
Looking at the hot comments, Ye Yang couldn't help laughing out loud

"What's wrong, boss?"

Xiao Xiaozhu leaned over and saw Xiao Qingxuan's heroic figure ranked first on the hot list. He smiled mischievously and tapped Xiao Qingxuan's shoulder who was driving in front of him:"Hey! You're famous! You're going to be a big star.!"


After Xiao Qingxuan parked the car, she also opened Douyin.

The first screen showed the video of her beating six people with one hammer.

""Tsk, what a fuss."

She shrugged.

If she posted a video of her beating hundreds of mercenaries on an international battlefield, wouldn't she be deified?!

In fact, she knew quite a few such people, some of whom were more powerful than herself.

It's just that the missions they carried out were of a relatively high level, so they were rarely photographed by the public.

"Some people say this is a new type of hype, to make you the next big star!"

Xiao Xiaozhu said with a smile:"Don't forget to respect your sister when you become a big star!"

"Get lost, you little rich woman, who needs respect?……"

Xiao Qingxuan rolled her eyes. Xiao

Xiaozhu always took the lion's share of the task. Although she also had more than a billion in assets, she was still far behind Xiao Xiaozhu.

""Tsk, you stingy guy."

Xiao Xiaozhu pouted.

Ye Yang smiled as he watched the two women bickering.

Suddenly, a phone call came in.

"Brother Ye, is that you in the video? Although it's a little blurry……"

It turned out to be Lin Xueer.

She is a Tik Tok anchor, so she would check the hot list when she has nothing to do.

"Huh? Yes."

Ye Yang also admitted generously.

"What happened... Are you okay?"

Lin Xueer was also quite worried about Ye Yang.

After all, no matter how rich you are, you can't stand being entangled by scoundrels. If you are targeted by trash, it will still be very troublesome.

"It's okay, it's all solved."

Ye Yang smiled and said,"If they want to sue, I happen to have a law firm under me."


Lin Xueer finally felt relieved and hung up the phone.


Just as he put down the phone, Fang Han sent him a message on WeChat.


Originally Ye Yang wanted to talk to the other party, but he didn't expect the other party to come to him first.

"Boss Ye, we already know about your situation."

Fang Han also uploaded the video from Douyin.

"Well, what do you think about this matter? How much compensation do you need to pay?"

Ye Yang replied

"Pay money? No! Just leave it to us. We can not only make them pay back, but also send them to jail for a few years."

Fang Han was full of confidence.

"So awesome?"

Ye Yang was a little surprised. After all, although the other party was the first to attack tonight, Xiao Qingxuan beat the other party so badly that he could not even see his human form.

"Of course. There are two types of settlements now: private and public. If you want to settle privately, we are sure to get a settlement fee of no less than 10 million, and they will beg to give it to us.

Fang Han replied confidently.


"Are you sure it's 10 million?"

Ye Yang was a little confused. He thought he had to pay for the medical expenses, but now it seems that the other party has to compensate him!?

"That's right. Because what they want to protect is the entire network of relationships in the Magic City, and the many people involved in this gray industry."

Fang Han replied:"The 10 million I mentioned is just the worst case scenario. In an ideal situation, we can get about 100 million."


Ye Yang couldn't help but applaud Fang Han. What is an international lawyer? This is it!

Having an awesome law firm in hand is simply a magical weapon!

"Then I'll leave this matter to you."

Ye Yang said with a smile

"Is that public?……"

Fang Han was somewhat confused

"Do you think I'm short of money?"

Ye Yang asked back

"Clearly understood!

Fang Han secretly cursed himself for being such a fool for not understanding Boss Ye’s intention.

"By the way, the money spent on the lawsuit should be paid by me, so I will be reimbursed."

Ye Yang said with a smile.

With a system that allows you to get rich by spending money, he certainly cannot let go of any opportunity to spend money.……


Classmates' gathering, late night snack stall, this day is quite pleasant.

Ye Yang collapsed comfortably on the Becker sofa in the hall, casually glanced at the classmates' group, but he didn't expect that the group was hot again.

"Is this Ye Yang?"

"Although Ye Yang only has a side profile, I can recognize the two beauties beside him even if they turned into ashes!"

"Fuck, he actually has two girlfriends and brought them both out! So fucking awesome!"

"I, Boss Ye, am awesome, how can I not do that?"

Zheng Xian said dissatisfiedly

"No, no, no, Brother Zheng, I'm just envious.……"


"By the way, why are all the speakers tonight male? Where are those girls who like to chat in the group?"

"Ouch, please don’t say that. I had diarrhea as soon as I got home tonight… 呜呜呜… I’m still squatting in the toilet, so it’s not convenient for me to type."

"I suspect there is something wrong with the food at Han Ge……"

"Haha, is it because your poor stomach cannot enjoy such high-end food? We didn't feel anything at all, we even felt refreshed!"

The male students kept saying


Watching the discussion among his classmates,

Ye Yang looked at Xiao Xiaozhu beside him with a dark face.

Xiao Xiaozhu stuck out her tongue mischievously and said proudly,"Who asked them to steal my temporary boyfriend in front of me!"


Xiao Xiaozhu's drugging skills were really amazing, even Ye Yang didn't notice it at all.

Ye Yang smiled bitterly and gave Xiao Xiaozhu a thumbs up, well done!

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