellow gods, the yin and yang mana, all the power was used.

At that moment, the seeds of Xuanhuang Divine Valley quickly evolved and upgraded to the ultimate state!

The yin and yang mana lightning rolled, and the thunder rushed endlessly, finally dissolving and absorbing the palm power of the old man in Hongchen.

The divine power of the old man in Hongchen seems to be the water of the Tianhe rushing down, endless, terrifying!

For an instant, Luo Jun felt that his body was full of divine power, almost exploding...

As a result, the right palm quickly condensed strength, and then cut a sword to the old man Hongchen...

At this time, Qin Lin and Fu Qingzhu were not here to watch the show.

Qin Lin screamed, and the Rotating Origin Copper Coin smashed the past with lightning!

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