
Ye Yang raised his eyebrows, took the crystal album, and flipped through it casually.

The photographers are indeed masters.

The moments captured are either warm or funny, and each one makes people feel very comfortable.

""You've put in a lot of effort."

He nodded and put away the photo album.


We have prepared five identical photo albums in total, one for each person. Just leave your address and we will send a professional to deliver the album to your door.


Ye Yang also gave the address information.

Li Wanrou smiled and shook her head.

Normally, the highest-level tickets do have a snapshot service, but this is so thoughtful that each person is given a photo album and even personally sent home!?

I have never heard of this...

Obviously, this is all because of Boss Ye's status!

After eating the Xinghai dinner and getting off the cruise ship,

Ye Yang and the four girls were led by the princess waiters and walked out of Disneyland.

"Boss Ye has left?"

"Is there a smile on your face?"


"Finally left……"

In the office area, all the senior executives breathed a sigh of relief after receiving the confirmation from the security captain.

"It seems that the boss had a lot of fun today."

"Finally I can rest assured."

Originally, all the Disney executives wanted to see Ye Yang off at the door.

But considering that Boss Ye wanted to have a real experience, they did not dare to do so.

""Huh... I had so much fun today!"

Ye Xiaozi jumped up and down, feeling relieved.

After all, she had been carrying the hopes of the whole family in her studies and life, and everything in the future depended on her own efforts.

But now that her brother had suddenly become so awesome, she felt a lot more relaxed.

Seeing Ye Xiaozi's relaxed and happy look, Ye Yang felt a little warm in his heart.

It was sunset now, and the golden twilight sprinkled on the street, making people feel warm.


Walking to the parking lot, Ye Yang raised his eyebrows slightly.

The parking lot was mostly occupied by tourists who came to Disneyland.

Therefore, luxury cars were not in the majority.

One could tell at a glance that his unique and ridiculously long"first-class cabin on land".

At this time, in front of the stretched Bentley Mulsanne, there was a rather cool-looking internet celebrity sitting in the front of the car, posing and talking to the camera.

Her killer boyfriend was also constantly changing positions to take pictures of her. After taking pictures for a long time and changing several poses, he was still not satisfied. He almost lay on the ground and took a full upward angle shot.

The tourists around were also looking at these two people with envy.

Obviously, they thought they were the owners of this luxury car.

If they were not the owners, how could they dare to touch such a luxury car like this!? If they caused any damage to the car, it would not be enough to pay for it even if they spent their whole life!

"My family, you all said I was bragging before, but now you see my strength, right?! Haha, thank you for the carnival, big brother~ I love you!"

The female anchor with a red face flirted with Ye Yang while rubbing his car to show off.

"Do you believe it now? I am a successful person! An independent woman of the new era! A female CEO! I made my first 10 million when I was 12 years old.……"

The barrage also became heated at this time

"Oh my god! She is actually a real female CEO! It’s amazing… This is a custom-made extended Bentley Mulsanne! The full price is tens of millions!"

"Queen Lili is awesome! She is indeed the representative of independent women in our new era!"


Internet celebrity Lili winked and raised her lips. Seeing that she had built a successful and independent female CEO image, she began to brainwash people:

"Sisters, don't love men who don't give you anything at all!"

"If a man doesn't give you money, or has money but doesn't spend time with you, he is not worthy of your youth!"

"My senior sister made 10 million at the age of 12, and had assets of over 100 million at the age of 15!!! What did she rely on?"

"I have achieved this through my own efforts as an independent woman! Women, you should be your own queen! Invest in yourself! Men, go to hell!"The live broadcast room became even more lively.

"That's right! Queen Lili is so right! I am completely convinced by her!"

"This is our role model!"

"Too cool! ? I want to record the screen and send it to my useless boyfriend later! He delivers food from morning to night every day, and only makes about 10,000 yuan a month! He can't even support me! I don't even have enough money to buy cosmetics for my girlfriends to go clubbing every month!" This teased the audience.

Internet celebrity Lili quickly took advantage of the situation and said,"Sisters! Do you want to know why I am so successful? Just click on the cosmetics link below and buy 100 copies, and I will send you my secret to success in private message!"

The audience in the live broadcast room began to place orders crazily.

Seeing the sales soaring, Internet celebrity Lili's mouth was almost up to the sky.


Ye Yang watched her bragging with great interest. He thought this woman was so awesome, but in the end, she was still a fool who tricked her stupid fans into buying fake products and collected IQ tax. He couldn't help but burst out laughing.

If she hadn't given the product link in the end, Ye Yang would have applauded her.

Several girls around him also had goose bumps from embarrassment.

It was the first time he had seen such a stupid live broadcast routine in real life, but the effect seemed to be really good...?!

No wonder the toxic chicken soup culture is so popular now...

(Second update, there are two more~

Thanks to book friends 3702/7696 for the mooncakes~)

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