After searching for Ye Yang, the following list of house owners is all his.……

"This… this, this, this, how many are there?"

The security guard kept scrolling the mouse, but he couldn't get to the bottom of it after a long time.

"From Building A, Unit 1, 101, one after another... until the last large flat on the 18th floor of Building G, Unit 7, all the owner information was the same, all Ye Yang!"

I refreshed it several times, and it was the same all the time.

Thinking of what Ye Yang had said just now

"Just enter a room number, all the houses here are mine……"

Several security guards looked at Ye Yang in shock, their minds blank.

"What? Did you find out?"

Ye Yang frowned, looking at the stupid looks of the security guards. Did you find out?……

"Of course!!!"

Several security guards were looking at Ye Yang enthusiastically at this time, saluted directly, and said respectfully:"After verification, you are indeed the only owner of the community!!!"

Peng Feiyu, who was still showing his teeth and claws, was stunned in an instant. Is my ear broken!?

Am I crazy? Or is this world abnormal!?

At least the community with an output value of 30 to 50 billion is owned by this kid who looks only in his twenties and is the same as himself!?

This kid is richer than his father!?

Dai Luoluo's eyes suddenly became hot.

She forgot that she was still mocking Ye Yang just now! No matter how powerful Peng Feiyu is, he is still a rich second generation. He has to beg his family for money when he can finally take out some money.

But Ye Yang is different!

He drives a luxury car and has tens of billions of real estate under his name. Who knows if he has other assets!? He is definitely a super rich first generation!

If you estimate the value, I don’t know how many times better he is than Peng Feiyu!

"It's really... true!"

Fang Sijin covered her mouth, looking at the young man in front of her with disbelief.

The other party seemed to be younger than her!

The whole Linjiang Community is already his!?

A big customer!

A super big customer!!!

Doesn't that mean... at least 2,000 houses in his hands!?

What kind of concept is this!?

If all these houses are rented out, the commission she can get... just thinking about it makes her tremble all over!

"Wow, I didn't expect this guy to be an invisible super rich man!"

The rich wives originally thought Ye Yang was very pleasing to the eye.

Now their eyes turned to him with complicated expressions.

There were even two rich ladies who clapped their daughters' hands, eager to try meaningfully.

"Since there is no problem, then go in."

Ye Yang casually pointed at Peng Feiyu and Dai Luoluo and said,"Remember, these two people are not welcome in this community. If you see them next time, just drive them away."


"Yes Yes Yes……"

Several security guards kept saying

""Hey, hey, brother Ye, don't leave!"

Dai Luoluo immediately put on a smile and wanted to chase after him.

But Ye Yang didn't even turn his head.

He had seen too many beauties.

Although Dai Luoluo was pretty, she was not even worthy of being ranked in his maid group.

Her behavior was so bad and her values were not right.

This kind of woman was not worthy of his eyes at all.

""Madam, please respect yourself!"

Several security guards frowned and pushed Dai Luoluo away.

Dai Luoluo was anxious for a moment, her high heels twisted, and she fell on the bluestone road, grimacing in pain.

""You dare!"

Peng Feiyu was so angry when he saw this scene that he went up to attack.

However, the two security guards were so aggressive and their sneering expressions were like a basin of cold water poured on his head, which made him lose his arrogance.

He bent down repeatedly, wanting to support Dai Luoluo, and said with great distress:"Luoluo, are you okay! ?"


Unexpectedly, Dai Luoluo slapped him directly on the face!

"It's all your fault! You stinky licker! If it weren't for you, would I have missed such a perfect rich man! If you hadn't been leading the rhythm and mocking others today, would my image in his heart have fallen so much!"

"With my image, how could a man not be moved?"


Dai Luoluo was so angry and frustrated, and because she was pushed to the ground, she threw everything out and spoke out her true thoughts.

""Pa pa!"

After slapping Peng Feiyu twice,

Dai Luoluo struggled to get up and limped away angrily.

Peng Feiyu was stunned by the slaps.

He never thought that he was such a thing in the goddess' heart!?

These slaps made him lose the most fragile fantasy in his heart.

It made him extremely painful, and he cried in the street...

The miserable appearance of this pair of dogs and bitches.

In the eyes of many rich women who just entered the community, no one sympathized with them.

Instead, they were quite happy. Many of them regarded Ye Yang as their future son-in-law. They were all family members, so of course they had to protect Ye Yang.

The next step was to choose a house.

In the entire Linjiang community, ten buildings with more than 2,000 houses were all his.

There were only twenty or so. People look at houses.

Naturally, they pick whatever they want.

Everyone can pick the best floor and the best lighting.

However, in high-end communities like Linjiang Community, which are specially built for successful people, every household is actually very comfortable to live in.

The difference is not that big at all.

Every household here is finely decorated and can move in directly with a bag.

Therefore, the efficiency is very fast, and everything was negotiated in just over an hour.

Fang Sijin was also very happy.

She may not get as much commission as she got in this hour today even if she worked hard for a month!

You know, these people have a lease period of at least three or four years, and the rent for such a high-end community is completely different from that of ordinary communities!

More than a dozen houses, each rented for an average of five years, and paid off in one go, it would be close to 20 million!

"Oh, it's so good to be rich. You don't have to do anything. Just lie in bed.���"They will all make a huge amount of money!"

Fang Sijin made a brief calculation.

If the average rent is five years, all the more than 2,000 houses in Linjiang Community will be rented out before September.

Ye Yang will directly make tens of billions!!!

She couldn't help but tremble at the thought of this number.

However, correspondingly, IKEA's agent can also get a lot of commission from it, and she may be able to get at least millions from it!

A monthly income of one million!

Looking at China, it is the dream of most people.

"I have to serve this big money patron well.……"

At this time, everyone in the group had chosen a house.

The atmosphere was quite relaxed.

"Hey? Xiaoye, do you have a girlfriend?"

As they chatted, a group of young women started gossiping.

"You are so young and promising, it would be a pity if you don't have a girlfriend. Look at my daughter, she doesn't have a boyfriend either!"

Ye Yang was slightly stunned.

Could it be that these rich women also work as matchmakers part-time?

"My daughter is pretty good too!"

"There is also my daughter. Although she is only in high school, she will definitely not suffer any loss if you wait! My family is well-off and can offer a dowry of 50 million.~"

"My family has 80 million!"

"Heh, my family is giving away company shares!"

The originally joyful atmosphere suddenly changed.

Ye Yang felt a headache and smiled bitterly.

Other families would ask for more gifts when marrying off their daughters, but these rich ladies have completely different ideas...

When it comes to me, they are all thinking about how to give more dowry!

There is no other way, being handsome is just so invincible...

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