Yundingshan Villa No. 1.

Ye Yang supported the dizzy Lin Xueer and walked into the hall.

"Am I very heavy?……"

Lin Xueer put her arms around Ye Yang's neck, fell on the sofa, and asked with a red face:

"I didn't feel it at all."

Ye Yang is now proficient in Chinese martial arts, and he can do it with just a little effort. Lin Xueer only weighs about 100 pounds, so how could she feel heavy?

"You are drunk, I will take you upstairs to find a bedroom to sleep in."

Villa No. 1 is too big, with six or seven bedrooms of different sizes.

There is also a housekeeper's room and a nanny's room downstairs.

There are nine bedrooms in total.

However, he has not had time to find a housekeeper and a nanny yet.

"Xueer is not drunk!"

Lin Xueer pouted and said unsatisfactorily:"I can still drink!"

"Stop talking nonsense, your face is so red."

Ye Yang's face was pressed in front of Lin Xueer's arms.

There was only a distance of three centimeters between their eyes, and he could feel the fragrance of Lin Xueer's wine-scented Ruolan coming to his nose.


If you continue like this, I won't guarantee your safety.���The beautiful and intoxicating face in front of him, such a great beauty, such close contact, he can even feel the other person's body temperature and softness.

As a normal person, he naturally has the reaction he should have.

Even after his physical fitness improves, his reaction will only be stronger.

"I'm not drunk! I know that the meal just now... was because Brother Ye didn't want me to spend more money.……"

"Xueer has liked Brother Ye for a long time! Now I finally meet you again... This time, I don't want to miss you again!


She stared at Ye Yang and said gently,"Brother Ye... come on.……"



Ye Yang also relaxed his body and mind, and they were both happy.

After a long time, Lin Xueer finally fell into a deep sleep.


Ye Yang scratched his head. Although he knew that he would be ridiculously strong after upgrading his physique, he didn't expect it to be so strong.

Even though he was busy until late at night, he didn't feel weak at all.

He pinched Lin Xueer's smooth face while she was sleeping, and he fell asleep contentedly.

The next day, Ye Yang woke up and turned on his phone.

But he found a lot of messages.

He subconsciously clicked on the message from his sister Ye Xiaozi first.……

‘The other party has received your red envelope’

"Damn! Brother! You are so rich! The sun is rising from the west, and it's five thousand yuan in a flash! Did you win the lottery? /doubt/doubt"

Ye Yang curled his lips, smiled and typed back:"Ah, I won the lottery, is your brother awesome? If it's not enough, ask for more~"

Before the words were sent out, another message came from the other side.

"Wow! Bro, you bought me a new laptop! ? /Surprise"

"I checked online and found out that this laptop costs more than 50,000 yuan! Oh my god! Happiness comes too suddenly.……"

Ye Yang smiled. His sister had been using that old laptop for five or six years and hadn't changed it yet. She kept telling him that she wanted to change it.

"It seems that Jingxi Express is really fast in delivery. It was delivered in one day."

Ye Yang replied

"Sister's Day is coming up in two days, brother, don't forget to pick me up from school and go out for a day! /smirk/cunning"

"??? What is Sister's Day?……"

"You don't even know about Sister's Day, are you out of date?! This is my own rule~ Hehe, actually I just miss you, brother! That's it, see you in two days"


Ye Yang smiled bitterly and shook his head. This girl has been quirky since she was a child.

Ye Xiaozi is a good student, so her family spent a lot of money to send her to a good high school in Shanghai. Although her parents are ordinary people, they still attach great importance to learning.

Because it is a very good high school, the students who go there to study are either from very powerful families or are very good at studying. Ye Xiaozi rarely has the opportunity to go out of school.

It has been a long time since we last saw each other, so it would be nice to pick her up to play on the weekend.

Ye Yang has made up his mind.

He turned his head and glanced at Lin Xueer who was still sleeping. He fought until late at night last night, and he was fine, but Lin Xueer might not be able to get up before noon.

Even if she wakes up, she might be too weak to get out of bed.

"Looks like I need to buy her some good stuff."

"Just last night we had western food, so let's order Chinese food for lunch."

Chinese food is extensive and profound. A dish of boiled cabbage at a state banquet is not comparable to the price of any dish last night. No matter how expensive western food is, it has a price, but Chinese food is expensive, but it is priceless!

Although it is rarely selected by Michelin because of its catering system, Chinese food is the real uncrowned king of the catering industry!

"The best Chinese restaurant in Shanghai should be Han Ge."

If we have to rate it, a restaurant like Han Ge that specializes in the highest-end Chinese food deserves a Michelin five-star rating."

"Hello? Is this Hange? I want to order lunch takeaway."

Ye Yang said casually

"Sorry sir, we are a high-end restaurant and do not accept takeout~"

The beautiful operator of Han Ge twitched her lips in embarrassment when she heard Ye Yang's opening remarks!

What kind of place is Han Ge!?

One dish costs thousands or even tens of thousands!


The word Han Ge doesn't fit him at all!

"Oh? Are you sure?"

Ye Yang sneered:"I plan to order at least one million yuan for this meal. If you are not allowed to order takeout, then I have to change to another restaurant?"

""Wait...wait! What did you say!"

The beauty was completely stunned.

A meal worth millions!?

Han Ge is very high-end, but that is Han Ge's high-end, not her, a small operator's high-end! If she messed up a million-dollar deal, she would be fired soon.

So, she repeatedly called the general manager of Han Ge.

"Hello? Hello Mr. Ye, please tell me what you want. The one just now was a temporary worker and didn't know much. Haha.……"

"Well, I want one of your Han Pavilion's top dishes, which will cost about one million yuan. Send it to me before noon."

Ye Yang said casually.

""Okay, okay, Mr. Ye, please leave your address here."

The general manager said tentatively without revealing his expression.

"Genting No. 1 Villa, no need to say more, right?"

Ye Yang hung up the phone after he finished speaking.

The general manager on the other end of the phone was shocked and his hands were shaking!

Genting No. 1 Villa!

The price is more than 1 billion!

To buy that villa, it is not just about money, the energy and power behind it are top-notch!

Thinking of this, he dared not delay any more and directly notified the kitchen to prepare the dishes.

As soon as he put down the phone, the doorbell of the villa rang.

Ye Yang glanced at the electronic screen casually. It turned out to be Yu Momo and some staff in suits.

He raised his eyebrows and opened the door of the smart voice-controlled villa.

"Boss Ye, the clothes you ordered and the items you bought have all arrived."

Yu Momo was still dressed in a hot professional outfit, like the most caring housekeeper.

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