When Chairman Yu Qin was shocked by the shopping guide's words and ran out, she found that Ye Yang had already grabbed a handful of imitation fine jewelry and waved at her:"By the way, bring me the real ones as well.""


Yu Qin only glanced at the jewelry in Ye Yang's hand and was so frightened that she almost fell to the ground!

The cheapest of these jewelry is worth tens of millions. Such a large number must be worth at least hundreds of millions!

The entire jewelry chain may not be able to sell such high-value jewelry in a year!

Today, all of them were grabbed by a young man.

He said that he bought all these jewelry.……

"Sir, you have basically cleared out all the treasures of our store.……"

Yu Qin took a long time to calm down, and said with numb lips:

"Hmm? I just picked the ones that looked good."

Ye Yang smiled and said,"It seems that I have a good eye. All the ones I picked are pretty good."

"What is good?……!!!"

Yu Qin screamed inwardly.

These jewels, in the international jewel world, are all famous!

Owning one is enough to shine in the upper social circles. There are a lot of jewels of this level.

She has been in the jewel world for more than ten years, but this is the first time she has seen

"Excuse me, sir, you are so magnanimous, Yu Qin has never seen such a person in her life.……"

Yu Qin asked cautiously:"However, the value of these jewels is too great. You still need to prove your assets before we can safely deliver them to you from the safe warehouse.……"

"Is this enough?"

Ye Yang understood what Yu Qin meant halfway through listening, and directly took out the Centurion Black Gold Card and threw it to the other party:"Pick up the goods as soon as possible, and swipe the card by the way"

"……Centurion Black Gold Card!"

Yu Qin saw the pattern on the card and felt the unique touch. She immediately became alert. She no longer had any doubts.

What a joke.

Even in China, the credit limit of the Centurion Black Gold Card is over 10 billion!

Not to mention internationally, its overdraft limit is theoretically unlimited!

These jewels seemed extremely precious to her, but when the value was really calculated, the total was not even one tenth of the overdraft limit in China!

This kind of super identity certificate that only trillionaires have.

It already said it all!

"Sir, I will contact the safe warehouse immediately and ensure that it will be delivered immediately!"

How could Yu Qin dare to neglect such a super-rich man?

The overdraft limit of his bank card was higher than the market value of her company.……


Ye Yang nodded slightly.

As expected.

After revealing his Black Gold Card identity, the real bodies of the jewels he selected were quickly escorted over.

"This is yours, this is yours."

Ye Yang said casually, as if he was handing out candy to a child.

Yu Qin, who was standing by, was extremely envious.

"Alas... Although he is a little fickle, this super rich man is still very charming! I really want to be the fifth one……"

She began to have wild thoughts. She had obviously misunderstood the relationship between the four girls and Ye Yang.

"Well, this is perfect."

Ye Yang looked at the four girls wearing top-grade jewelry. These jewelry were like the finishing touch, which made the temperament of the four girls much better.

Looking at the sky, Ye Yang also smiled:"I have almost finished buying, and it's time to take you to see the surprises I prepared for you."

Ye Xiaozi blinked:"Today's surprises are not considered surprises! ?"

In her opinion, Ye Yang has been giving her constant surprises all day long!

One wave is bigger than the other!

There are even reserved items! ?

"Of course."

Ye Yang smiled and rubbed Ye Xiaozi's forehead, tilting his head handsomely:"Come on, I'll take you to see it now.""

"Boss Ye, take care~"

Yu Qin looked at the five people leaving with envy, and the beautiful thoughts in her heart continued……

""Alas...if I were ten years younger, I would definitely compete with these little girls, haha!"

At this time, the sun had completely set.

The extended version of Bentley Mulsanne traveled through the prosperous Night Demon City streets.

Finally, it stopped at the gate of Linjiang Community.

At this time, at the gate of Linjiang Community, there was a fiery Ferrari LaFerrari.

This extremely sexy and extremely expensive Ferrari company's aesthetics, just parked here, attracted countless envious eyes.


The Ferrari*LaFerrari, which had been silent for a long time, shined at this time.

Yu Momo walked out of it wearing black stockings, bowed with a smile:"Boss~"

Ye Yang nodded with a smile:"Well done."

After getting the car keys, he turned around and looked at Ye Xiaozi:"Xiao Zi, from now on, it belongs to you"


Ye Xiaozi hesitated for a moment, and under Ye Yang's encouraging gaze, she took the car keys tremblingly.

"Ferrari*LaFerrari, more than 30 million!"

Li Wanrou praised, but she fell silent halfway through her words.

Because Ye Yang actually sighed and said helplessly:

"Xiao Zi, you haven't graduated yet, so I can't give you a very nice car. When you get into a good university, I'll give you a better one!"

Li Wanrou was furious: Listen, is this human language?!!!

(Third update, one more to go)

(Thanks to book friend Yan Xi for the mountain climbing invitation, and thanks to book friend 1139/3799 for the mooncakes~)

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