Super Security in the City

Chapter 3528: Hurriedly jump over the wall

Mu Junzheng said: "The first explanation is that he is already confident. The second explanation is that he really lacks understanding of the Eternal Profound Realm!"

Mu Tianen said: "I don't know how powerful Zong Han is, but based on my observations of him, he is still far away from the Eternal Profound Realm. It is impossible to say that he has confidence in him from a realistic perspective. ."

Mujun said righteously: "But no matter what, since he takes the initiative to challenge, the child has to take it. If he doesn't take it, the qi that the child has cultivated over the years has become a joke. In this way, it will be difficult for the child to improve his cultivation in the future. ."

Mu Tianyan said: "It's impossible not to accept it. However, even if you defeat him, don't kill him. He is troubled now. If he died, he would be dead."

Mu Junzheng was startled slightly, and then said: "I will never kill him, but it is not because he is troublesome. It is because he was kind to me back then! Zong Han is a very good opponent. . I respect him and cherish such an opponent."

Mu Tianen stayed for a while, he looked at Mu Junzheng more.

At this moment, he seemed to really feel that his son had grown up, and he was very different from before.

How can his father not feel relieved that his son can have such a mind.

Mu Junzheng did not live with Mu Tianen, he also had his own house in the court. Mu Xiaoli didn't want to live with his father, so he lived next door to Mu Junzheng.

Hua Xiaoyu also ran over to join in the fun. The three of them lived in the same community.

There was an uproar on the Internet.

Both Hua Xiaoyu and Mu Xiaoli were watching.

When Mu Jun was returning home, Hua Xiaoyu and Mu Xiaoli were waiting at his door.

As soon as they met, Mu Xiaoli was indignant and said, "Brother, you have to teach that Zong Han a good lesson this time. What is it! We haven't gone to trouble with him yet, so he provokes him to come to the door first? He hasn't figured out whose site it is."

Hua Xiaoyu said: "Yes, Jun Zheng, if you don't give him a lesson, he really thinks that we are the third one."

Jun Mu just glanced at the two of them, did not say much, just said: "Go into the house and talk!"

In the court, Mu Junzheng, the three of them, belonged to the son's circle.

It's pretty good that Mujun is in the circle of noble sons.

Without him, he is too young and too good.

Anyone with eyes can think that he has a bright future in the future, maybe it is possible to become the helm of the court in the future.

Therefore, no one wants to offend such a potential big man.

After Luo Jun came to the court, he didn't meet those people from your son's circle.

In fact, the noble sons have no time to trouble Luo Jun. In addition, after Luo Jun came in, he was Mingzhi Xia's younger brother and Cang Hailan's student... Such an identity is here, so no one will come to be uninterested.

At the moment, Luo Jun's approach is undoubtedly stabbing a hornet's nest.

He challenged more than a simple Mu Junzheng.

At the same time, in the eyes of the noble sons, Luo Jun is a kind of contempt for their circle.

In the circle of noble sons, the shepherd is the future star and is highly respected.

And the other one, Lei Shaoling!

Lei Shaoling is the real boss, because he is the fifth generation descendant of Dean Reggae.

In the circle of noble sons, only those who are not married and younger than two hundred years old belong to this circle.

This is a circle of young people.

Lei Shaoling is more than a hundred years old, and his cultivation is in the Zhou Profound Realm.

In this circle, Lei Shaoling has always said one thing, no one dares to refute.

Not only because he is the fifth-generation grandson of the dean, but more importantly, because his cultivation level is also very high. It can be said to be outstanding.

Mu Junzheng is far from Lei Shaoling's opponent, but...everyone respects Mujun because the future is promising!

After the three of Mu Junzheng entered the room, the phone rang as soon as they were seated.

It's Mu Junzheng's call.

Mujun was taking out the communication machine and took a look, but it was Lei Shaoling calling.

To Lei Shaoling, Mu Junzheng did not dare to show any disrespect.

He stood up unconsciously, connected, and then shouted, "Brother Shaoling!"

Lei Shaoling smiled and said, "Do you have time to come out for a drink?"

Mr. Mu is in trouble and said: "Brother Shaoling, after I have dealt with this decisive battle, I will come to drink with you."

Lei Shaoling said: "Don't tell me, just like this decisive battle, you still have to be like a big enemy? I have seen that Zong Han. But just a quick glance, but I can see that there is nothing in him. The breath of Xuan. Therefore, he is still far away from Zhou Xuan. I think he is looking for you to challenge this time, it is purely because he is not aware of himself."

Mu Jun said righteously: "Actually, your father and Brother Shaoling have the same views. However, I have been in contact with Zong Han and have dealt with each other. I know that this person has never done anything uncertain, so no matter what, I will Prepare well and then challenge."

Lei Shaoling said: "Well, your attitude is correct. No matter how small your opponent is, you should go all out, leave no regrets, or give the enemy a chance." He paused, and then said: "Hurry up. People from outside are already laughing at us. Jun Zheng, you can't afford to lose this face. We can't afford to lose it either, understand?"

Jun Mu was taking a deep breath and said: "I understand, Brother Shaoling!"

Lei Shaoling said again: "Don't kill him..."


"Abolished him, and told him that he can no longer repair. The court has never raised the dead. When that happens, the elder will definitely drive him out of the court." Lei Shaoling said one word.

Mujun was shocked.

The Lei Shaoling he knew had always been good-natured, and at this time he saw Lei Shaoling's sharp edge.

Mu Jun was pondering for a while, and said: "I'm sorry, Brother Shaoling, I can't abolish him. He was kind to me in the Primitive Academy. I can't avenge my gratitude!"

Lei Shaoling remained silent.

Mu Junzheng did not fluctuate in his heart, although he respected Lei Shaoling very much. But he is also a principled person!

After a long time, Lei Shaoling said: "Okay, I see, I will take care of the future!"

Obviously, he did not intend to let Luo Jun go.

Mujun Zhengze didn't say any more, because he was already worthy of Luo Jun.

After hanging up the phone, Mu Jun looked at Hua Xiaoyu and Mu Xiaoli and said, "You don't have to say anything anymore. Even if I can beat him this time, it won't make him too embarrassed. At the beginning, he It gave me face and a step. I will not avenge my gratitude! This is impossible for anyone to persuade."

When Hua Xiaoyu and Mu Xiaoli saw this, it was hard to say more.

Mujun stood up, took a deep breath, and said, "Besides, it is not always true who wins and loses. I am always proud, but facing Zong Han, it is not to grow his ambition. He is indeed a rare encounter. Opponent!"

"Okay, no need to say anything. I want to reply to a post and start preparing for the battle!" Mu Junzheng said afterwards.

Hua Xiaoyu and Mu Xiaoli had to leave.

After they left, Mu Junzheng officially responded to Luo Jun's challenge on the extranet.

This formal challenge only needs to be reported and it will be approved.

The eternal race has never lacked this kind of blood.

If they are all kind, everyone's cultivation will never be able to rise.

Mu Junzheng’s response to the challenge is simple and clear, just two words, yes!

This decisive battle, even if so settled.

Luo Jun's life was not peaceful either. He received a call from Concubine Ying Xue, Luna, and a call from Master Hou Jianfei. Hou Jianfei did not know that Luo Jun was involved in the ruling house.

In addition, Ku Ziyu and Hua Jieyu also expressed their concern.

Luo Jun didn't say much to them, just said: "Don't worry, I'm sure."

Ku Ziyu and Hua Jieyu are the most assured, they have always been very sure of Luo Jun, knowing that this guy will be invincible once he takes a shot.

Concubine Ying Xue and Luna understand how difficult Zhou Xuan is.

But Luo Jun didn't want to say more, they were also helpless.

Although Luna has always been indifferent, she still couldn't help expressing her concern at this moment. She can be regarded as serving Luo Jun's troublesome spirit.

Luo Jun also unexpectedly received a call from Hou Mingxue.

Hou Mingxue didn't say much, just made Luo Jun be careful.

As for Hou Jianfei, Hou Jianfei sighed again and again, feeling that Luo Jun's move was too reckless. He also talked about some of the difficulties and opportunities in the Eternal Profound Realm, which is not something that can be broken through under pressure.

Luo Jun stated that everything is clear and asked Hou Jianfei not to worry.

Hou Jianfei was helpless, and finally hung up the phone.

This night is very long.

Luo Jun was summoned by Cang Hailan.

In the basement tea room, Cang Hailan asked Luo Jun: "Why did you do this suddenly? Tell the teacher the truth!"

His words were faint, but there was an indescribable majesty.

Luo Jun is about to speak...

Cang Hailan said: "One step is wrong, one step is wrong. I know you are a very meticulous kid, not a reckless person. Right now, are you jumping the wall in a hurry?"

Luo Jun said, "Going back to the teacher, I'm really anxious. The senior sister is a cultivation base of the Xuanxuan Realm, so she is considered a talent. The ruling office has to scruples and scruples, but me? If you don't like it, kill me, that's nothing. So I I want to break through to Zhou Xuan by the way before they come to investigate me."

"By the way?" Cang Hailan was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, and said: "What kind of nonsense are you talking about? Can this matter go by? Can you figure out what Zhou Xuan really represents? This needs accumulation, It takes time and opportunity. The time you spend in the state of inaction is still very short, and it is natural that you cannot break through."

"But, isn't Mu Junzheng breaking through? How can I fail to do what he can do?" Luo Jun said unconvinced.

"That's luck!" Cang Hailan said.

"I'm not bad luck!" Luo Jun argued hard.

Cang Hailan said: "You... hey, Xiaohan, I am calling you here. I really cherish your talent. But many things can't be done in a short time, and you can have a good future. You just need more patience. Ah! What are you doing? This is an adventure not worthwhile at all."

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