Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1305 Finale (Part 2)

This meteorite made him realize that the Great Selection was by no means a natural event.

There must be a complete intelligent logic hidden behind this.

Modern civilization relies on this almost "cheating" method to survive the Great Selection...

Could it be that the supernatural power that created this ‘mature and complete intelligent logic’ would really allow such a thing to exist?


He walked out of the medical bay.

He looked at his bracelet.

There is memory implanted in Lieyang III, and as long as there is a trace of nanoparticles, it is enough to reshape the entire mecha.

In this year, Lieyang 3 has already completed self-repair.

"Are you going back?"

A voice came.

Ye Yang turned around in surprise.

With his body and reaction ability, he didn't even notice that there was someone suddenly in the battle fortress.

Her looks are perfect.

Everywhere is perfect, but it is this pure perfection that makes people feel false.

"Who are you?"

Ye Yang asked with a frown.

At least this couldn't be an Earthling.

Could it be aliens?

"My body is a pure energy body. This is the body I created to imitate your human appearance. The reason why I appear as a female is because human men generally have a special tolerance for beautiful women."

The energy body said.

"I come from the center of the galaxy and am one of the regulators of the galactic civilization circle. The earth is located in the tenth area of ​​the second spiral arm. I am responsible for setting up the filters in this planet. I can also be regarded as your guide. "

"Since you can't understand our communication method yet, according to the habits of people on Earth, you can call me Lili."


"That's really... a popular name."

Whether you are a Chinese or a foreigner, it does not seem to be against the rules to be called Lili.

"What is the Galactic Civilization Circle?"

Ye Yang asked.

"The Milky Way is vast, with a scale of one hundred thousand light-years, and is dotted with countless different civilizations and races. Each civilization has its own logic and culture.

Among these countless civilizations, those who have the ability to truly leave their home planet and are qualified to be rated as level one or above can be regarded as members of the Galaxy Civilization Circle. "

"When this kind of civilization appears, the Galactic Supervisory Council will take the initiative to contact it. Just like me in front of you, I am the envoy responsible for welcoming [Earth Humanity], a newly promoted first-level civilization."

Lili sat in front of Ye Yang.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows: "It seems that the Milky Way Civilization Circle does not abide by the laws of the dark forest."

Lili nodded, obviously she already understood the modern civilization of the earth.

"Civilizations are wary of each other, which is a common manifestation in the barbaric period. Everything will move from chaos to order. Just like you humans, who lived in the mountains and forests in the early days, were cannibals who were wary of each other and would kill each other, but eventually they would slowly develop into modern civilization.”

"Among the universes, civilizations are more different and farther apart. This process will be extended indefinitely, but no matter how long it is, it will always take time. It has been at least tens of billions of years since the birth of civilization in the Milky Way. It has been long ago. The general rules of civilization that apply to this galaxy have been formed.”

"That is the Great Civilization Circle. Perhaps it is more appropriate to use what you people on earth call the [Civilization Alliance] to describe it.

But don’t think that the large civilization circle is a simple civilization alliance. This is a form of coexistence of civilizations that you, a species that has just been promoted to the first level of civilization, cannot understand for the time being. Only when you are completely integrated into the circle of civilization can you truly understand the meaning of this term. "

Lili continued: "From the early civilization and barbarism to the current large civilization circle, the Milky Way has experienced too much. War, pain, and the annihilation of civilization are just commonplace."

"So, we figured out the most reasonable way to prevent this from happening."

"Is this the [Grand Screening] system?"

Ye Yang asked.

"That's right."

Lili nodded: "Only civilizations that meet the requirements of the Great Civilization Circle are eligible to successfully advance to the first level civilization and join the Great Civilization Circle. We have written all the requirements into the grand screening process to ensure that they can pass the grand screening. All civilizations must meet our requirements. Only in this way can basic stability be ensured among civilizations.”

"But it is also an arbitrary and crude way, far from being called...justice."

Ye Yang frowned.

"I have never said that the meaning of the existence of a large civilization circle is for the justice of the people on earth."

Lili smiled, and then said seriously:

“There is no good or evil in the universe, there is only truth in the universe.

Those who conform to the truth live, and those who violate the truth die. "

"What is truth?"

Ye Yang asked.

Lili smiled meaningfully and did not tell the answer to this question.

“Does the Great Selection itself have an entity?”

Ye Yang knew that the other party would not tell him anything about the truth, so he continued to ask.

"We will install a trigger mechanism on every planet where life may be born, and its body is in the core of the planet."

"There are such devices on all the planets in your solar system."

Lili said: "Including Mars and Saturn."

"Then the earth's civilization has passed the test?"

Ye Yang asked the most important question.

"Passed, but not completely."

Lili smiled: "But in any case, you are qualified as an individual. If you want, you can join the Pan-Civilization Circle Supervisory Committee and become a supervisor after training."

Ye Yang was stunned.

"The technological chain of Earth civilization has withstood the test, but because of your existence, many indicators have problems. It is a civilization with hidden dangers. The Pan-Civilization Circle Supervisory Committee has set a three-year inspection period for Earth civilization. If you go back, the inspection period will be cancelled on the spot."

Lili said.


Ye Yang was silent for a moment and stopped his plan to go back.

Nothing else.

As long as the so-called filter summons another big meteorite, it will be a dead end.

He doesn't need to struggle.

"I hope they can get through it on their own."

Ye Yang said silently in his heart.

He has done enough.

Destroyed Tongji Society and many extreme associations.

Many extremely unstable factors of mankind have disappeared.

Only some deep-rooted problems are left. When he is here, these problems are not a problem. When he is not here, they will immediately break out.


"You passed the test, so I can reveal this information to you, but Earth civilization has not passed the test yet, so you cannot transmit anything about the galactic civilization back to Earth."

Lili smiled: "Cheating, once is enough."

Ye Yang nodded.

He also wanted to see whether mankind was worth saving, or was it still destined to self-destruction after doing so much?

(Second update)

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