Super Security in the City

Chapter 3651: Golden sword

The little girl no longer paid attention to Ye Donghuang, and then her voice was softer, but she said: "Old Hua, I know everything you have done for the ruling in the past two years. You have worked hard, please get up!" Hua Tianhuang stood up Then, he said respectfully: "It is an honor for the old man to be able to work for you, Tianzun!"

The little girl nodded, then said to everyone: "Get up all!"

Only then did the master judges dare to stand up. After that, Tianzun entered the Temple of Life under the leadership of Ye Donghuang and Hua Tianhuang. Tianzun only allowed the life elders and the great priests to stay, and the others all retreated.

Tianzun sat on the head, and said lightly: "The deity has seen what happened in the past few years clearly and plainly. The reason why he has not taken action is because he has the heart to let the cold come to punish you. You do. I have forgotten about it, I don’t know what awe is."

"I'm waiting for conviction!" Everyone immediately accepted the crime.

Tianzun continued: "Now, I give some of you a chance to explain everything honestly. Now that I have said it, the deity promises you that everything will be forgotten. If you don't say it, it will be your own way." At this point, he paused. , Said: "Yuanlong, Xuanfang, Liehan, come out."

That Yuanlong and Xuanfang were suddenly shocked by Lie Han. The backs of the three are already sweating...

They had no choice but to stand up, then thumped and knelt down.

Yuanlong first said: "Return to Tianzun, the subordinates are damned, it is really that he is under the control of that cold, and he has to do something that harms the ruling house."

"You..." When Ye Donghuang saw this, he was frightened and angry.

Xuanfang and Lie Han also pleaded guilty and begged for mercy.

"You... actually..." Ye Donghuang was angrily attacked.

The others were shocked and unbelievable.

Afterwards, Yuanlong said that he was controlled by Zong Han. But he didn't say anything about confirming knowledge with Zong Han. And this video incident, the shooting of Xuanfang and Lie Han leaving the meeting room, etc., were all made by him. As for the conversation between Xuan Fang and Lie Han, Xuan Fang and Lie Han also admitted that they were captured by Zong Han in the Eternal City, and then forced to speak by Zong Han.

Everyone couldn't help but lose their color after listening.

Hua Tianhuang said: "In other words, before the old man released the statement, you already recorded that video?"

Xuan Fang and Lie Han said, "Yes!"

Hua Tianhuang felt that the hairs on his body had been upside down, only that the magic star was terrifying to the extreme. He actually took his own way to such a death. He murmured: "This magic star counts everything in. He won't really just go like this. He must be planning something. Tianzun, we must guard against it!"

Tianzun nodded and said, "Naturally, we must guard against it." After he said, "Yuanlong, Xuanfang, Fiery Cold, you are all unfortunately controlled by the enemy when you are loyal to the ruling. We are the most It is to understand the value of life. I think you were loyal before, and you have not made a real mistake. The deity will not blame you for the past, and in the future, no one will ever mention the past."

"Yes, Tianzun!" Everyone should be.

The three Yuanlong were even more grateful.

Tianzun said again: "Yuanlong, sit cross-legged, this deity will lift the soul chain for you first."

Yuanlong couldn't help but worry, because he knew that the soul chain was tightly entwined with his neurons, and once the neurons were torn apart, he would die. But he also held hope for Tianzun, knowing that Tianzun is not very human. At the same time, he did not dare to question Tianzun.

"Yes, Tianzun!" Yuanlong sat cross-legged as he said.

Tianzun clicked a finger, and a ray of blue light burst out from his fingertip. The blue light enveloped the Yuanlong, and then another golden silk thread appeared, and the golden silk thread penetrated the Yuanlong's mouth like a tiny snake.

Yuanlong suddenly felt the golden snake enter his body, and soon found the soul chain. The spirit snake did not directly pull the soul chain, but slowly wrapped the soul chain. After a while, the black soul chain turned into gold...

After that, the golden chain began to loosen, and then left Yuanlong's neurons.

Tianzun grabbed it lightly, and the soul chain flew out from Yuanlong's mouth, and was finally lightly grabbed by her.

This effort is an understatement.

Yuanlong feared Tianzun even more in his heart, because he tried many times to get rid of the soul chain. But nothing can be done... and Tianzun's horse, actually helped him remove the soul chain without any pain.

"Thank you Tianzun!" Yuanlong knelt down and bowed again.

Tianzun put the soul chain into the bag and took out two light green pills. "These two pills can detoxify your body, take it." After speaking, he threw it out.

Xuanfang and Lie Han opened their mouths immediately.

The two pills entered their mouths separately.

After the pill enters the abdomen, it instantly turns into a puff of nourishment into their limbs.

After a while, the two felt that the intractable toxins in their bodies had all been eliminated. Can not help being surprised and happy, and then bowed down to thank Tianzun.

Tianzun returned, and all the internal troubles were resolved by raising his hands. This method made everyone present in awe and awe, and at the same time everyone began to settle down. Unlike before, the heart is always anxious, afraid that Luo Jun will return at any time, and then let them go back to the past.

"I already know about the things in the Hunyuan world." Tianzun continued to speak, saying: "In the past, I created the secret technique world together with the ancient people for the uniqueness of the ruling house. The secret technique world was unique at the time. Yes, so, for so many years, the adjudication office has always been superior. So now, why do you lose? Ye Donghuang, tell me."

Ye Donghuang said solemnly: "Return to Tianzun, because the world of secret techniques is no longer unique. Moreover, the world of Hunyuan has no threshold, so that the world of secret techniques and the world of Hunyuan are no longer scarce resources at all."

"Yes!" Tianzun said: "So, what else is unique in the ruling?"

Ye Donghuang was stunned.

Yuan Feng immediately said: "Our ruling has a profound foundation. Because we have the world of secret techniques, our masters have fallen for so many years. We have lived for a long time, so we have a deeper cultivation base. What we are unique is...personal The cultivation base."

"Yuanfeng, you have always been smart." Tianzun praised Yuanfeng, and said: "And Zonghan, who lacks the most is the foundation. If there is no Hunyuan world, I believe that anyone here can beat he."

"But Tianzun, this world already exists, how do we make this Hunyuan world disappear?" Everyone was puzzled.

Tianzun said: "The reason why I have not appeared is that I want to make you suffer. The other is that I want to break the world. In the previous situation, even if the deity appeared, it was actually not very useful. In the entire Hunyuan world In front of me, my ability to join by myself is also limited. Now that I have come back, I have already thought of a way to make the world of Hunyuan and Secret Art disappear."

Hua Tianhuang immediately said, "Tianzun, can't we just let the Hunyuan world disappear?"

Tianzun said: "Of course not."

Hua Tianhuang said: "Then... if all the choices disappear, it is acceptable. Just how can these two established worlds disappear?"

Tianzun said: "When we established the world of secret techniques, we discovered that the power of secret techniques in the world of secret techniques originated from a piece of cosmic power spar. This cosmic power spar is called a judgment spar. I came in contact with this one before coming. The trial spar also confirmed that a very important part of the structure of the Hunyuan world comes from this trial spar. As long as the trial spar is destroyed, the two worlds will fall apart." After a pause, he said: "But this one. The Judgment Spar is very powerful, even because the deity’s divine power can hardly break it. When I come back today, I want you to go with me to break the Judgment Spar."

Hua Tianhuang and the others immediately said, "I'll wait for Tianzun's dispatch!"

Tianzun's majesty is greater than the sky, and everyone dares not violate what he says.

After that, Tianzun quickly led Hua Tianhuang, the great priests and the elders to the depths of the sky.

After three days, they flew to a place filled with clouds and mist.

I saw a mountain in front of him, and the mountain was white all over with white mist.

Everyone stood still, and Tianzun pointed to the mountain and said: "The judgment spar is in this mountain. This mountain is the judgment spar that grows to protect itself."

Hua Tianhuang also immediately felt a very powerful power of judgment contained in the white mist. This power of judgment is to form an absolute coercion on other forces. It's like a relationship between a judge and a prisoner. Although it is all power, I want to judge you!

"How to attack and kill this sacred mountain, please give instructions from Tianzun." Hua Tianhuang said.

Tianzun said: "I'll set the position, Ye Donghuang, you stand southwest."

"Yes, Tianzun!"

"Mo Jian Haishan, you stand southeast."

"Yes, Tianzun!"

Tianzun confessed that the people occupy the position, and let Hua Tianhuang lead the formation.

After everything was arranged, Tianzun said: "All don't use the power of the occult world, use your own cosmic power to form a confrontation with the power of judgment!"

"Yes, Tianzun!" The crowd responded suddenly.

Hua Tianhuang took the lead in attacking, and everyone used their entire body to form countless strong golden lightsabers. The golden lightsaber slashed fiercely towards the mountain of judgment...


The sacred mountain shook violently, and the divine power of judgment burst open, and the white mist directly formed a counter-shock force back towards everyone.

That mountain of judgment is like a peerless master, sending out a powerful and unmatched judgment power to kill everyone. Hua Tianhuang and others quickly deployed the defensive golden light, but the defensive golden light broke directly. The crowd couldn't resist the power of judgment, vomiting blood one after another.

"Tack again!" Tianzun shouted.

Everyone had to use their divine power to kill again, and the mountain of judgment seemed tireless, and once again issued the divine power of judgment...

At this moment, Tianzun had already shuttled in the void to the very center of the mountain of judgment.

When everyone was confronting the Judgment Divine Power, Tianzun suddenly burst into golden light in his eyes, and a golden small sword appeared in his hand. This golden little sword flew out quickly, slaying towards the mountain of judgment...

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