Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,296 The Prophet's Edge


This day.

Ye Yang published an obituary and paid tribute to those who died in the raid.

"They died for a new tomorrow for mankind. They deserve their family and friends, and they deserve to be remembered and cherished by each of us. They gave their lives for our tomorrow. We must not only thank them, but also repay them in a tangible way. them!"

"This is the moment of human nirvana, the darkest hour before dawn."

he concluded.

"We will win the final victory!"

After the speech, everyone felt the feeling of the arrival of the great world. Amidst the earth-shaking struggle and passion, there was blood and sadness.

Soon, Ye Yang established a hero foundation.

Everyone in the world, including himself, has dedicated 5% of his wealth to form this foundation to compensate members who died for a new tomorrow for mankind.

He wanted everyone to clearly understand that the Great Selection was a disaster affecting every human being.

Everyone has the responsibility and obligation to be responsible for this. If you neither want to contribute nor spend money, then just apply to withdraw from human citizenship yourself.

When the three major plans are completed and the solar storm comes, he will resolutely let these people take all their wealth and go to the "empty space" left to face the solar storm.

People do not suffer from scarcity but from inequality.

He knows this very well.

In an apocalyptic environment, making everyone feel fair is countless times more important than offending a small group of humans.

As long as this minority does not exceed 50%, it is acceptable.

If some people sacrificed their lives for this disaster, while some people are hiding at home and enjoying the wonderful fruits of these people's sacrifices.

This kind of unfairness will objectively lead to the disintegration of the overall human will, and will lead to a decrease in efficiency and morale.

After all, who would want to lose their life if they could hide at home and wait for victory?

After all, there are only a few people with lofty consciousness...

This is what he wants to do, and he wants to make these sacrifices receive real and huge rewards.

Rather than a weak compliment.

He wants to make these rats who want to hide in the dark and enjoy the fruits of other people's labor pay whatever price they deserve!


The battle for time continues.

In the following days, the two sides continued to find a balance point in this offensive and defensive battle.

The Tongji Club's losses are huge, but every once in a while, it can always cause some trouble to the Qingtian Project.


However, among Ye Yang's real rewards, all those who participated in Qingtian's plan not only satisfied their righteousness, but also gained huge profits.

Under such stimulation, countless people rushed to make up for Qingtian's plan.

Far from being reduced by the impact of the Kiwanis Club, efficiency is constantly rising.

Soon, three months passed.

"The geomagnetic intensity has weakened to its limit and will disappear completely at any time."

Bai Xiaojing said while holding the latest report.

In the past month, there have been more and more defense vulnerabilities.

Various storms poured in, causing a lot of damage.

Natural disasters have also increased dramatically.

This month alone, more than 100 million people have died due to various natural disasters.

This is especially true for some small and poor countries that do not have popular science and technology, have high population density, do not have enough medical power, and do not have good protective measures.

People die piece by piece.

"Since the disaster broke out, the human population has dropped sharply by at least 700 million."

Bai Xiaojing sighed.

This is all under the circumstances where the three major plans are being implemented as best as possible.

Without these defensive measures, more than half of humanity would have been destroyed by now.

Civilization should have completely collapsed.


"When the Qingtian Plan is completely completed and fully activated, it will have the additional function of stabilizing the land plate. By then, the scope of influence of various natural disasters will be greatly reduced. Humanity will also be much more relaxed."

Said the hurricane manager on the side.

Ye Yang nodded and looked at Jiuzhou Industrial: "How is the completion of the Qingtian Project?"

"It's very close, and if all goes well it could be done today."

The person in charge of Kyushu Industrial smiled.


Completely completed and with some defects, the difference in operating efficiency between these two states is huge.

If Project Qingtian is fully launched, it will be enough to completely block solar storms.

and weaken the impact of most natural disasters.


Although it seems to be in time.

But Ye Yang felt a little uneasy.

Despite the ferocious attacks on Kiwanis in recent months, little has changed.

As an ancient organization that has been hidden for thousands of years, it can't possibly have just this ability, right?

Is it really that he is too strong?

If it were human beings who had developed normally before, they would have completely collapsed.

Has his presence changed everything? !


However, it still feels a little too smooth.

He stood on the observatory and looked into the distance. This was the suburb of Magic City, and he could vaguely see the shadow of Optimus Prime standing in the distance.

Flashes a soothing light and shadow.


Meanwhile, Kiwanis Headquarters.

The atmosphere was silent.

Although they have racked their brains and exhausted all their abilities in the past few months to delay Qingtian's plan.

But the effect is not great.

To put it bluntly, although there are some legacies left by the previous civilization, they are just legacies after all. The previous civilization is not more advanced than today's human beings, and there is not even a space fortress.

And the population they control is only about 500 million.

Compared with the total number of human beings, it is too far behind.

The industrial strength, human resources and weapon levels of both sides are of different magnitudes.

Although the human side is a builder and they are a destroyer, and destruction is much easier than construction, it still cannot make up for this gap. After all, modern civilization still has Ye Yang hanging on the wall.


The prophet Elixis, who had always been calm, stood up.

All the members of the audience looked at him.

The prophet has not moved for a long time.

Like a god, he watched them running around and busying around.

And the prophet had no instructions and no emotional expression.

It seemed that everything had nothing to do with him.

Now, the prophet finally moved! ! !

They all stared at the prophet nervously.

Waiting for his words.

They all knew that the fate of the Prophet Church and the Kiwanis Society hung on the next word of the Prophet.

"The time has come."

The calm eyes of the Prophet Elixis flashed with flames.

He pulled the trigger of his Prophet Chair.

The entire Kiwanis Society base slowly cracked open.

The huge Kiwanis Society headquarters rumbled from the middle to both sides.

The deep and terrifying pit below was revealed.

The congressmen looked down from the edge of the meeting room, and all of them broke out in cold sweat...

(First update)

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