Super Security in the City

Chapter 2056: to make

Lin Feng's black evil force, and the demons were forging his body.

Lin Feng absorbed the endless pure Yang breath, his dantian shattered and reshaped. His brain cells shattered, reshaped, and mutated!

He forcibly promoted his cultivation in such a process!


Dongxian peak!


At this moment, Lin Feng directly reached the initial cultivation base of the Heavenly Universe Realm.

He has a unique advantage, he can fail countless times. He learned from failure and pain. Therefore, he understood the law of time and reached the cultivation base of the heavenly universe.

After that, Lin Feng continued to violently rise again!

No one can have Lin Feng's speed, he quickly reached the middle of the heavenly realm, and then directly climbed to the peak of the heavenly realm. At this hurdle, Lin Feng finally stopped. He broke through the Heavenly Universe Realm because he understood the true meaning of time in his constant failures. However, the consciousness of the heavenly position in this heavenly position is not understandable by Lin Feng at this stage.

Moreover, even though Lin Feng could fail and rebirth constantly, there must still be a process to improve his cultivation. It's impossible to improve further.

Lin Feng began to digest, he digested everyone's power, evil force, demons, and his own demons. What can't be digested will be digested again in reshaping.

Lin Feng's willpower is unimaginable.

The heart is like a vast ocean, majestic, vast, tough, and indelible.

Between heaven and earth, within the sky, everything is rotten, but the spirit is immortal. As long as there are people, the spirit can be passed on.

In the Eight Diagrams Pill Furnace, it was a scene of great purgatory in full swing.

Countless masters burst into a cloud of blood, and countless masters were promoted smoothly.

In the end, everything returned to peace.

Lin Feng left the Eight Diagrams Pill Furnace, he passed out directly, and he became a blood man.

Suzhen in black was most concerned about Lin Feng at this time, she immediately caught Lin Feng and began to check Lin Feng's physical condition.

Mingyue Xianzun is obviously most concerned about her disciple of Mingyue Palace, and Qiao Ning.

At this time, Emperor Xuan sealed the volcano with great mana.

Xuan Zhenghao moved the Bagua Pill furnace out of the crater.

Hei Yi Suzhen found that Lin Feng's condition was not serious. The wounds on his body quickly recovered, scabs, and new muscles were growing.

His ability to mutate and evolve is even better than that of Emperor Moro. The difference is that Moro has no magic power. But Lin Feng is also unmatched in mana.

In Lin Feng's body, the mana was still surging.

For the time being, Lin Feng couldn't use his power yet. He must take a while to digest the power in his body.

Black Suzhen didn't think too much, and then used ball lightning to condition Lin Feng's body!

That ball lightning is different from the previous lightning, this kind of lightning has a special power. That is to seek a point, for example, a piece of paper in a book can be cut to pieces. But the other pages are intact and can be chopped down with a flash of lightning. The first page is ruined, and the second is good. The third page is ruined again!

This is a very precise power!

Under the control of Suzhen Black, the spherical lightning quickly invaded Lin Feng's body, tempering all the unsurpassed impurities in Lin Feng's body.

When Black Suzhen continued to adjust like this, she also felt secretly shocked. The progress of her cultivation base at the beginning was absolutely amazing, but compared with Lin Feng's improvement, it was a little insignificant. She also felt Lin Feng's physical condition.

Hei Yi Suzhen knew that Lin Feng's situation was irreproducible.

It is someone else who has died thousands of times. However, Lin Feng relied on the infinite reshaping of his body to forcefully walk to this step. Under the conditioning of her spherical lightning, Lin Feng's body quickly recovered, and all impurities and non-surrendering forces were suppressed.

Lin Feng quickly returned to his normal state, but there were still some conditions in his body, but it didn't matter. These situations are fatal to others. But for him, it was just drizzle.

After Lin Feng woke up, Suzhen in black also withdrew her hand. Lin Feng got up and said solemnly to Suzhen in black, "Thank you!"

Black Suzhen said lightly: "No need!"

Lin Feng said no more.

In the Eight Diagrams Pill Furnace, Qiao Ning, Jian Hongchen and a group of friends, as long as they were alive, were picked up by Xuan Zhenghao.

Several disciples died in Mingyue Palace, but many disciples also survived. Those who survived became virtual immortals.

Jian Hongchen was naturally fine. Qiao Ning is fine, she has already reached the cultivation base of the middle stage of Xuxian, and in a short time, she will reach the peak of Xuxian. But Su Yanran was seriously injured and still had not been promoted to Xuxian, but was in the middle of the tenth heaven.

It was Qiao Ning who had been protecting her so that she could survive.

In the Eight Diagrams Pill Furnace, the dead master, whose body and soul all nourished the Eight Diagrams Pill Furnace itself, and has turned into nothingness. About two thousand and two hundred masters survived. All are for Xu Xianxiu!

Here is another problem, that is, it is still not enough. There are still two hundred virtual immortal masters!

Xuan Zhenghao didn’t say much, he rushed to Dixuan and said, “Then please take some people to the Protoss, Yuntianzong, and Yuhuamen to borrow some virtual immortals. As long as they are willing to lend 60 masters to them, One party of 10 billion pure Yang pill."

Di Xuan nodded and said, "Okay! If you don't borrow, this great emperor will demolish their mountain gate."

After that, Di Xuan left directly.

"Aren't they still twenty?" Suzhen in black asked Xuan Zhenghao. "This still means that Emperor Xuan can successfully borrow it."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "It's not a big problem. There are so many masters here. Give them some rewards and let them invite ten or twenty friends. That's okay."

Right now, Xuan Zhenghao summoned some masters who were not in the furnace. He gave a reward, as long as anyone can invite an imaginary fairy to come, he will be rewarded with 500 million pure Yang pill. Friends who are invited are not rewarded. This is Xuan Zhenghao's calculation. If all the invited are given rewards, wouldn't these three thousand virtual immortals be unbalanced?

Xuan Zhenghao only said: "After the attack on Yuqingmen, everyone who survived will still have one billion pure Yang pill."

Xuan Zhenghao's 100 trillion pure Yang River could also make him qualified to boast such a Haikou.

Dixuan went to borrow people, but it was also very smooth, and within a day one hundred and fifty virtual immortals were found. It is true that the three major factions do not have so many in their hands.

The three factions are not enthusiastic about the old ways, mainly because the cultivation base of Emperor Xuan is here. There is a stick on one side and carrots on the other. What can the three factions do? Are you waiting for Emperor Xuan to destroy the door?

Those who are willing to come have heard that there will be a large number of pills after the incident, so it is not too reluctant.

Everyone is here.

And those other casual cultivators who went to invite and returned within two days, really brought a group of masters back.

A total of more than fifty people were brought back, so the number of three thousand was officially collected at this moment.

Di Xuan finally sighed to Xuan Zhenghao and said, "You can do it this time thanks to the river of pure Yang. If there is no river of pure Yang, what would you do?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "There are no ifs in everything. The occurrence of major historical events is often formed by accident and inevitable. Therefore, I will not think about what would happen if you did not."

Di Xuan said: "I asked you to cooperate in the first place because I wanted to fool you. Now I feel like being fooled by you every day!"

He has been in contact with Xuan Zhenghao for a long time, and he also understands the two modern words of Huyou.

Xuan Zhenghao smiled and said, "In the future, you will not regret today's decision."

The number of three thousand has been gathered!

Because Su Yanran was seriously injured, she didn't have to participate in this operation, so she went back to Tianchi Pavilion. Di Xuan admired Su Yanran very much, and gave her some healing medicine.

Later, Xuan Zhenghao persuaded Qiao Ning: "A lot of people will die in the fire formation this time. I advise you not to go in for danger. Your life is noble than them. If Luo Jun saves it, and But something happened to you. How should I explain to Luo Jun? Doesn't Luo Jun want to hold hate for life?"

Qiao Ning's eyes were firm, and she said, "Situ Ling'er went to dangerous places to save the Luo army and died nine years ago. Shen Mo Nong was in the rear to stabilize everything, and if I only watched you work hard and bleed, I can't do it. Everyone All will die. If I die in it, this is my fate. If it is my fate, I accept my fate."

Her eyes are tough, firm, and beyond doubt!

Xuan Zhenghao couldn't help but respect Qiao Ning.

Therefore, Xuan Zhenghao also agreed to join Qiao Ning.

Next, Xuan Zhenghao deployed the fire array.

The heavenly formation, headed by Shenlong Xiaojiu and Luo Xue, led the remaining eleven Destiny's to preside.

The thunder array is naturally Suzhen in black.

The wind array was hosted by Di Xuan alone.

Including Mingyue Xianzun and others, Ling Yunfeng, etc., all joined the fire formation.

It is the joining of all these people that the real number is three thousand.

In order to make up enough, Lin Feng also went into the fire.

Bai Yunzhong, Steward Du and his party were also in the fire formation.

The fire array is hosted by the red scarf!

Then there are four guardian beasts guarding the Quartet of the mountain and river. Xuan Zhenghao presides over the central battle!

The river of pure sun hangs from the sky!

The last thing, that is to draw the power of the world from Tianzhou...

Xuan Zhenghao manages the Tianlei Wind and Fire Array, and there is also the existence of Shenlong Xiaojiu, the king of destiny in Tianzhou. With the will of heaven and the help of the four patron saints, it is easy to draw the power of the world in this way!

Only this kind of power can truly control the world power of Tianzhou!

At that moment, the Tianlei Wind and Fire Array was completely activated!

The mountain and river Sheji map infinitely expands in the air, covering the entire sky, which means that the entire Tianzhou is under the shroud of the mountain and river Sheji map.

In Tianzhou, the magicians who had not participated in this battle looked up at the sky and saw...

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