"As long as we join Qingshan Sect, you can guarantee that we pass the trial of the Holy Clan Law?"

"This... are you kidding?"

"Li Qingyun, do you know what the consequences of playing tricks on us are?"

After Li Qingyun finished speaking, it was no surprise that several voices of doubt rang out in the field. Google Search Reading

It is true that those arrogant geniuses believed Li Qingyun's words with just a few words.

Li Qingyun just stood quietly in front of everyone, his clothes fluttering in the wind: "Everyone, this is all I have to say. If you want to join Qingshan Sect and change your fate, just come. If you just want to gamble your life, you can participate in the Holy Clan Law Trial on your own."

After saying this, Li Qingyun stopped talking and just stood there quietly.

At this moment, the abandoned geniuses on the scene exchanged glances quickly, as if they were considering Li Qingyun's statement.

But it was obvious that most people's eyes were full of doubts.

"Why should we trust you?" A young cultivator who seemed to be in the realm of peeping the truth looked at Li Qingyun and asked cautiously.

Although this person's cultivation was in the realm of peeping the truth, his physical cultivation was quite weak, and it seemed that he was only comparable to the second and third grade magic weapons of the earth level.

He was the son of a nine-star great sect-level force called Qianling Sect. He had good talent and was the focus of training, but because his physical talent was too weak, he was directly abandoned by the elder who took him to the restricted area for trial.

"Yes, your cultivation is only the Four Symbols Realm. Even if you have outstanding qualities, you are just a cultivator of the same generation as us. It's good enough that you can pass the trial of the Saint Clan Law by yourself. Can you also help us pass it?"

Another cultivator wearing a jade crown also questioned.

As soon as these words came out, the hearts of the young cultivators present trembled. They knew very well what this peer meant.

Most of their peers were directly abandoned by the king-level elders present as abandoned children. In the eyes of these elders and king-level strongmen, they were all burdens and waste.

This Li Qingyun... on what basis?

"Oh? Do you think I'm the same as you?" Li Qingyun curled his lips and said to everyone: "Then take a good look, do these elders look at me the same way they look at you?"

Everyone turned around and looked at the elders who were watching on the side, and they were stunned.


They remembered clearly that when these king-making elders abandoned them, the look in their eyes was cold, ruthless, and impatient, with only a few traces of regret at most.

But at this time, when they looked at Li Qingyun, their eyes were full of deep fear!

That was... the look of looking at an opponent!

Could it be that... this Li Qingyun is already qualified to be the opponent of the king-making strongman?

Li Qingyun looked at the expressions of the crowd with satisfaction, and said lightly: "Everyone, can you consider my proposal now?"

"Hmph!" Before everyone spoke, one of the elders on the side snorted coldly: "Young man, although we are quite afraid of you and admit that you are a tough opponent, we don't think you can help the people present pass the Saint Clan Trial.

Li Qingyun curled his lips and ignored the provocative elder, but continued to look at the disciples: "How about, everyone, join Qingshan Sect and change a way out."

At this time, a considerable number of people have begun to be tempted.

Yes, since it is a dead end, why not give it a try?

But there are still some people who are hesitant...

At this time, the provocative voice of the elder sounded again: "Li Qingyun, the requirements of this Saint Clan Trial are extremely high. Those whose bodies have reached the seventh and eighth grades of the Earth Rank may still have a glimmer of hope, but here, most of them are below the seventh grade of the Earth Rank. They have no chance of passing the Saint Clan Trial! "

Li Qingyun raised his eyebrows and turned to the disciples: "He said you can't pass."


The young man in the realm of truth stood up and cursed: "These old dogs are too bullying. I can't stand them anymore!"

"I'm joining Qingshan Sect! No matter what, I'm going to fight this old dog!"

"He doesn't want me to join Qingshan Sect, so I'll join!"

After saying that, he stood directly behind Li Qingyun.

When Li Qingyun heard the young man scolding the elders as old dogs, he couldn't help but burst into laughter. The face of the elder who had just spoken also darkened in an instant, with blue and purple patches.

As the young man in the realm of truth cursed and announced his joining, several people immediately began to echo,

"Yeah! I didn't have any hope of success. Why not believe what Li Qingyun said and give it a try? What if I succeeded!"

"This Li Qingyun is so magical. There is always a wonderful way. Maybe it's really possible! I'm joining too! "

"I'll try too!"

As one person joined, several people joined, and hundreds of abandoned Tianjiao from the Chaos Star Region all clamored and stood behind Li Qingyun, looking like they were going to join the Qingshan Sect.

There are a total of 693 forces in the Chaos Star Region coveting the Ghost Sea Forbidden Zone, so 693 Saints entered here.

And the Saint is often the weakest person in a force, and the others are at least a strong person in the Dao Realm.

Therefore, the hundreds of abandoned disciples are all disciples with the status of Saints.

Seeing this, Li Qingyun looked at the elder proudly: "This elder, how is it?"

The elder glared at Li Qingyun fiercely: "Although I don't know what you want to do, it will be futile for you to do so!"

"Even if you have a way to temporarily improve their physical bodies, it is useless in front of the Saint Trial that tests talent!"

Li Qingyun just shrugged and ignored him, turning to look at the people behind him, "Everyone, since I, Li Qingyun, have promised to let you join Qingshan Sect, then I will definitely let you join, and I will not deceive you. When the trial is over, you can sign a blood contract and join Qingshan Sect."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"System, these disciples are all from nine-star sects, and they are all saints. If I take them away, I should be able to add a lot of genius points, right?" Li Qingyun secretly asked the system.

He remembered that when he tricked Byron to come to Qingshan Sect, because Byron was a core disciple of a hall-level sect, he got a lot of genius points. Today, he snatched some saints from some nine-star sects, and he should also get a lot of rewards.

System: "The host's judgment is correct. According to the system detection, there are 590 nine-star grand sect-level saints behind the host. If all of them are accepted into the Qingshan Sect, the host will gain... 900 million genius points and reputation points."

Li Qingyun: "!!!"

I am really smart! I have a business mind that no one can match!

I made a big deal so easily!

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