"Sister Rourou, you'll know in a moment, my brother is really handsome!"

Ye Xiaozi said happily as she walked with a beautiful girl in a sailor suit.

"I know, I know, didn't you show me the photo? He is indeed handsome.……"

Li Wanrou smiled and said.

She could guess a little bit about her best friend's little thoughts, but she had never had any feelings for anyone since she was a child, so she was a little shy about what happened today.

"Hiss… Two beauties appear together, the most beautiful scenery of Baoli High School!"

Many students who saw this scene along the way were stunned.

Baoli, an aristocratic high school, naturally has a school beauty list.

Among them, Li Wanrou is the first, and Ye Xiaozi can only be ranked second because she lacks aristocratic status, but many people secretly call her the goddess of the common people.

Li Wanrou has excellent appearance, family background, and academic performance. She is ranked first, and she deserves it.

""Alas, if I could pick up one of them, I would be a romantic girl even if I became a ghost!"

Some boys said foolishly.

"Just you? You are a toad wanting to eat swan meat! The money that Li Wanrou spends on a pair of shoes is enough for your family to earn in a year."

The tall, rich and handsome man on the side criticized the man with glasses in front of him and straightened his collar:"Only a tall, rich and handsome man like me can barely match these two goddesses!"


The man with glasses sneered:"It's a joke. At least on the road to chasing the goddess, you and I are at the same starting point!"


The tall, rich and handsome man shrugged, showing disdain for the glasses man's words.

"I think you two should stop arguing. Even Young Master Wang has been chasing you for so long but still can't get you. What are you two worth in front of Young Master Wang?"

Someone behind him added.


At this moment, the tall, rich, handsome guy and the guy with glasses all wilted.

The family assets of the tall, rich, handsome guy are just a few hundred million. Compared with Wang Taihao, the leader of the four young masters of Baoli, there is indeed a difference between a firefly and a bright moon.

Baoli has a list of school beauties, and naturally there is also a list of male gods.

Wang Taihao is a legendary figure of Baoli, ranking first on the list of male gods, the list of young masters, and the list of scumbags. He has an absurdly rich family background, is handsome, and knows how to play with girls' emotions. Although many boys superficially rate Wang Taihao as the number one scumbag in Baoli, they are secretly envious and wish they were Wang Taihao, who could maneuver freely and win everything.

"At the beginning, Wang Shao boasted that he would kill the entire school beauty list."

"Now, eight of the top ten campus beauties have been conquered by others, and only these two are still holding on. But I guess it's only a matter of time before they"

""You dare to have improper thoughts about Master Wang's prey?"

During the discussion, the tall, rich and handsome man and the man with glasses sighed deeply.

Yes... they can only talk about it to get high. If they really want to chase him, they dare not do it at all.

"Whoosh whoosh……"

The roar of a helicopter was heard.

Several people looked up at the sky in confusion.

"Holy shit! What the hell! Several helicopters!"


""A helicopter!"

The roar attracted many students to watch.

Sunday is the most relaxing day at Baoli High School, so naturally there are many students watching.

"hula la……"

Countless rose petals fell from the helicopter.

It was like a flower rain, covering the entire main road of Baoli High School.……

"Flower rain!"

"Oh my god, so beautiful, so romantic! Is this rich young man going to confess his love again? Is he going to confess his love to me! ?"

Many girls began to fantasize.

"Stop daydreaming, don't you see who is at the center of the rain of flowers?"

The male classmate next to him said coldly

"Uh uh... okay……"

The moment they saw Li Wanrou and Ye Xiaozi, the girls knew that it was impossible for them to be confessed.

These two were the most dazzling pearls of Baoli High School!!!

"Is it possible that Young Master Wang is finally going to launch a general attack!?"

These girls all had starry eyes.

High school is the prime time for girls to be crazy about him. Even a young man who is far away and has nothing to do with her can be called her husband and she will cry and scream in obsession.

Not to mention the superstar rich second generation who lives next to them.

Knowing what kind of person he is, these girls also wish they could be on the list of school beauties and spend two days with Wang Taihao.

"So sour! It's a great honor to be chosen by Wang Shao, but these two people still don't agree! If I had, I would have cleaned myself up and sent myself to his door."

Some girls said indignantly

"That's it.……"

Her best friends naturally shared similar values with her and nodded in agreement.


In the rain of roses, a handsome and beautiful Bugatti Veyron came by.

A boy in sunglasses holding flowers walked out of the car. The boy was dressed in luxury goods and looked very cool.

He tossed his hair and handed the flowers out with one hand, thinking he was very handsome. He looked at Ye Xiaozi and raised a wicked smile like a"domineering president" at the corner of his mouth:"Xiaozi, can you be my girlfriend?"


"Ahhh! This is so romantic! If I were Ye Xiaozi, I would be so moved that I would cry! I would just agree to it!"

The girls at the scene all screamed.

""Do you think the campus beauty is as casual as you?" the male classmate said disdainfully.

At this moment of public attention, the arrival of a super luxury car directly diverted everyone's attention.

In the car, Ye Yang watched with interest the scene of the helicopter scattering flowers in front of him:"The scene is quite big, and I don't know what kind of helicopter is doing.……"


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